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I agree with you Frank on your points...But I do have some of my own cwm5.gif :

-like why do I feel that this board is mainly directed for ppl who like Twilo, Vinyl, Exit, and SF...I know there are exceptions (very few) but what about other music genres?

-as far as the imposters, who cares, its not like ppl read each and every post that is there, just ignore 'em and see how quickly it goes to the bottom of the pile of posts

-for posts that single out ppl and harrass them, I think Dave should delete them because they divert away from the "spirit" of clubbing. Regardless if he has a DRAMA board or not, DRAMA will be everywhere frown.gif

-and I believe this board is for some ppl (like lexxxi put it) their way of finding out info about almost anything they might not want to ask a perfect stranger on the street regarding raving life and about life in general. No one here was granted the head no-it-all, so, so what if its not what you are interested to do, thats YOUR life...you are allowed to do whatever the HELL you wanna, just don't knock the next person b/c its not to your liking...

Just my ramblings, pls excuse me.

~*Jam*~ "ireallyshouldbeacolumnistlikesexintheclubscene"


Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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everyone should look at it this way..

this board is a reflection of the nyc nightlife. When the board acts and looks like shit..we all take on that image.

i have been around a long time..maybe over 3 years.

i dont post much anymore..i dont even read much anymore. but the addiction keeps coming back.

I cant seem to comprehend why people post a topic about a club night that they attended and they dont even discuss the club or music. they just give shoutouts to 20 or 30 people.

Then there are the promoters that say this party is the best that party is the best.

but if u ask them why..they all give you the same answer. "the music was great, the vibe was great, the dj was great".....hmmm sounded like that took a lot thought.

Creativity is completely lost. The first Promoter that actually puts effort into a party will be the next king of nyc. but i dont see that happenning anytime soon.

Thats why i dont see the board getting any better in the near future.

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Originally posted by jammy:

-like why do I feel that this board is mainly directed for ppl who like Twilo, Vinyl, Exit, and SF...I know there are exceptions (very few) but what about other music genres?

What about them? You wanna start a thread on country music go right ahead... I'm not too sure how many will respond though...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

What about them? You wanna start a thread on country music go right ahead... I'm not too sure how many will respond though...

Hey Charlie, what do you think of the Dixie Chicks? cwm5.gif



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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i just think the messageboard is just a board for everyday questions, problems, etc. Its a place where everyone has mainly the same things in common, music, clubbing, etc. The messgeboard is a place where all of us feel accepted and cause of that, we feel like we know each other from reading everyones posts, and meetups. I dont think theres any nonsense on this board, its all about expressing how we feel about a club, about music, dj's, relationship problems, and other stuff like being bored, sick, annoyed. Its like this board bonded us together and we all need to share our experiences on a daily basis, no matter what it is, if its a stupid post, or usefull. thats my opinion.

I have meet a lot of nice ppl on this board and since some of us know each other, i don't think any post is stupid. Its just a messageboard for everyone to post any question or anything they want. I dont have a problem with sex, relationship, drugs, promoters, etc being posted on the main new york board, cause thats all i read on a daily basis, i hardly go to the other forums like the sex board, promoter board, etc.


aim: amafrk1


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This is sad. I remember when I would look at every post up here. Now it's gotten to the point where I am actually doing work. That is just WRONG!

Seriously though, I don't check things nearly as much as I used to. It doesn't hold my attention. Most of the imposters are retarded, mainly the new ones. I'm all for comedy and drama if it's entertaining but, well, you all know.

I don't mind the chit chat, club related or not. I feel that is how we become closer and know each other. I do however hate when people keep posting stupid shit and respond to every thread just to get their numbers up...duh. Another by-product of the popularity contest.

I really don't know what my point is here, I guess it's just that the board ain't as much fun anymore. And it's falling fast. Over the past year I have seen many names disappear, people who shouldn't have, but I can understand why they did.


PS - I like Charlie, sorry, but I do smile.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Okay. Here's my $0.02--

Frank definatley makes sense in the things that he said. This week i have felt a really weird deadness on this board, and i know that everyone feels the same.

I think, in my opinion of course, that the #1 reason for it are the impostors. Why? Well, think about it. These people have absolutley no lives, and they insist on attempting to be that bully that everyone knew as a small grade-school child. And that, ironically enough, is how they are still acting.....like children. We being human beings do not like to be made fun of, so we answer them back, or curse them out or whatever. Doing this we are fueling thier fire...and making them want to do it more. Now, this seems to have evolved into a HUGE repetative cycle, which in my opinion is slowly destroying what we once had. When i went to my first meetup i was thrilled to meet everyone, cause the board was all about people interacting with eachother. Now its petty childish bullshit. And i dont want to lose the board over it.

