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Ecstacy alternatives anyone?????????


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Originally posted by Nolimit:

Like you, I've been sick of E for the longest.

Hey D...

I'm getting into the same boat slowly. Just starting to dislike things that screw with my head, even in a "good and beautiful" way.

Alcohol+ephedrine=possibly cool

Alcohol+dexatrim=pretty damn cool! Dexatrim (see your local drug store) contains phenylpropanolamine, an apmhetamine of sorts. Gets you all tingly and stuff.

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Originally posted by evovr6:

Ritalin is no good if you don't have ADD/ADHD you can get terets. Bad news man.

ADD is just another government fabricated plot to suck money from families that have no means of identifying why their kids dont give a fuck about school.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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I know that this doesn't sound like an alternative, but 3 red bulls, and at least I can last as long as all my friends that are partying! No euphoria really attached to it, but it sure keeps you awake. If you want to add some magic, Red Bull martini, RB & vodka!

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Originally posted by Jilly:

Hey Alex....stay off the dexatrim...

There was a major warning about PPA..that it can cause strokes....should be off the shelves soon...


Uh-oh... someone who's name I don't know, knows mine! cwm31.gif

Yes and no. I forgot to add the warnings: PPA (phenylpropanolamine, the active ingredient) raises blood pressure, so if you smoke or have other risk factors, don't do it. But consider that FDA has issued warnings based on strokes in the typical PPA user, and the typical PPA user is overweight (it is a dieting drug after all) with all sorts of other associated risks. And sad as it is, people who use dieting drugs tend to overdo them, following the mentality of "If I take one pill, I'll lose a pound... hey, what if I take ten pills?"

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Come on Alex...not only was I at all the meet-ups...but don't even tell me you don't remember the field trip to my house in jersey city..and then going to Sarah's house before the DJ Remy Twilo night...2 females there..one sarah..one me...

If you can't remember..you need to lay off the sauce for awhile...


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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want to stay up hmmm? well you can drink ginseng extract from the corner store. not that great. the best thing i can reccommend are yellow jackets. they are much stronger than stacker 2's and they have ephdrine in them. Just rember to go one at a time. my friend ate 3 of them at once and was freaking out and kept puking. SO be careful. Usually i cruise on one or two yellow jackets out at the club. it is cheaper than doing ecstacy. only thing is there is no feeling of induced happiness. you have to find that for yourself.

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Hey Alex....stay off the dexatrim...

There was a major warning about PPA..that it can cause strokes....should be off the shelves soon...



" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Originally posted by MikeMc:

I'm really sick of doin E. . .It is way too Xpensive to drink all nite at a club, I blow like 100+ $$$ easily if I drink, does anyone out there have any alternatives other than E to keep me dancing into the AFTERHOURS??????


The alternative on mindcandy.net is great...I had it at twilo last week & was very good for 6 hours...good comedown...great sleep...woke up feelin great...no hangover...I def. recommend it

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