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the vinyl is dead 2


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here is an interesting twist on the whole vinyl is dead debate...

for dance music to survive in this age of P2P programs, doesnt it need to be in the digital form?

Vinyl sales alone can not keep the genre alive, but digital downloads can.

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problem is, you need music to dance, and if people aint making it.....

just cuz music isnt printed on vinyl doesnt mean its not getting made. Its far easier nowadays to just make it digitally and have it distributed online, becomes more accessible to everyone and puts the producers name out there.

everyone seriously just needs to stop getting hung up on how the music is mixed or made. Now when the djs just start popping in mash ups or predone sets, then bitch n whine, til then is all good long as they putting in their soul into it.

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just cuz music isnt printed on vinyl doesnt mean its not getting made. Its far easier nowadays to just make it digitally and have it distributed online, becomes more accessible to everyone and puts the producers name out there.

everyone seriously just needs to stop getting hung up on how the music is mixed or made. Now when the djs just start popping in mash ups or predone sets, then bitch n whine, til then is all good long as they putting in their soul into it.


It definitely DOES matter how music is made, and the quality of the playback format and medium!

Its just like the movies, you didnt go see King Kong to see half assed special effects and a film that looked like it was shot through a Kodak disposable camera!

It makes a difference sonically what the DJ uses, CD, Vinyl or MP3! When your out at a dance club, its supposed to be great, not just ok, or good, GREAT!

Vinyl still has a sound that CD does not, and its GREAT! This will change eventually, but until it does.....

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honestly as somebody who hits up clubs and is not a dj .. i can care less if a DJ is using CD's or Vinyl .. just as long as he is playing hot music and the vibe is insane i can care less if the dj is using cd's or vinyl .. its all about the music ... aint it?

As a DJ and producer I can say for a fact that there are songs that are made where the low end is a major driving force of the song. These songs just don't sound good when played on a CD. Anybody who has ever been to Shelter can voutch for me on this point.

For those of you who haven't, I'll give another example. Everybody has heard Switch's "A Bit Patchy" (that song with a sample of Sugarhill Gang's "Apache"). The bass on that song is key. With no low end it loses soooo much.

(magicxmotion, I'm not directing this at you, just using your quote to state a point :biggrin: )

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just cuz music isnt printed on vinyl doesnt mean its not getting made. Its far easier nowadays to just make it digitally and have it distributed online, becomes more accessible to everyone and puts the producers name out there.

everyone seriously just needs to stop getting hung up on how the music is mixed or made. Now when the djs just start popping in mash ups or predone sets, then bitch n whine, til then is all good long as they putting in their soul into it.

Just because it's easier doesn't make it better. Having to get your song signed by a label helps filter out a lot of crap. Now, without a filter, the market is being flooded with crap.

What is happening may seem nice now, but it will ultimately kill the EDM scene. TRUST ME! Anybody who knows how the industry works will agree with me on this. If you don't know, please do us a favor and take your ass over to one of the Pacha threads.


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As a DJ and producer I can say for a fact that there are songs that are made where the low end is a major driving force of the song. These songs just don't sound good when played on a CD. Anybody who has ever been to Shelter can voutch for me on this point.

For those of you who haven't, I'll give another example. Everybody has heard Switch's "A Bit Patchy" (that song with a sample of Sugarhill Gang's "Apache"). The bass on that song is key. With no low end it loses soooo much.

(magicxmotion, I'm not directing this at you, just using your quote to state a point :biggrin: )

Thank you!

Vinyl also offers a warmer sounding midrange, that has better spatial imaging, and more depth. So, in addition to the more robust and thumping low end, its also much more pleasing at high volume in a dance club than a CD!

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All this talk about vinyl sounding "clearer" or "better" than CD is really bs. CD's and ultimately digital formats can massively exceed the range of vinyl. It's simple physics. What people hear about vinyl is that they say it sounds "warmer" because it has the scratchiness to it. Something that isn't as crisp and clear as a CD or digital format. This warmer sound makes it sound homemade...so its a matter of do you like home cooked food or a gourmet restaurant? It's all about taste. But in the end, if you care that a dj is playing vinyl vs a CD and spend time trying to figure out which format they are playing, then...well, you are a very very very small minority and I would almost suggest you do something else in the club...like dance, drink or talk to someone.

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theres no difference in the sound at all.
Yes there is. One doesnt have to spend their time in a club nitpicking whats being played on what format, but certain formats are more enjoyable than others!

Its true that we are going to be ALL digital, and are quite digital as it is at the present time. But, it does not sound the same as records and analog audio did! At some point in the near future I feel they will get digital formats and audio to a point where it is almost indiscernible from its analog ancestors, but thery havent achieved that yet!

I for one, find music doesnt sound as good since the advent of digital home studios and workstations, and music doesnt have as much music in it since we went all EDM!

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