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Could everyone please stop bashing EXIT ?

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

My eye... call me Pirate Charlie or cyclops... I need a pacifier right about now cause of the pain... oh the fucking pain... it's like a hair got stuck in my eye and I can't get it out... ever feel that... well, multiply that by a 100 and that's me right now...

Oh man.. I hope it gets better soon.. Sowwy hun frown.gif

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Originally posted by risa06:

listen...whats wrong w/ "meatheads" ?????....at least they look good......and don't smell...........

well that debatable wink.gif


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Originally posted by risa06:

hmmmmmmmm....true wink.gif .........

how are you hun?....I guees you couldn't make it to Americas huh?.......when are you comming to Exit....lol

just a lil PS...

.......EXIT IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......



"I don't want you to love me........"

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not bad hun, you?

yea things have been kinda hectic lately, but a friend of mine who really likes exit has been sayin he wants to go. so looks like some time after christmas maybe


i had remembered a while back there was talk of a meetup the week before new years so hopefully that'll happen



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Originally posted by spyz:

im sorry i have been to exit once and twilo once and i can safely say twilo is the better club. You dont have rude loud juiceheads knocking int ou and grabbing your girls ass...exits wack cwm23.gif

..... cwm25.gif ....whatevah.......


Exit......>the Best


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

not bad hun, you?

yea things have been kinda hectic lately, but a friend of mine who really likes exit has been sayin he wants to go. so looks like some time after christmas maybe


i had remembered a while back there was talk of a meetup the week before new years so hopefully that'll happen


sounds good to me.....I am not planning to go there untill 30th of Dec anyway smile.gif ....

now you know you have to let me know if you are going....right??? smile.gif .......and I make sure juiceheads will be waiting for you there to treat you like VIP wink.gif hehehehe



"I don't want you to love me........"

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all the people that bash EXIT are all the people who cant dance for shit...cant dress..for shit...cant do anything for shit....ive been to every club out there and EXIT shits on anything....Dont be jealous....Exit is the shit and always will be the shit..so all you lame asses stay away from it b4 u fuk it up....

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Originally posted by gabrielll:

I want to try to get into exit with black sneaks but its not worth the 20 bucks I'd have to hit the dude off with to get in with them. Cause with my luck he would go beat on me that night for them.

i only wear black sneakers to all the clubs i go to. hasn't been a problem yet. that's the way to go..



*turn it around baby*


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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

all the people that bash EXIT are all the people who cant dance for shit...cant dress..for shit...cant do anything for shit....ive been to every club out there and EXIT shits on anything....Dont be jealous....Exit is the shit and always will be the shit..so all you lame asses stay away from it b4 u fuk it up....

You like the word shit, don't ya...

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Originally posted by kitty19:

i only wear black sneakers to all the clubs i go to. hasn't been a problem yet. that's the way to go..

I know but its like hit or miss if he will let me in. I mean the worst that would happen is I'd go back to my car and change them but still. Plus as a guy the rules are a little diff.

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Wow....this is the best post I read all day suprisingly.......I'll give a quick take on it......first off, about the meatheads thing......I have had my worst experiences with them at times and I have no problem with them because many of my friends are meatheads(my Jersey peeps of course)......most of them aren't as bad as their made out to be as far as attitude......just short tempered so don't even bother with them unless you're with them.......my problem with them is that they insist on taking up every piece of dance space on the floor.......that's of course impossible but there has been so many times in my days when myself and a few friends are rippin it up a bit in maybe a little circle, just battling out......now these meatheads seem to have a problem with other people getting any props so they decide to just walk into the circle as a group and jump around punching and kicking thin air.....I am fine with anyone who dances, good or bad, hell I'm not the best dancer myself but to do something like that is just obnoxious.......not to mention the many times that meatheads sucker punched myself and my friends at clubs(in Jersey) for "looking" at their quedette girlfriends.....please.......so to sum that up, I stay away from them unless they're my friends......

