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Are all NJ-ites Anti Social?


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I am curious is it the water of New Jersey ? Is it the air ? Is it the food ? What is it about the people from New Jersey ?

I notice so much hostility in most of them. We have the same problem with people coming from Brooklyn or Queens or Long Island. Why do you hate your fellow human beings so much ? The men use words like "fags" for their fellow men and worse words like "slut" and "whore" for their fellow women.

If you hate men and women so much what are you doing on a club planet message board? I don't know about you guys but I would go to a club to meet different faces. Otherwise get a CD compilation and dance in your room.

Don't you realize that if you say cocky things or if you insult someone by putting them down you lessen the flow of love. If you feel there is too much love then go to a mountain for most people go to public places like clubs to get more love.

Don't use words that degrade or insult an entire class of human beings like women or homosexuals etc.

Thank you...

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Hey now -- that's pretty darn unfair... Look at members of this board like Roly99, Franny, Al (trippintrance), and myself... it's unfair to make generalizations, especially when there are many of us on here who directly contrast the very stereotype you impose.

I agree, some people are shitheads and judgementas, yadda yadda... but I also realize that it is a widespread affliction.

I apologize on behalf of the tainted New Jersy-ites, but you really should reevaluate and maybe surround yourself with some better examples.

- Meli -



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I'm from Jersey, and I think i'm a pretty decent person. Another example of a very decent person from jersey is Al or TrippinTrance64. True I will admit there are pretty bad people, but not with whom I would hang out with. I'm all about having a good time, and not spoiling ANYONE'S good time...



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Thanks Roly!

And let's not forget other favorites like majesticmelodi, Myrlin... the list goes on and on... Maybe you should be on the board a little loger than 11 posts to make rash generalizations... Just a thought... cwm27.gif

- Meli -



AIM: MeliChaCha

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Originally posted by shiraz:

Don't use words that degrade or insult an entire class of human beings like women or homosexuals etc.

Thank you...

Don't use words that degrade or insult an entire class of human beings like women or homosexuals OR NEW JERSEYANS!!!!

You just put down and classified an entire group of humans yourself.

Not everyone is that way, I'm one of the nicest people I know (...and modest too! cwm32.gif )



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BTW, Shiraz, I don't want you to take that the wrong way. I wasn't trying to be nasty. Your post was very polite and I know it wasn't written as a drama starter smile.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by cathyo:

BTW, Shiraz, I don't want you to take that the wrong way. I wasn't trying to be nasty. Your post was very polite and I know it wasn't written as a drama starter smile.gif

I totally agree... it's just not cool to base your opinion when you haven't take everything into account. You've had a bad experience or two with people from these places (I assume), but you don't give yourself a chance to have better ones with others! Just sit back and take people as they come... you'll find out how wrong you are... and you'll be pleasantly surprised! cwm30.gif

cwm35.gif - Meli - cwm35.gif



AIM: MeliChaCha

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What are you talking about,I am from NJ and I never degrade anyone unless they degrade me.I respect everyone as long as they respect me. Oh and just so you know,not everyone in New York is perfect either.We live in an imperfect world,this ain't Pleasantville...


spiraltree.gif Happy Holidays Everyone spiralnite.gif

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Just stepping up to the plate.

I've only been in NJ for a while, so maybe I'm not fully informed, but soe of the coolest people I've met are from Jersey (Al, Nicki). I know I would never malign a class of people.

so, I just gotta say: Why are all those people who aren't from Ney Jersy so down on New Jersey people? (jk) cwm35.gif

Seriously though, don't focus on it or you'll only find proff of what you're looking for and miss the people who aren't like that...


