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My Hurricane Wilma Experiance...


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thought i would share this with the Miami Board

Unfortunally, the bitch Wilma did disrupt my vacation as well as the other 30,000 people vacationing in Cancuun, Cozemel and Playa del Carmen.

The 1st four days were great. During the days hung out on the beach, swam in the warm ocean water if not drank Miami Vices and Banana Daqs pool side with the weather being 93 and a slight breeze here and there. And at Night enjoyed a 1st class dinner and then around 10 hit up clubs like CoccO Bongo(got some great pics there), G-Spot, Daddy-Os, La B00M.

Around 10am Wensday, I get a call finding out that the boat that we rented was cancelled due to the sudden tropical storm that was aproaching. Come 2pm find out that a catagory 2 Hurricane in on the way. By 6pm a meeting is held for all guests in wich we find that the hurricane is a now a catagory 5 and that we will be relocating to a shelter away from the hotel zone and in to downtown Cancuun. Also informed for us to bring what we desperetly need and a pillow

Thursday 1pm, buses come to the hotel to transport all guests to the shelter. Arrive to the shelter 20min later and see that a school is transformed into the shelter. The school is 4 floors but only the 1st 2 floors are being used due the force of the storm. Each classroom is being used as housing quarters for the guests and also each clasroom is holding 50 people per classroom. No actual beds but only a cushion fitted for a lounge chair served as per what we had to sleep on for the duration of the time being spent in the shelter. Actually had a nice dinner that nite...some kinda pasta.

Wake up around 8am Friday Morning only to see the hurricane is approaching. Winds are gusting up and rain drops are smackin down. Now at this point, theres no power but they did have 2 generators and oh yea no running water...only way to flush if one needed to shit was to pour a bucked of rainwater in the toliet and the flush. Around 8pm the rain was gettin outta hand that it was comin through the boards in the our room, so we relocated to the hallway. Very very very grim feelin sleepin in the hallway.

Saturday, Oct 22 (the day i was supposed to come home)..The Hurricane is still goin strong and i'm still sleepin in the hallway. Now we are down to 2 meals a day. Only 2 things for me to do; sleep or listen to my cd player. No other options.

Sunday comes around and the hurricane is gone 38 hours later. Now everyone is thinking that we are goin back to the hotel since the Hurricane is over, but thats not the case. Find out all the hotels in the zone are destroyed. So now we realize we are stuck at the shelter and on our own as per gettin outta Cancuun. Still down to 2 meals a day and still sleepin in the hallway.

But Sunday nite marks the start of the Aftermath. People seekin refuge at our shelter, others rioting, others looting, some starting fires and some shooting at our shelter.

Its Monday and its the 1st time day since Wed that you can see the sun in Cancuun. Now the hotel staff comes back to the shelter with all of our luggage and belongings. At this time we are able to move outta the hallway and move into a room on the 3rd floor. So its myself and my family, the other 6 friends i traveled with, 2 girls from Canada. and another family of 4 in a classroom. Big difference from goin from 50 people in a room down to a handful. I was able to pick up a " I survived hurricane Wilma" shirt also on this day. At nite, you were able to smell the smoke from the fires the looters and rioters were starting. Word gets out on how good our shelter gets it so now people want in. Unfortunally, the hotel staff hired their own help to keep these people out.

Its now Tuesday and my 5th day in the shelter. Now people are actually startin to leave and attempting to go home. That didn't work only cuz the the hurricane wrecked most of the airport. Our family is informed that we won't be able to leave the shelter till saturday( 10/29). At this point the morale is down in the family. Later on in the nite, find out reps from the airlines will be meeting wit individuals to discuss options on Wed morning.

Its Wensday morning and its around 10am and people are leaving the shelter and my family is waiting around for some good news. My father comes back around 10:30 and infroms our family we are leaving very soon. Around 11am, 2 vans pull up and drive us to the ariport. These gentlemen turn out to be authroized airline reps and they fill out out boarding pass in the van. its now 12:30pm and my family and the other 6 people i'm with are on a plane to Chicago. Hop on a connector and my plane lands in Newark at 10pm...

All and All this was one of the most horrific experainces of my life. I spent 5 days in a hotel livin like a king and then all of a sudden spendin 6 days in a shelter livin like a bum.

it may not seem that bad to you some of guys but trust me on this, it was very gut-wrentching and took a toll on us physcially and emtionally. I am sure will post more as time goes on

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thought i would share this with the Miami Board

Unfortunally, the bitch Wilma did disrupt my vacation as well as the other 30,000 people vacationing in Cancuun, Cozemel and Playa del Carmen.

The 1st four days were great. During the days hung out on the beach, swam in the warm ocean water if not drank Miami Vices and Banana Daqs pool side with the weather being 93 and a slight breeze here and there. And at Night enjoyed a 1st class dinner and then around 10 hit up clubs like CoccO Bongo(got some great pics there), G-Spot, Daddy-Os, La B00M.

