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Paris Burning: How Empires End


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i believe he was making fun of the way southerners speak in general (as I recall he himself is a minority). Also, he did not imply finances were based on skin color but on incompetance. His mention of race was merely to show how silly the idea of the lack of response time being connected to racism is. Wrong again. Not unusual.



Thank you headpusher for seeing things clearly and for staying on point!

Incompetance was EXACTLY the issue in N.O.

Did CASPER call me a racist? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

Aren't we all? Just a little bit? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

I'm far from being racist. I also reject the implication of consipiracy to make the N.O. locals suffer. But, I'm not blind! I do have a tv and read the news and have an internet connection. N.O. is a liberal city, run by liberals. When the local leaders failed their constiuents they start blaming the gubmn't? LOL

Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids!

For the record, I'm American! I ain't afro,hispanic,euro-trash,,,,,nun of dat shit! Yes, my roots are latin and I make it a point to be as politically incorrect as possible! I'm conservative at heart and try to be the best I can be. I'll admit, I slip! But I don't try to justify my "slips" by smearing the lines which should not be crossed. If/when I do slip, I own up to it, learn from it and move on! I don't try to make myself feel better by changing the rules or lowering standards. Right is right and wrong is wrong. I tend to vote for whomever I feel is best for the country, not for me!

I'm 6'4", 240 lbs, US Navy vet, married w/ children...

I like long strolls on the beach....LOL LOL LOL okay,,scratch the last one...LOL


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Pulling the race card on mistreatment of a minority is different than making fun of the way a minority speaks and somehow implying that a cities finances are based upon the color of the populations skin.

America is scary? Maybe if you live in Detroit?

America is sweet! Do have any idea of how good you've got it?

ps..last I checked, the door is always open. So, if you're unhappy in this hell hole,,,,,then DIP! FLEX! SCATTAH! And don't let the door hit you on the way out!



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for being tall or for being a military veteran?


I travel the world to surf too! does that help?

plz like me! plz!

"I wanna be loved! Not for who you think I am, but what you want me to be"

---Buju Banton

I sense a little tension in your post? Do you need a hug? You wanna talk 'bout it? Ya' know, it takes more guts to be friends! LOL LOL LOL LOL


As you can tell, I'm feeling great today! I'm shoot'n from da' hip!

God, I don't know what I'd do w/ out granola chompin' liberals to make fun of! YOU COMPLETE ME! lol



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America is scary? Maybe if you live in Detroit?

America is sweet! Do have any idea of how good you've got it?

ps..last I checked, the door is always open. So, if you're unhappy in this hell hole,,,,,then DIP! FLEX! SCATTAH! And don't let the door hit you on the way out!



Or, if someone is unhappy with the way their nation is run, they can also peacefully work to make changes. exile is not the only resort for those who dissent. indeed, dissent is an american tradition. having a differing opinion or view is not a bad thing. some of the greatest thinkers in american and world history have been proudly guilty of radical thought. i'm pretty sure that whole "freedom of speech" thing covered this, but basically, most everyone is mature enough to peacefully coexist with others who have differing opinions and not whip out the old "love it or leave" bullshit.

at least that is the hope. :hug:

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Or, if someone is unhappy with the way their nation is run, they can also peacefully work to make changes. exile is not the only resort for those who dissent. indeed, dissent is an american tradition. having a differing opinion or view is not a bad thing. some of the greatest thinkers in american and world history have been proudly guilty of radical thought. i'm pretty sure that whole "freedom of speech" thing covered this, but basically, most everyone is mature enough to peacefully coexist with others who have differing opinions and not whip out the old "love it or leave" bullshit.

at least that is the hope. :hug:

I won't argue w/ that.

But repz have been winning since the late 90's (congress) and in 2000, 2002 and 2004. So, AMERICA HAS SPOKEN, loud and clear! They chose repz! Things can always change, but for now it is what it is! Right?

I just don't think that by lying or presenting half truths you can win anyones heart! You must be sincere and present an alternative along w/ your complaints. Complaining is easy! Women are great at it! It's offering a solution and implementing it that's difficult! Until today's demz learn to offer alternatives along w/ their bitching, I suspect more of the same!

ta, ta for now!

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And why is that douchebag?......shut your fucking anti-American disparaging asshole already

i have to explain to you why the point of view of an ex-navy man may be somewhat skewed or biased???

u never cease to amaze me...do u wear blinders around the house too ?? or when people tell u things u dont wana hear do u just cover ur ears and go LA LA LA LA LA ?

