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Best EDM Moment


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For me it was August 7th, 1999 at this party here in Atlanta called "Seven" with Danny T, Sandra Collins, Christopher Lawrence and more.

I was just a fan watching my favorite DJ play but it was the first set that I was ever able to watch Christopher Lawrence play a set maybe 3 feet in front of me.

That party changed my life.

That day even before I went to bed I picked up a pair of gemini decks and used mixer, borrowed a couple records from a friend and went at it.

DJ'ing was the only thing in my life that had ever clicked and I stuck with it. Five years later, a bedroom dream is turning into a reality with my career taking me all over the US and parts of the Globe to DJ.

Creating Surface with the promoter who gave me my first gig to extend my contribution to the scene, being able to connect with people through sound and becoming good friends with my favorite DJ who inspired all of this and having him chart and play my productions around the globe... :)

So ya, thats was my favorite edm moment. Here's to 1000 more!! :pint:

Best Regards,

Jonathan Allyn


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For me..

Edgar/PVD- Dec 2001

Edgar at Crobar every fri nite

DJ Tiesto- Summer 2002

DJ Tiesto-May/July 2003

Groove Eric/Re-lick/DJ Doug/Michael-everytime I see them spin

Markus Schulz/AVB-Level Oct 2003

Shadow Lounge Days and the Old Maze

Ultrafest 2001, 2002, 2003

and more and more :)

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For me..

Edgar/PVD- Dec 2001

Edgar at Crobar every fri nite

DJ Tiesto- Summer 2002

DJ Tiesto-May/July 2003

Groove Eric/Re-lick/DJ Doug/Michael-everytime I see them spin

Markus Schulz/AVB-Level Oct 2003

Shadow Lounge Days and the Old Maze

Ultrafest 2001, 2002, 2003

and more and more :)

Tiesto 8/17/02 when Oscar opened up for him @ Old Space.

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Don't remember Edgar being there. He might have been. I think LP was spinning too after Tiesto finished a 5 hour set. That night was pure madness.

I think so also, but its for sure Edgar closed cause I had just got back from Jersey and that was the first party I have gone to.Night was deff one for the record books !

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You know what I find amusing, is that people think that the only reason you have those amazing moments is because of DRUGS......im not going to stand here and say NO, cause i'd be a hypocrite. But even though drugs maybe a part of it, without the MUSIC there would be no point to ANYTHING(ULTRA,WMC, SPACE, IBIZA, DJs, CLUBS, and not even the drugs) without Music there wouldn't be ANYTHING!!!!! But I guess in an ignorant persons point of view all they see is the DRUGS. I can careless what anyone else has to say about my passion for music, your comments I wipe my ass with......I am not on here to be liked by anyone, but to express my opinions and every now again just bullshit. You like it, fine...you don't FUCK OFF!!!!

As for Fliptonia, Damn I LOVED MY First time there....I was supposed to leave at 10pm ended up leaving at 8am:spin2:. As for EDM moment, yes I can say there are only a few that stand out....but I try my hardest that everytime I go out I make it a memorable one, I also think that the people that you surround yourself with are very important in making your experience a great one;)!!!!

But I guess I can honestly say that my VERY VERY BEST moments of EDM, have been at HOUSE PARTIES:dj: :party:!!!!

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Anyone who likes to hear any kind of music that is mixed (no silence between songs) should be acknowledging that the best EDM moment was when Francis Grasso figured out how to "read" vinyl and introduced the concept of beat-matching. That moment irreversibly (with the exception of the Loft parties since David Mancuso was a purist and didn't mix from one track into the next because he wanted to play out every song in its entirety) changed the course of dance music culture forever :D

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Anyone who likes to hear any kind of music that is mixed (no silence between songs) should be acknowledging that the best EDM moment was when Francis Grasso figured out how to "read" vinyl and introduced the concept of beat-matching. That moment irreversibly (with the exception of the Loft parties since David Mancuso was a purist and didn't mix from one track into the next because he wanted to play out every song in its entirety) changed the course of dance music culture forever :D


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..Seeing Picotto @ Space in oct/nov 04 after taking a 4 month clubbing hiatus ........


...there with a great group of friends , bottles etc ...there came a moment i just sat down and tried to absorb the ambient i was submerged in .

ps..and no , it wasn't the drugs :)

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