Next topic......first let's just put Twilo in one basket, and Exit & SF in another......they don't belong in the same batch so let's make that clear....why?.....now let's see......I like to refer to places like SF & Exit as "domestic" or "local" clubs.....reason being, they are popular in the tri-state area and a bit around the US......Twilo is an "international" club.......for christs sake, Twilo is world renown and if you go to any country in Europe or wherever and talk clubs with them, they will most likely ask you about Twilo......I doubt people in the UK come to the US to hit up Exit......now my point here is that Twilo is a club with the European spirit in it......very similar vibe to that of clubs like Gatecrasher and such.......it's the type of place where people go and can stand in one spot looking at the DJ spin for hours and loving every second of the music.......who gives two shits about picking up people in clubs? I mean, can you really find out much about a person with hundreds of thousands of decibels slamming your ears? It's possible but not likely.......back to my point, I can't say the same about the Exit & SF batch......firstly, I hardly doubt people overseas have heard of any of these clubs and if so, very few.......why? because these are domestic, or "Americanized" clubs......the European vibe just isn't there.....it's all about impression and who's bigger or whatever else.......I comment so much on the European ora because that is where the "club scene" was invented and all this babble about clubs is rooted in Europe.......that is why I love Twilo so much, it has the vibe that is representative of international clubs......can we dispute this? If you think you can let's just think about the DJ lineup at Twilo from September until the end of this month......I won't even mention it but that just goes to show the difference between these two baskets.......I'm not sure you'll ever see Sasha at Exit in the near lifetime......that does not mean, however, that the DJs at SF and Exit aren't good, in fact, I like some of them but there is a huge difference in the DJ styles.......now, all this I say is not to say that one basket is better than the other so please SF/Exit peeps don't get all pissy at me.......I like SF/Exit when I have my moods so I'm not saying that you guys are clueless or nothing.......I really just want to try to illustrate the enormous difference there is between the two.......essentially, this is the reason why this is an ongoing debate that seems to never end.......we're all asking the wrong questions and giving the wrong answers.......I like to see that people are so passionate about the places they populate and that is all I'm doing above......I admit, I'm a bit biased toward Twilo but that's only natural.......I respect everyone else's opinions on this thread so please to the same for me even if you think it sucks.......in the end, we're all NYC....thanks friends...... cwm11.gif



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Originally posted by tyco:

I like SF/Exit when I have my moods so I'm not saying that you guys are clueless or nothing.......

I went there to those places **cough**SF/Exit**cough** in the beginning of the year... I was totally clueless... now I have seen the light... you have shown me the light... say, ain't there a laser light show at Twilo tonight?

Too bad I'm one eye blind or I would go...

BTW, Giant in LA is the answer to Twilo... they got the DJs popping in there left and right... in case you ever take a trip to the left coast...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

all the people that bash EXIT are all the people who cant dance for shit...cant dress..for shit...cant do anything for shit....ive been to every club out there and EXIT shits on anything....Dont be jealous....Exit is the shit and always will be the shit..so all you lame asses stay away from it b4 u fuk it up....

exit sucks so bad, you have no clue...keep your warped sense of, well everything, in Exit, please

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Why NOT bash Exit?I only went once but I'll never go back...after seeing the ridiculous crowd that was there....all those 16 year olds with fake ID's,girls with tissue stuffed into their bras,and the guys with spiked,greasy hair made me sick.If I go clubbing,I'd like to be around older,more mature people please.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I've seen PLENTY of ppl with pacifiers at Twilo... I like that place but you know 95% of the ppl there are FUCKED UP on something!!!!! Look at the stairs in the back!!! All those ppl are barely capable of moving and 1/2 of them have pacifiers smile.gif I'm not bashing Twilo. I go there at least once a month and I really like it. Just wanted to clear up about these annoying pacifier ppl smile.gif And I never see so many glow sticks anywhere else! I hate those things!! smile.gif

i just wanted to clear up something here. i disagree with you that 1/2 the people by the stairs 1) have pacifiers, 2) can barely move. yes it is true that maybe 1-3 people TOTAL may have pacifiers in the whole club and yes, a handful of people are so cracked out that they can't move... but the majority of the people are just chillin and resting.

if you look around exit, there are just as many if not more cracked out/drunk people just sitting around all over the place. i've seen many a pacifier and glowsticks at exit... especially annoying are the ones who use long strings with their glow sticks. take up so much of the dance floor.

so let's be fair here when making comments about one club crowd vs. another...