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i have to explain to you why the point of view of an ex-navy man may be somewhat skewed or biased???

u never cease to amaze me...do u wear blinders around the house too ?? or when people tell u things u dont wana hear do u just cover ur ears and go LA LA LA LA LA ?

he just runs over to world net daily's website and escapes reality.

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World Net Daily?

That's it? What about Fox and NewsMax?

Damn, that's 3....How many sites do you granola chompin', soy milk drink'n, hemp clothes wearing socialists have? Let me see??????/

ABC,NBC,CBS,NPR,PBS,CNN,MSNBC.....Take your pick.......

You guys have more than double and you still find a way to get it ALL wrong.

Ta-ta-ta,,,,I think I can, I think I can?????????

Which way did he go Jorge, which way did he go?

Repeat after me: "YOU ARE A TARD" "YOU ARE A TOOL"

Don't you have some SUV to bombard w/ molotov cocktails?

Somewhere, there is a caribou praying you'll save them from HALLIBURTON!



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i have to explain to you why the point of view of an ex-navy man may be somewhat skewed or biased???

u never cease to amaze me...do u wear blinders around the house too ?? or when people tell u things u dont wana hear do u just cover ur ears and go LA LA LA LA LA ?

Are you fucking kidding me with this comment scumbag......Interesting that when it suits douchebags like you, an ex-Navy man who is against what you think is biased or thinking is skewed........but if an ex-military person agrees with your stance, than that person is paraded around ....

What never ceases to amaze me is the endless stupidity of jerkoffs like you, who think they are smart, but simply are not....and it is clear to see....you are a scumbag, and a dumb one at that...

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he just runs over to world net daily's website and escapes reality.

Interesting one-line comment coming form the person who is not capable of stringing together more than three sentences, let alone a coherent stance...

bigpoops, shut your dumb pussy already you lame ass cunt

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run igloo, run! our cover is blown! lol

the only circle jerks going on recently are coming from frothing libz incapable of reason or logic.

As for the anti-abortion thing...HUH???

Hey, I'm pro-choice....I CHOOSE LIFE!!!

Didn't you recently post something about being proud of Mass. choosing LIFE for convicted criminals?

You'll change in time scooter......

There's an old saying: If you're under 40 and conservative, you have no life. If you're over 40 and liberal, you have no brains.

10 yrs. ago, I didn't give a fuck. Never watched the news. Too worried about getting fucked up and getting laid. As an adult w/ children, I've gained wisdom and better understand the IMPORTANT things in life. As for the pro-choice thingy, I challenge you find any parent who's not pro-life. Even the rabid pro-choicers change. They may not be open pro-lifers, but they usually tone down the pro-abortion bullshit.

In closing, basically I'm sharing knowledge gained through personal life experiences. Take it or leave it, but make no mistake, I GET IT. Maybe you will too someday.

Sayonra to all my "Little Nikita's" .......

Hang in there Igloo, you seem stressed today? 3 pm,,,,,Time to go pick up my daughter from school and play house. LOL......

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Hang in there Igloo, you seem stressed today? 3 pm,,,,,Time to go pick up my daughter from school and play house. LOL......

:) It shows huh....yeah, had a miserable day, and made the mistake of tuning in here to see the idiotics of bigpoops and company....but it is a good stress buster--pointing out the inadequacies of these shitbrains....I have been killing bigpoops for a while now...he is just a lost fool.........but ghhhost makes anti-American statements that I can't stomach....and his bullshit comment to you about being ex-Navy was way over the line.........douchebags like ghhhhost have people like you to thank for being able to come and live in this country, and have the freedom to demonstrate their stupidity.......

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.......but ghhhost makes anti-American statements that I can't stomach....and his bullshit comment to you about being ex-Navy was way over the line.........douchebags like ghhhhost have people like you to thank for being able to come and live in this country, and have the freedom to demonstrate their stupidity.......

listen u dumb fuck..dont go off calling me a refugee..u know nothing about me. i didnt emigrate here during the war...and i wasnt some tattered immigrant child begging for a handout. my father was a diplomat..and believe u me we would have been far and away from this country if the bullshit US powers @ the time didnt stick their dirty noses where they didnt belong...what were we supposed to do..go back home to a civil war??

go ahead and refute accusations that America was involved in the Balkan wars of the early to mid 90's and ill produce documentation and audio-visual proof of their direct involvement.

noone gave me shit in this country...i came here when i was 7 yrs old..i speake better english than 90% of children who were born here...i slept thru High School and College here..and wound up with scholarships and honors..

i dont have a problem with America..i think its a great place...my main issue is this false sense of self-righteousness that every bullshit "american" loves to throw in an immigrants face...when the actual fact is that the majority of them are uneducated...undeserving morons...

its a rare moment that people like u (yes u dumb fuck im giving u a compliment) exist in this country...people who can actually formulate an intelligent sentence...ur a dying breed..but ur blind faith really irks the living shit out of me...its like u really live in an igloo

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Love is in the air.......