Around 10am Wensday, I get a call finding out that the boat that we rented was cancelled due to the sudden tropical storm that was aproaching. Come 2pm find out that a catagory 2 Hurricane in on the way. By 6pm a meeting is held for all guests in wich we find that the hurricane is a now a catagory 5 and that we will be relocating to a shelter away from the hotel zone and in to downtown Cancuun. Also informed for us to bring what we desperetly need and a pillow

Thursday 1pm, buses come to the hotel to transport all guests to the shelter. Arrive to the shelter 20min later and see that a school is transformed into the shelter. The school is 4 floors but only the 1st 2 floors are being used due the force of the storm. Each classroom is being used as housing quarters for the guests and also each clasroom is holding 50 people per classroom. No actual beds but only a cushion fitted for a lounge chair served as per what we had to sleep on for the duration of the time being spent in the shelter. Actually had a nice dinner that nite...some kinda pasta.

Wake up around 8am Friday Morning only to see the hurricane is approaching. Winds are gusting up and rain drops are smackin down. Now at this point, theres no power but they did have 2 generators and oh yea no running water...only way to flush if one needed to shit was to pour a bucked of rainwater in the toliet and the flush. Around 8pm the rain was gettin outta hand that it was comin through the boards in the our room, so we relocated to the hallway. Very very very grim feelin sleepin in the hallway.

Saturday, Oct 22 (the day i was supposed to come home)..The Hurricane is still goin strong and i'm still sleepin in the hallway. Now we are down to 2 meals a day. Only 2 things for me to do; sleep or listen to my cd player. No other options.

Sunday comes around and the hurricane is gone 38 hours later. Now everyone is thinking that we are goin back to the hotel since the Hurricane is over, but thats not the case. Find out all the hotels in the zone are destroyed. So now we realize we are stuck at the shelter and on our own as per gettin outta Cancuun. Still down to 2 meals a day and still sleepin in the hallway.

But Sunday nite marks the start of the Aftermath. People seekin refuge at our shelter, others rioting, others looting, some starting fires and some shooting at our shelter.

Its Monday and its the 1st time day since Wed that you can see the sun in Cancuun. Now the hotel staff comes back to the shelter with all of our luggage and belongings. At this time we are able to move outta the hallway and move into a room on the 3rd floor. So its myself and my family, the other 6 friends i traveled with, 2 girls from Canada. and another family of 4 in a classroom. Big difference from goin from 50 people in a room down to a handful. I was able to pick up a " I survived hurricane Wilma" shirt also on this day. At nite, you were able to smell the smoke from the fires the looters and rioters were starting. Word gets out on how good our shelter gets it so now people want in. Unfortunally, the hotel staff hired their own help to keep these people out.

Its now Tuesday and my 5th day in the shelter. Now people are actually startin to leave and attempting to go home. That didn't work only cuz the the hurricane wrecked most of the airport. Our family is informed that we won't be able to leave the shelter till saturday( 10/29). At this point the morale is down in the family. Later on in the nite, find out reps from the airlines will be meeting wit individuals to discuss options on Wed morning.

Its Wensday morning and its around 10am and people are leaving the shelter and my family is waiting around for some good news. My father comes back around 10:30 and infroms our family we are leaving very soon. Around 11am, 2 vans pull up and drive us to the ariport. These gentlemen turn out to be authroized airline reps and they fill out out boarding pass in the van. its now 12:30pm and my family and the other 6 people i'm with are on a plane to Chicago. Hop on a connector and my plane lands in Newark at 10pm...

All and All this was one of the most horrific experainces of my life. I spent 5 days in a hotel livin like a king and then all of a sudden spendin 6 days in a shelter livin like a bum.

it may not seem that bad to you some of guys but trust me on this, it was very gut-wrentching and took a toll on us physcially and emtionally. I am sure will post more as time goes on

jokes asides...that sucks dude, glad to hear you are ok



ps. suck my balls :biggrin:

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while my story doesn't compare to yours..mine is pretty ridiculous....i couldn't sleep all night bc my entire building was vibrating and the windows were shaking uncontrolably...at around 730am the cable goes out so I put the radio on. The last thing i hear was "folks prepare yourselves the worst is about to come..brace on may God help us" about 5 minutes later my balcony door blew off its tracks so for the next 2 hrs in the worst part of the hurricane 30 floors up i held the door as hard as i could while getting pelted with 125 mph wind, rain, and debris so that it didn't completely fly away and ruin the entire apartment...things calmed down and i was totally exhausted..my back and arms are still sore today...that night everyone was drinking in the lobby and playing poker so that was a good time and i got to meet some people in my building....some other people's balcony doors came off the trackins and bc no one was in the apt the apartments were ruined...also some windows blew out at those apts were totally ruined...on good note i got power back that nite, i had school cancelled all week and have had 3 girls and 2 of my best friends staying here bc they have no power..like a mini spring break..hope everyone is healthy and safe


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