I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Pacifier good for teeth... glowstix good for working out... everything serves a purpose...

SF and Exit serve a purpose too... if they didn't exist, meatheads would be at Twilo...

I say Exit and SF rock... it keeps the trash away from Twilo... will have my drama armor polished, so fire away... meatheads.


cwm2.gif you are the man! funny as shit!




I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

they have cold steam at exit too

exit and twilo's cold steam are NOT the same. go to twilo and check it out... you'll see the difference... trust me





I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by gabrielll:

I don't know I'm not down with the whole pacifier thing, I think it's retarded. I think that too people have a problem with exit or sf cause they couldn't get in to those places the way that they like to dress when they go to Twilo. And don't tell me I'm wrong cause thats gotta be one of the reasons why.

that's a pretty poor generalization to make. personally, my friends and i dress very well and NEVER had a problem getting into EXIT or any other club for that matter. this goes way back to the days of limelight, club usa, nell's, etc. when clubs were much more selective in who they let into clubs...

i agree that the dress code at twilo is, well there is none... people where sweat pants to gq style there.

please don't confuse, music and venue preference with being able to get in,,, it's just that most people at twilo are there to dance and wear comfortable clothing...

you also have to admit, some of the outfits of the people at exit are right out of saturday night fever...




I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by k_car:

i just wanted to clear up something here. i disagree with you that 1/2 the people by the stairs 1) have pacifiers, 2) can barely move. yes it is true that maybe 1-3 people TOTAL may have pacifiers in the whole club and yes, a handful of people are so cracked out that they can't move... but the majority of the people are just chillin and resting.

if you look around exit, there are just as many if not more cracked out/drunk people just sitting around all over the place. i've seen many a pacifier and glowsticks at exit... especially annoying are the ones who use long strings with their glow sticks. take up so much of the dance floor.

so let's be fair here when making comments about one club crowd vs. another...



OMG... You wanna go in and COUNT what fraction of ppl have pacifiers and how many are cracked out??? Pleeeeaaasee.. All clubs have drugs I know that. But I haven't seen as many pacifiers or glowsticks at SF as I've seen at Twilo. Just my observation but maybe I went on nights when ppl just decided to do it and not when you went there.. I dunno about Exit, I only been there a handful of times and mostly in the small rooms.. But I've been to Twilo and SF a LOT, those are my 2 fave clubs so I notice things without trying to judge ppl or make preferences (although I do have my preference LOL)..

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

But I haven't seen as many pacifiers or glowsticks at SF as I've seen at Twilo.

Pacifiers... hmm... I actually use them cause I can't be seen sucking on da real thing in public... glowstix... well, they're an extension of you know what... combine the three and there's like 30 inches of pure juice... hey, my name ain't ezdreamer for nothing...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by slicer:

Wait a sec, why do u have to like one and hate the other, I've been to all three (SF/Twilo/Exit) and I like them all, so there are some more unwanted ppl in Exit than lets say the other 2 but these clubs are big enuf where u can just go somewhere else. Going to the same place over and over gets a little boring after a while, a change of venue is what keeps going out fun.

This is a very smart man/woman!!! My sentiments exactly. Thanks for saying it for me! I love all three clubs you mentioned and then some. I think I'm a pretty open-minded person and at one time I didn't "love" Twilo but I can't even begin to say how much I love it now. I don't even begin to compare my nights at Twilo to my nights at Exit, and we're forgetting Vinyl here. That's another clubbing experience in itself!!! I think SF, Exit, Twilo and Vinyl are all unique in themselves and I'm happy to say I can enjoy them all...gives me more of a choice of what to do on the weekends!!



Peace Love Happiness y'all


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