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it came back to bite us in the ass


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Anyone remember this??

It was 1987! At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration.

There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning!

He was being drilled by a senator; "Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?"

Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir."

The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, "Isn't that just a little excessive?"

"No, sir," continued Ollie.

"No? And why not?" the senator asked.

"Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir."

"Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned.

"By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered.

"Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"

"His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie replied.

At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. Why are you so afraid of this man?" the senator asked.

"Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of", Ollie answered.

"And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator.

"Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."

The senator disagreed with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip.

By the way, that senator was Al Gore!


Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political prisoners."

However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands, The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released.

Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked the US by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center. This was reported by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified.

It was censored in the US from all later reports.

If you agree that the American public should be made aware of this fact, pass this on.

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Well Oliver North actually responded to this internet rumour.

Feeling the draft

Oct 22, 2004

by Oliver North ( bio | archive | contact )

Email to a friend Print this page Text size: A A WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Conspiracy theories and "urban legends" are compelling, especially when people e-mail them to five hundred or so of their closest friends.

Shortly after the 9-11 terrorist attacks three years ago, some creative person wrote a very convincing e-mail about my testimony before Congress in 1987, in which the author purported to quote me warning a congressional committee about Osama bin Laden. Not surprisingly, the e-mail was transmitted to readers all over the globe and the compliments are still coming. One minor problem: I never testified about bin Laden.

Well, now there's a new collectable for conspiracy theorists: According to a widely circulated e-mail, President George W. Bush will impose a draft if he is re-elected. Like the one about my congressional testimony, this e-mail is baseless, yet unwary readers seldom resist the urge to click "forward" after reading such a breathtaking claim.

Anyone can now concoct an erroneous accusation about a candidate, and if the e-mail passes the sensationalism test, the falsehood will quickly obfuscate reality. President Bush declared in the St. Louis debate: "We're not going to have a draft. Period." Without spicing his sentences with a couple of expletives, it's impossible for the commander in chief to be more emphatic.

Unfortunately, Sen. John Kerry must have been too busy scribbling when the president reaffirmed his unequivocal support for our all-volunteer military. The Democrat nominee and his campaign continue to advance the canard -- and now members of the so-called mainstream media are pitching in to help. When Kerry told the Des Moines Register that if Bush is re-elected, there is "great potential of a draft," no reporter challenged the unfounded assertion.

It apparently doesn't matter to the potentates of the press that Bush has consistently opposed conscription. Could the entire Fourth Estate forget that it was Rep. Donald Rumsfeld -- now the secretary of defense -- who authored the model legislation for our current all-volunteer military? Or do the Barons of Bombast who march in lockstep behind their chosen candidate simply want to avoid calling Kerry a liar?

Aided and abetted by a pliant press, the "draft deception" has gained traction among young Americans -- a key voter demographic in this very close race. A recent National Annenberg Election Survey found that a stunning 51 percent of adults ages 18 to 29 believe President Bush supports conscription, while only 8 percent think Kerry would reinstate the draft.

Not that facts seem to matter in this case, but no Republicans supported H.R. 163, the bill introduced by Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., and 14 Democrat cosponsors, which would have compelled all men -- and women -- to serve a mandatory tour in the military. When Republican House leaders called his bluff and insisted on bringing the bill to the floor to prove their own opposition to conscription, Rangel fumed that the parliamentary maneuver was "hypocrisy of the worst kind" and voted against his own proposal.

Though neither Kerry nor his campaign "scare-mail" acknowledge it, no president can require compulsory military service. Our Constitution charges Congress with the responsibility to "raise and support armies." Short of a cataclysmic attack on the United States, no Congress is going to vote for conscription -- particularly since it would inevitably force our daughters to fight.

And therein lies the full fallacy in Kerry's "draft scare." He and his liberal colleagues have successfully argued "gender neutrality" for so long that male-only conscription is legislatively impossible. Any congressional vote to draft American men would immediately invite a legal challenge from Edwards' trial lawyer cronies -- alleging "sexual discrimination" against men. One can only guess how long this case would take to get to the Supreme Court.

These realities, ignored by the Kerry campaign e-mail "rumor mill" and the media, are very much on the mind of our military professionals. The officers I cover in Iraq and Afghanistan are keenly aware that we are defended by an all-volunteer force. They also know that today's military is the brightest, best educated, and most proficient and highly motivated in history -- and they want to keep it that way. While pointing to unprecedentedly high re-enlistment rates among the regular Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps as proof that morale remains high, they also point to trouble on the horizon.

Last year, all four branches of the U.S. military met their retention goals and exceeded their recruiting objectives. But this week, the Army announced that last month it was 30 percent short of its target of 7,274 new recruits. Privately, some officers and senior NCOs are now grumbling that "all the negative coverage" and "draft talk" is hurting new enlistments.

How much of this is the consequence of the Kerry scare-mail is impossible to gauge. But it does beg the question why more of the media have not called him on the lie. No matter who wins on Nov. 2, we're going to need 200,000 bright, brave high school and college graduates to volunteer to serve in our armed forces this year. The terrorists who would kill us if they could will still be out there after the inauguration in January. It's time John Kerry did the right thing for the country -- and told the truth about the draft. Maybe he could send out an e-mail.

And by the way -- no matter what it said in the e-mail about my congressional testimony, the terrorist I testified about was Abu Nidal.

Oliver North is a nationally syndicated columnist and the founder and honorary chairman of Freedom Alliance, a Townhall.com Gold Partner.

So it turned out to be bullshit. By the way Mohammed Atta never blew the bus in Israel it was a Palestinian named Mahmoud Atta. Close but no cigar.