Frank- I want to say one thing tho. Yes there are a number of Bullshit threads where people carry one personal convo's etc. But these threads have always existed. And they always will. They are basically the replys and topics that keep the board moving during the day. Complaining about them is by far not a solution. I would be a lying if i said that i have never participated in any of these threads, or even started one of my own. And you would be lying yourself if u said the same. the fact of the matter is we are all guilty of it. Is there something wrong with that? NOT AT ALL. The reason that i love this board so much is because i am able to see what peoples views and opinions are....from Clubs, to Music, and yes...even thongs to clothes to sneekers. as silly as it sounds, think about it. All it is, is human interaction, with one another. YES there will be somethings that you find stupid.....but it will interest some people a little, and some alot. see where im coming from? Like i said in a post a while back....if it doesnt interest you....just back out of the page...and go to something else. That right there avoids uneeded drama. ITS A MESSAGEBOARD FOR GOD'S SAKE.....its not life. however, as you know, there are alot of good people on here, with really good hearts and minds.

On that note. Charlie, I'll tell you now that you are a good guy. You are very chill to hang out with. And when i say it i mean it. Im not "being a kissass".....when i say that there there are alot of good people on here, with really good hearts and minds, i fucking mean it. I'm not out to kiss anyones ass. I just enjoy every fucking second that i spend with the people that i do hang out with from here. and if i want to say that so and so is a cool guy/girl, or that they are awesome people all together....why should that be seen as kissing ass? The best thing about you charlie is that you dont give a fuck what people think, and you express your opinion no matter what. And what i said is mine. so, please, respect it, as i respect yours. Also, what you may think is Bullshit is someone else's opinion or though. If you are so big on people respecting what you have to say, no matter what it is....respect what they say, no matter what it is. And yes, you make a totally valid point in what you said about advertising ourselves too much. and i will admit in saying that i was the one with the skyliner at twilo 4 weeks ago, and i do realize my fault, and apologize whole heartedly. Either way, i lost it that night so you wont have to worry. smile.gif

This board is not my life. However, i have met a HUGE number of individuals that have become part of my life. Some closer than others. It really sucks that its falling apart over such petty bullshit. Im hoping that this "deadness" is due to the time of year (final exams, shopping, end of the year numbers etc.)....b/c it would really suck if it just died.

These are just my thoughts. Thanks for listening.

-Al cwm12.gif


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It's about time someone spoke up. Good call Frank. wink.gif

To quote Wizard (stephen??)

'i miss how it used to be, the one thing i enjoyed the most about this place was, arguements aside, you could learn something. not everyone agreed, but not many spoke without the knowledge to do so.'

I couldn't have said it better. Yes, I'm still pretty new to the board but the last few months the board has slowly drifted into the middle of a dead sea. And no, I don't post a lot. Personally, I prefer reading to posting but lately I haven't been doing much of that either. Who cares about the imposters, they don't exist to me. Who cares about all the pointless, unrelated posts. No one. It's just cumbersome and and annoying. Plain and simple. Actually, I've been waiting to see the 'Who should be voted President of the board Post'...hopefully I won't. This is supposed to be an informative site, not a popularity contest.

I'm with Casey, I find myself reading 3-4 posts tops because everything else is just nonsense. I used to get a ton of valuable info from people who know their shit. I'm not really sure how the issue can be resolved to EVERYONE's liking but it's definitely worth a shot...


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At this point, you know who you trust, know, respect and get knowledge, etc from. now that you have that, who cares.

it seems like this board is discouraging a few of us. i don't think it should, you know who you like, so that's what should matter. whether you get a chance to talk with them as much, oh well, there are other ways to get a hold of those you want to, other than this board. peace


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Iight ppl.. Gotta reply to this one. I really don't know how the board USED to be. All about music or not. This reminds me of those posts about how awesome clubbing was back in the days when it was all about the music. Now it's all about bullshit and ppl trying to look cool. Similar situation don't you think?

I really don't know what the problem is. Maybe when you're new (whether it's 1991, 1995 or 1999), you're more interested in what ppl say. After a while you heard it ALL and you get bored. Therefore things start to annoy you coz you're not getting that much info or learning anything new.

As far as personal posts, I do that all the time. I reply to posts that are to my attn, and to posts that ppl that I know personally write. I don't see anything wrong with it.. PMing is hard when it's between more than 2 ppl. E-mail is a pain when it comes to "chatting".. If I see a post with attn:somepersonwhoisnotme, I just skip it.. Someone has something to say to them, none of my business. And I hate it when ppl say that someone is just taking up space. I think it's rude and this is a BOARD.. There's INFINITE space here, so.......

And my favorite part, NOT, the impostors.. Lately it's been out of control and like I said, it seems to be 1-2 ppl with about a 1000 different screen names. I think Dave should take a look at this one loser and end our misery.

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Guest crystalmethodny

Originally posted by eviljav666:

i think your right the board is all about whos the best dj and where the clubs at.....i go on the board to fuck around....and beeee myself....i use to rip my friends when they told about the board and what goes on....there just to much competition over dj and clubs...and i cant believe no body rembers dj disciple.....his fucking old school...this when the old sound factory was around the block from lighnight and he also had a show every week on 89.1..brother was sweet..he always played good recss..alright whatever i have to say...KILL cwm23.gif KILL KILL KILL

I know DJ Disciple, and he's ripping it up in Europe.

