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New Year's Eve - Using VIP Hosts


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We would like to give a piece of advice to those of you planning to use a VIP host to take care of your New Year's adventure. We suggest that you book your reservation far in advance to ensure that there will, in fact, be a host to meet you at the club that you wish to go. We are already fielding requests for New Year's Eve and it is not even Thanksgiving yet. If the host that you plan to use gets overwhelmed with parties, or stuck at another club due to the overabundance of people and traffic, you may be out of luck. Save the hassel and make reservations asap to have guaranteed VIP assistance.

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We would like to give a piece of advice to those of you planning to use a VIP host to take care of your New Year's adventure. We suggest that you book your reservation far in advance to ensure that there will, in fact, be a host to meet you at the club that you wish to go. We are already fielding requests for New Year's Eve and it is not even Thanksgiving yet. If the host that you plan to use gets overwhelmed with parties, or stuck at another club due to the overabundance of people and traffic, you may be out of luck. Save the hassel and make reservations asap to have guaranteed VIP assistance.

Independant hosts have NO PULL on NYE. Do you think Body English or Tao wants some leech coming up trying to sneak people in for a typical $20 tip to the club host?? There are tickets which are sold in advance for a reason. If anyone wants to go to the clubs, just go to the websites of the hotels and find out how to purchase the tickets with a credit card ahead of time. There are no crazy lines to be in with a prepaid ticket. There is no paparazzi to get in, because the people who should be in there already purchased a ticket.

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There are no crazy lines to be in with a prepaid ticket. There is no paparazzi to get in, because the people who should be in there already purchased a ticket.

What city do you live in? In Las Vegas, there are always crazy lines at the popular clubs. On New Year's weekend especially, there are crazy lines at most, if not all venues. On New Year's Eve, the Beach may even have a line of people waiting to get in.

It is not true that independent VIP hosts have no pull at clubs on New Year's Eve. In some cases, depending on the venue, people will either have to buy tickets to get admission along with paying a host, or pay the host to take care of the full package. Tables are also available if the price is right. We do a good amount of business with Tao so they do give us more freedom than other venues, such as Pure, would give to us.

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What city do you live in? In Las Vegas, there are always crazy lines at the popular clubs. On New Year's weekend especially, there are crazy lines at most, if not all venues. On New Year's Eve, the Beach may even have a line of people waiting to get in.

It is not true that independent VIP hosts have no pull at clubs on New Year's Eve. In some cases, depending on the venue, people will either have to buy tickets to get admission along with paying a host, or pay the host to take care of the full package. Tables are also available if the price is right. We do a good amount of business with Tao so they do give us more freedom than other venues, such as Pure, would give to us.

I know for a fact that last year at Body English there was no line to get in. Anyone who had a ticket walked right in from the sidewalk (there was a red carpet walkway coming from outside the glass doors to the front doors of the club). The only time people waited was if the table line was building up.

The independant host can put you in touch with a club host, or try to broker everything themselves. Either way, a patron will be paying for the admission to the club via a prepaid ticket. To make sure an independant host isn't adding their own "tax" or fee, it's best to call up the casino in advance and see how one can purchase the tickets themselves.

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I'm sure that you have been reading our posts about Studio 54. Last New Year's Eve, Pure had its grand opening, Tao wasn't even close to built yet, and Body English was new. The only major player that Studio 54 had to contend with was Rain who hired Grandmaster Flash to spin in the new year. Studio 54 had a general admission line that was 4 or 5 hours long, not to mention the enormous crowd around the VIP line. The only nightclubs that people will be able to walk right into are the small ones. Do you think that people will be able to walk right into Pure if you buy a ticket? How about Tao, or even Body English? Every nightclub in Las Vegas that is worth paying money for will be slammed. Don't think for one second that buying a ticket is like buying a VIP card for the night.

The independant host can put you in touch with a club host, or try to broker everything themselves. Either way, a patron will be paying for the admission to the club via a prepaid ticket. To make sure an independant host isn't adding their own "tax" or fee, it's best to call up the casino in advance and see how one can purchase the tickets themselves.

Independent hosts can do more that be the middleman in a transaction. We had clients a couple weeks ago that used our service for bottle service at Tao. A couple days before they used us they called the club themselves to make their own reservation and save money. They were surprised when the person at the club said "tables...what tables?" They did end up getting bottle service at Tao, but only because we set up the reservation. As I said above, a prepaid ticket is not a VIP card. If someone goes to a popular club like Pure, Tao, or Body English, they can expect to wait in a line, even with a ticket.