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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wow.. what a huge ass muthafu^&^*& generalization. hell no am i antisocial and that's all i gotta say about that because i don't feel the need to prove myself worthy to stereotyping ppl like u..

btw, good way to start up on the board, newbie

peace-- daniela "imnotantisocialnoitsnotthefoodorthewaterortheair"



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hey, don't knock people from New Jersey smile.gif. We are not all jerks!! You must not categorize and stereotype! OK, that's all! NO, wait, no it's not. I'm NOT antisocial either, especially after a few glasses of wine smile.gif! Sometimes a little shy, but that's all. Saying that people from NJ are antisocial is like saying people from Idaho only eat potatoes!! It's a silly statement! OK, nuff said!! Going out now!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by shiraz:

I am curious is it the water of New Jersey ? Is it the air ? Is it the food ? What is it about the people from New Jersey ?

I notice so much hostility in most of them. We have the same problem with people coming from Brooklyn or Queens or Long Island. Why do you hate your fellow human beings so much ? The men use words like "fags" for their fellow men and worse words like "slut" and "whore" for their fellow women.

If you hate men and women so much what are you doing on a club planet message board? I don't know about you guys but I would go to a club to meet different faces. Otherwise get a CD compilation and dance in your room.

Don't you realize that if you say cocky things or if you insult someone by putting them down you lessen the flow of love. If you feel there is too much love then go to a mountain for most people go to public places like clubs to get more love.

Don't use words that degrade or insult an entire class of human beings like women or homosexuals etc.

Thank you...

Lived in Jersey all of my life...so...

Go to hell...screw you...kiss my ass! cwm12.gif


maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

I'm into equal opportunity: SCREW EVERYBODY!

New Jersey, isn't that the sixth borough? (I'm wearing my drama armor so fire away) cwm35.gif

No drama taken... it's pretty true anyway! hehe...


- Meli -



AIM: MeliChaCha

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Originally posted by shiraz:

I am curious is it the water of New Jersey ? Is it the air ? Is it the food ? What is it about the people from New Jersey ?

I notice so much hostility in most of them. We have the same problem with people coming from Brooklyn or Queens or Long Island. Why do you hate your fellow human beings so much ? The men use words like "fags" for their fellow men and worse words like "slut" and "whore" for their fellow women.

If you hate men and women so much what are you doing on a club planet message board? I don't know about you guys but I would go to a club to meet different faces. Otherwise get a CD compilation and dance in your room.

Don't you realize that if you say cocky things or if you insult someone by putting them down you lessen the flow of love. If you feel there is too much love then go to a mountain for most people go to public places like clubs to get more love.

Don't use words that degrade or insult an entire class of human beings like women or homosexuals etc.

Thank you...

I think, pretty much, you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about. I have been in many states, many countries and many parts of the world. In every single one of them, I have encountered people, like you, who just aren't "right"

To possibly classify an entire area because of a few bad experiences puts you in the realm of John Rocker and any other seriously misinformed morons.

Its quite obvious by your comments, by your estimation, that everyone from your area are a bunch of degenerate, slime wielding politicians.

Open your mind, and take your own advice, otherwise, you are just a biggot. Look in the mirror and perhaps maybe you will think you are from NJ, eh?

And, since Im from NJ, Fuck You and the Horse you rode in on.





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Guest worldboy

Hey I am from jersey and fuck you!!!!! Yup fuck you alll!!!!! Actually I am just kidding are we really that bad. I think that everyone I meet is generally the same.

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Alright I think that's all bull***. You can judge poeple from where they are from. Those generalization don't do any good and aren't real anyway. I've just returned to the US after spending a great year here in NJ in 1998/9, and decided to live here now for the next couple of years (or whatever life brings). I'v met a lot of easy going NJ who became the best friends anyone can imagine. So don't go around and start with this NJ vs. NY or anything else. Love each other cause life is just too short for all those bad and angry and shitty feelings.

Love J.

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hello i'm from jersey and i like g and juice up. i also have a blk iroc-z with t-topps and a braw. and i just got my nyc underground cd vol 3 mixed by loui devito. i'm a nice person but dont get me mad because my ex girlfriend dont like it when i get mad.

thank you



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