No dizzie... he's known, no doubts about that.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."


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Know your role and shut your mouth. The rock is about to speak. Here is what I think about this whole issue. You guys should be greateful you have imposters and as well as people like me on this board. You should be down on your fucking knees in front of us. Me personally, i am simply brutally honest with everyone on this board. I don't belive into this being nice bullshit to everyone, even people you don't like. If i feel like saying something, i say it. I mean seriously, like my post about all DJ's being ugly. WTF. I personally happen to think all DJs are hanus, i mean is that so bad that I think that way. and most of you probably think the same but never admit it. I also happen to think DJing takes no talent, and you know what I found out? that a lot of you think so too. as far as the imposters go, whoptituda whopptitude oh my what a wonderful day. These guys aren't throwing stones in anyones face, they're just fucking around trying to spice things up. I think it's very entertaining, and so do you all of you deep inside, and the ones that don't are stiff ass mo fos. Relax and get loose, aren't you all supposed to be laid back druggies anyway? you can't take a few jokes, ?

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It seems like even in this post a lots of the same things are being said in different ways. I'm glad that for the most part we are agreeing...

Imposters: as, I think it was imposterjackass who said it, some of the imposters are here just for the sake of comedy and I agree that those type of posts can be damn funny. But as several people have said, if you don't like what that particular imposter says, don't read their posts... I agree that some of the imposters posts are straight out WRONG, but they are going to exist no matter how much we bitch about them....

I actaully made a post today asking about what club would be good for.... and no one responded (at least last time I checked)... So I don't understand why peeps complain about non-club type posts, then when there are club type post, no one answers.... Ok done with gripe...

Charlie is right about the not being too public. I know when I was clubbing in LA the bouncers did look for posses, harmless or not, because that's what they are there for, to look for any potential trouble, real or not...

I can't claim to be experienced with the board or with the NY scene for that matter, but some of it is just common sense... There's a lot of posts on here I don't read, just because I know it's either not pertaining to me, or it's not something I'm interested in paying attention to. Get over it. Not every post out there is going to hold interest for you... A post to the attn of so and so is really only meant for that person. If you want to eavesdrop, well they put it out there, but don't complain about it....

ok I'll shut up now...




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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hmmm.... Imposters:

I don't know who they are, but I do know a lot of people on this messageboard. Go figure.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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i don't do all that much posting anymore. . . i feel i know enough people from this board to get by. . . and i'm always open to meeting and chatting with new peeps, but this board has definitely gotten to be a bit much. . .

yes, i am guilty of posting some sort of nonesensical bullshit every once in a while, but if you know me, you know that it's what i do on a regular basis, mostly for people's enjoyment. . . i don't pay attention to imposters, mainly because no one can mock me better than me, and i don't have the time. . .

right now, i don't have to look at the board to find what's goin' down. . . i can call up charlie or frankie or stephan or yvette or whatever to find out. . . even though i miss arguing about DJs and clubs and CDs, you had to know this was gonna happen, especiallly with the crazy amount of meetups we've had in the past. . . it attracted TONS of people, both a good and bad thing. . . things can't and won't go back to the way it was, and we'd be naive to think it would happen. . . all we can do is post what we think is relavent and weed out the others. . . we now have to work to find what we need out of this board. . . does that suck? yeah. . . but whatever. . . it's only the board. . .

and when i go out, it's "what board??" cwm35.gif


so tell me. . . who's yr daddy???

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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

I know when I was clubbing in LA the bouncers did look for posses, harmless or not, because that's what they are there for, to look for any potential trouble, real or not...

You were out in Cali? WTF possessed you to come to freezing temperatures in NYC?


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by lexxxi:

I never replied to them. And, I agree with regards to putting personal stuff about the things we like in our sex life, that's why I stopped. But still...it was to nasty for my tastes!!!

Ah well!!! Shit happens!!!

i'm sad to hear you and mysteriouss were given this shit - post their names or something - that's totally out of order behaviour.


* i love sex always and forever *

and they tell me that women grow on trees

and if you catch them right they will land upon their knees

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There is about as much controversy here as there has been in the country over the election!

I remember over the summer when I first got to NYC the club scene was much better. Have I burned out or has the scene burned out? Perhaps there is no way for me to empirically know the difference between the two.




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Originally posted by artful:

hmmm.... Imposters:

I don't know who they are, but I do know a lot of people on this messageboard. Go figure.

Even though I've seen him "for real", I still harbor a lingering suspicion that Artful is, in fact, a 36-year-old female Norweigan ice fisher with a penchant for Twister, cribbage and decoding top-secret US military secrets for the Canadian Government.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Originally posted by vejita:

Even though I've seen him "for real", I still harbor a lingering suspicion that Artful is, in fact, a 36-year-old female Norweigan ice fisher with a penchant for Twister, cribbage and decoding top-secret US military secrets for the Canadian Government.




-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

-----"Live for Twilo Fridays, The rest are just details" -Me

-----"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte


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