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I'm sure that you have been reading our posts about Studio 54. Last New Year's Eve, Pure had its grand opening, Tao wasn't even close to built yet, and Body English was new. The only major player that Studio 54 had to contend with was Rain who hired Grandmaster Flash to spin in the new year. Studio 54 had a general admission line that was 4 or 5 hours long, not to mention the enormous crowd around the VIP line. The only nightclubs that people will be able to walk right into are the small ones. Do you think that people will be able to walk right into Pure if you buy a ticket? How about Tao, or even Body English? Every nightclub in Las Vegas that is worth paying money for will be slammed. Don't think for one second that buying a ticket is like buying a VIP card for the night.

Independent hosts can do more that be the middleman in a transaction. We had clients a couple weeks ago that used our service for bottle service at Tao. A couple days before they used us they called the club themselves to make their own reservation and save money. They were surprised when the person at the club said "tables...what tables?" They did end up getting bottle service at Tao, but only because we set up the reservation. As I said above, a prepaid ticket is not a VIP card. If someone goes to a popular club like Pure, Tao, or Body English, they can expect to wait in a line, even with a ticket.

Well my whole thing is that on NYE a person needs to buy a ticket to the event, and an independant host offers nothing but possibly a "fee" on top of the ticket they might help a patron get. On any other regular night, then yes, I see advantages of independant hosts for out of towners who want to get in clubs without waiting long in line.

Please understand that I know how Body English ran last NYE. There was no crazy line. Studio 54 is utterly ridiculous, and it doesn't surprise me that there was complete chaos there. From what I HEARD, last year on NYE at Rain, if you had a prepaid ticket you walked right in. The other lines were for the people who came in off the street. Body English went strictly off of tickets. In fact, the hosts had a master list of everyone who had bought a ticket...in alphabetical order! Maybe not necessary, but it was a tightly run venue.

My point is that if someone wants to go out on NYE, call the casinos and see where they need to go to purchase tickets. That way there is no extra tax being lumped on top by an outside influence.

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Damn Capo...why you trying to blow up spots for son? Niggas got to eat too ya know what I'm sayin yo?

be easy with all that jibba jabba

Sorry, dogg. I see you're from Queens...I give you mad respect. I just had to put the reality out there for everyone about NYE in Vegas. Independant hosts to me are like snakes...a necessary evil in Vegas, doing harm and also doing good at the same time. I'm cool with a few out here, and others I would like to spit on.

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Capo, if it makes you feel any better about us, we treat our clients the way that we would expect to be treated. If someone asks us a question, we make it a point to answer truthfully and as straight forward as possible. We have heard of a few hosts in Las Vegas who like to "beat around the bush" instead of being direct with clients. To us this is poor business.

We a receive a number of requests from people who see our posts up on the message boards. A good amount of these people have used our service to get bottle service or VIP entry. If there was anyone who didn't like our service, or though that we were crooks, they probably would have mentioned it on the message board.

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Capo, if it makes you feel any better about us, we treat our clients the way that we would expect to be treated. If someone asks us a question, we make it a point to answer truthfully and as straight forward as possible. We have heard of a few hosts in Las Vegas who like to "beat around the bush" instead of being direct with clients. To us this is poor business.

We a receive a number of requests from people who see our posts up on the message boards. A good amount of these people have used our service to get bottle service or VIP entry. If there was anyone who didn't like our service, or though that we were crooks, they probably would have mentioned it on the message board.

That's all fine and good...but I still stick by my guns about how NYE is run out here, specifically at Body English. I think most independant hosts are leeches, and I have my reasons not to like them; at the same token, I am cool with quite a few of them as well. I pretty much know how their business runs, and I know it's a hustle like everything else in this town, but there are certain things that I do not appreciate that they do.

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Independent VIP hosts, such as ourselves, provide a service to clubgoers which allows them to bypass long lines, and/or avoid the hassle of trying to make a bottle reservation with someone over the phone. On a higher level, hosts like us save people the worry of uncertainty. When our clients make a bottle reservation with us, they know for sure that they are taken care of. If a person called the club directly to make a table reservation, there is always the possiblity that the reservation will get lost or overlooked in booking, leaving that person out of luck. VIP hosts are "middlemen" in a sense, but they provide certainty in the minds of their clients.

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Independent VIP hosts, such as ourselves, provide a service to clubgoers which allows them to bypass long lines, and/or avoid the hassle of trying to make a bottle reservation with someone over the phone. On a higher level, hosts like us save people the worry of uncertainty. When our clients make a bottle reservation with us, they know for sure that they are taken care of. If a person called the club directly to make a table reservation, there is always the possiblity that the reservation will get lost or overlooked in booking, leaving that person out of luck. VIP hosts are "middlemen" in a sense, but they provide certainty in the minds of their clients.

On NYE, an indpendant host will not get people in clubs on NYE any faster than that person can get in himself/herself.

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This is the furthest thing from the truth. We have already spoken with a number of our contacts about New Year's Eve, and we will have no problem getting our parties into their venues. As I said before, we have a good relationship with the people whom we do business with. We always take care of them so they return the favor to us.

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