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club preference- drugs or dance?

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honestly i think the whole drug scene is out of control. Its not only a ridiculous trend but its harmful to a persons health. even if doing it once in a while. I know many people who have turned their lives into a living hell because of their drug usage. its a real turn off to go into a club and find that every person who hits on you is either drunk or drugged up. I guess thats why you should never hook up with anyone in a club. I usually go to chill with my friends and dance....basically burn off the party from the night before..or just to burn calories. whats your opinion? cwm44.gifcwm44.gif

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exactly. to each his own. i dance and do drugs and my life is far from being a living hell. i can do woithout, but for me it just enhances the experience. and what does doing drugs have to do with hooking up? and b/c some people get out of control you should never hook up in clubs b/c there are people on drugs. if ur not on anything then by your theory you should have the good judgement to determine who's fucked up or not, or at least who's not too fucked to deal with. oh, and don't worry i know my "druggy" ass wouldn't hook up with someone as judgemental as you anyway.



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I'm going to a club to dance, not to hook up.

Who says I can't dance and be under the influence?

I know I won't take E if I can't go out and dance, but I can go out and dance without taking E. Sounds like a good policy which you might be overlooking is 'not hooking up with people in clubs'. Get a number, talk to them the next day, and then you'll see if you like them.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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Originally posted by vipsonly2000:

honestly i think the whole drug scene is out of control. Its not only a ridiculous trend but its harmful to a persons health. even if doing it once in a while. I know many people who have turned their lives into a living hell because of their drug usage. its a real turn off to go into a club and find that every person who hits on you is either drunk or drugged up. I guess thats why you should never hook up with anyone in a club. I usually go to chill with my friends and dance....basically burn off the party from the night before..or just to burn calories. whats your opinion

I think you need to first step off your high horse and take a good look around. Regardless of what club I go to, I see sober people, drunk people and drugged people. Everyone does what they wish to do, and as long as they dont "interfere" with others, I dont see that as a problem.

As far as hooking up in a club....its simple. If you like someone or have a good time, see them afterwards. Go out on a date. You cannot say that people you meet at a club are bad material until you know them.

I know all kinds of people who do the club scene that range from college kids all the up to ad execs. You never, ever know what the person you are talking to really does. That is what makes meeting people interesting.

I would suggest you take a deep breath and look around. Sure, youll see a lot of crap and things that disgust you but you will ALSO find things that Intrigue you, Interest you and amuse you.

Open your mind....In the long run, it makes you happier.




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"I know all kinds of people who do the club scene that range from college kids all the up to ad execs. You never, ever know what the person you are talking to really does. That is what makes meeting people interesting."

Myrlin, you hit it right on the head. The range of people I meet it what makes it all so cool. And only after i get to know them, do i have the chance to appreciate the people. Vipsonly doesn't seem to have looked at that angle.


you'll have to say 'hi' to me at Twilo on friday then.


[This message has been edited by petrol (edited 12-17-2000).]

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when i go out now, i go to dance and chill with my friends, and be sober (although i admit that doesn't always hold true the entire night). some intoxicated people annoy me, but only when they follow me around the club all night. but they'd annoy me if they were sober too.

i'm trying to stay away from drugs now, but i have to credit them for enhancing my appreciation for sound and movement and people

Originally posted by myrlin:

I know all kinds of people who do the club scene that range from college kids all the up to ad execs...

so you do consider me a "kid", huh?? i caught you, Claudio!



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I definatley do not need drugs to have a good time.....as long as the muzik is slamming its all good. I just go to DANCE & chill w/my friends.

Lotta ppl can't go clubbin sober or they do go in the hopes of finding shit there...thats the worst...being on mission, searchin, pining for it...a waste of time..& ur miserable until u find shit...and if u don't....ur beyond miz. My point is u shouldn't associate takin drugs=good time.... sober=bad time. U shouldn't depend on drugs to make u happy or for u to have a sick night.

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

I definatley do not need drugs to have a good time.....as long as the muzik is slamming its all good. I just go to DANCE & chill w/my friends.

Lotta ppl can't go clubbin sober or they do go in the hopes of finding shit there...thats the worst...being on mission, searchin, pining for it...a waste of time..& ur miserable until u find shit...and if u don't....ur beyond miz. My point is u shouldn't associate takin drugs=good time.... sober=bad time. U shouldn't depend on drugs to make u happy or for u to have a sick night.

Very good explanation.....although I think there are times when one might wanna be bent on a certain night.......not because they can't have a good time without it but rather that it's simply his/her preference.......just like you or any other person chooses to stay sober......it's not a have fun/not have fun situation with that for me.......sometime I just want to be a fucked up a bit just like sometimes I get cravings for chocolate or being in hot tubs........my life will not be miserable without them but it would enhance it with them.......get my point.....lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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It's all about the energy and vibe. If a chemical makes that vibe better and stronger all the better.....

Everything in moderation.......including moderation


don't think, just do...but do unto others as you'd have them do unto you

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Originally posted by deanna11:

so you do consider me a "kid", huh?? i caught you, Claudio!

Hmm, I think you have a complex wink.gif "College Kid" is a term silly girl. Care to show me how much of a "kid" you aren't?

Bring it on **grins**





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