Every time I look around...........

Love is in the air.......


cojelo con take it easy, meng! chillax! cojelo suave! easy tiger! tranquilo!

Seems like an utter lack of understanding going on here. I blame the agenda driven media, liberal agenda monolpoly in public education and universities, an extremely short attention span and utter laziness on the part of the average media consumer (ie. you and I).

Most modern libz just rattle off the CNN talking points. When confronted w/ historical reference and undeniable fact, they tend to answer the question w/ yet another absurd question unrelated to the original issue being discussed. Liberals are fueled by hate, bitterness, spite, envy and deep seeded misery. Conservatives are fueld by hope, justice and freedom.

If one looks at today's current political climate, what I just wrote is painfuly obvious. Liberals have a president they genuinely hate from their gut. Yet, this president has practically given liberals almost everything they've wanted. Even w/ the republican majority, he has not led by force and has been extremely inclusive w/ the oppostion party. Whether it's including demz on writting bills from education to farming or endlessing debating the direction in which the country should be heading post 9/11 2001. He's given libz almost everything they've asked for. He hasn't seen a bill which deserved a veto. Whatever congress presents him, he signed away! What happens next is that libz then feel they won't be able to take credit for all these gov't handouts and giveaways, so they start to bite the hand that feeds them. They relentlessly bombard the administration w/ half-truths and twisted facts which are then gleefully regurgitated by their willing accomplices in the main stream press which never takes the time to disect the accusations, given that it's coming from Democrats. If the script were flipped, I think we might see the press actually doing it's job for once by investigating the accustions prior to rushing it to press.

Sadly, politrix is just gross! The left is clearly controlled by the uber-left wing, socialists, hippy, social misfits(moveon.org, Soros,etc..) which control all the money and have already publicy said if the elected demz don't do as they wish, they will be replaced by libz who'll play ball (that threat was made by MOVEON.ORG). One can say the repz are controlled by big corp. dollars, but the last election showed that the individual campaign contributions were largely donated by individuals, not corporations. Regardless, the big business is usually on the side of the Repz who favor less gov't interference in this free market economy. Besides, it's big business which provides the vast majority of employment in this country anyways. There is a flip side to that as well. Big Corps. usually play ball w/ whomever is in office. For example: When Clinton was in office, most of the largest contributions came from corps. like Enron, Halliburton, etc. Again, don't expect the main stream media to shed light on this inconvenient fact because it just doesn't fit the template in which present the news (ie. demz-good, repz-bad).

At the end of the day, I prefer to be on the side that will limit gov't extortion of it's citizens from societies producers to the non-producers, not expand it.

As for foreign policy, well, that's easy! Libz prefer to be more like France. Libz LOATH the might of our military and are almost ashamed of it. It's as if America just won the lotto of luck in their eyes, which makes them feel guilty (go fig'r???). They refuse to acknowledge that America has EARNED the power & prosperity it currently enjoys. America has had the power to conquor, yet has been restrained. America cleans up the messes Europe is incapable on doing on it's own(ie. ww1, ww2 and to an extent Korea, S.East Asia and most recently the mid-East).

At the end of the day, history will judge us all. It's definitley way too soon to tell. In America's short history, it's the liberals who have been on the wrong side of history. From communism to terrorism. To domestic social policies and reform. Liberals are determined to govorn OVER the people and conservatives fight to govorn FOR the people. Ironically, repz are more pro-choice on the vast majority of domestic issues and liberals seem to believe GOV'T is the sole arbiter of what is good for the people (ie. healthcare, auto's, etc..).

I don't think repz are ALL RIGHT and libz are ALL WRONG either. I just think today's liberals need to work more on having an open mind and back off the personal hate driven politics of personal destruction and character assasination. When all is said and done, we're all Americans right? These terrorist abroad and domestic don't care if they blow up republicans or democrats, to them we're all Americans and all deserve to be killed. If we just found a way to work together we might just be a better place. If democrats only lived by the standards they demand from republicans most of these little cat fights would be null and void. Point being, 9/11 changed everything and it's painfully obvious that modern democrats are still living in a 9/10/2001 world.


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