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Well Oliver North actually responded to this internet rumour.

Feeling the draft

Oct 22, 2004

by Oliver North ( bio | archive | contact )

Email to a friend Print this page Text size: A A WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Conspiracy theories and "urban legends" are compelling, especially when people e-mail them to five hundred or so of their closest friends.

Shortly after the 9-11 terrorist attacks three years ago, some creative person wrote a very convincing e-mail about my testimony before Congress in 1987, in which the author purported to quote me warning a congressional committee about Osama bin Laden. Not surprisingly, the e-mail was transmitted to readers all over the globe and the compliments are still coming. One minor problem: I never testified about bin Laden.

Well, now there's a new collectable for conspiracy theorists: According to a widely circulated e-mail, President George W. Bush will impose a draft if he is re-elected. Like the one about my congressional testimony, this e-mail is baseless, yet unwary readers seldom resist the urge to click "forward" after reading such a breathtaking claim.

Anyone can now concoct an erroneous accusation about a candidate, and if the e-mail passes the sensationalism test, the falsehood will quickly obfuscate reality. President Bush declared in the St. Louis debate: "We're not going to have a draft. Period." Without spicing his sentences with a couple of expletives, it's impossible for the commander in chief to be more emphatic.

Unfortunately, Sen. John Kerry must have been too busy scribbling when the president reaffirmed his unequivocal support for our all-volunteer military. The Democrat nominee and his campaign continue to advance the canard -- and now members of the so-called mainstream media are pitching in to help. When Kerry told the Des Moines Register that if Bush is re-elected, there is "great potential of a draft," no reporter challenged the unfounded assertion.

It apparently doesn't matter to the potentates of the press that Bush has consistently opposed conscription. Could the entire Fourth Estate forget that it was Rep. Donald Rumsfeld -- now the secretary of defense -- who authored the model legislation for our current all-volunteer military? Or do the Barons of Bombast who march in lockstep behind their chosen candidate simply want to avoid calling Kerry a liar?

Aided and abetted by a pliant press, the "draft deception" has gained traction among young Americans -- a key voter demographic in this very close race. A recent National Annenberg Election Survey found that a stunning 51 percent of adults ages 18 to 29 believe President Bush supports conscription, while only 8 percent think Kerry would reinstate the draft.

Not that facts seem to matter in this case, but no Republicans supported H.R. 163, the bill introduced by Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., and 14 Democrat cosponsors, which would have compelled all men -- and women -- to serve a mandatory tour in the military. When Republican House leaders called his bluff and insisted on bringing the bill to the floor to prove their own opposition to conscription, Rangel fumed that the parliamentary maneuver was "hypocrisy of the worst kind" and voted against his own proposal.

Though neither Kerry nor his campaign "scare-mail" acknowledge it, no president can require compulsory military service. Our Constitution charges Congress with the responsibility to "raise and support armies." Short of a cataclysmic attack on the United States, no Congress is going to vote for conscription -- particularly since it would inevitably force our daughters to fight.

And therein lies the full fallacy in Kerry's "draft scare." He and his liberal colleagues have successfully argued "gender neutrality" for so long that male-only conscription is legislatively impossible. Any congressional vote to draft American men would immediately invite a legal challenge from Edwards' trial lawyer cronies -- alleging "sexual discrimination" against men. One can only guess how long this case would take to get to the Supreme Court.

These realities, ignored by the Kerry campaign e-mail "rumor mill" and the media, are very much on the mind of our military professionals. The officers I cover in Iraq and Afghanistan are keenly aware that we are defended by an all-volunteer force. They also know that today's military is the brightest, best educated, and most proficient and highly motivated in history -- and they want to keep it that way. While pointing to unprecedentedly high re-enlistment rates among the regular Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps as proof that morale remains high, they also point to trouble on the horizon.

Last year, all four branches of the U.S. military met their retention goals and exceeded their recruiting objectives. But this week, the Army announced that last month it was 30 percent short of its target of 7,274 new recruits. Privately, some officers and senior NCOs are now grumbling that "all the negative coverage" and "draft talk" is hurting new enlistments.

How much of this is the consequence of the Kerry scare-mail is impossible to gauge. But it does beg the question why more of the media have not called him on the lie. No matter who wins on Nov. 2, we're going to need 200,000 bright, brave high school and college graduates to volunteer to serve in our armed forces this year. The terrorists who would kill us if they could will still be out there after the inauguration in January. It's time John Kerry did the right thing for the country -- and told the truth about the draft. Maybe he could send out an e-mail.

And by the way -- no matter what it said in the e-mail about my congressional testimony, the terrorist I testified about was Abu Nidal.

Oliver North is a nationally syndicated columnist and the founder and honorary chairman of Freedom Alliance, a Townhall.com Gold Partner.

So it turned out to be bullshit. By the way Mohammed Atta never blew the bus in Israel it was a Palestinian named Mahmoud Atta. Close but no cigar.

One of the reasons I respect our Prez so much. In my life time I have not seen any other US President take soooo much shit, lies and conspiracies yet still stand tall for us. Many of us have our own methods of judging someone's character and my Judgment from day one told me he is an honorable man and will use the Power that we have inherited to help us and others who are less fortunate. I hear him speak and I believe him! I was once told "if something sounds to far fetched then it probably is". These past years have proven that statement to be right.

No one likes war! Way to expensive and loves one are lost. But to sit back knowing you have the ability to make someone's life better and yet do nothing is simply not may way of living life. I'm glad it wasn't my Presidents way as well. I hope and look forward years from now when our kids will speak about the tough times which at the end brought us new allies. That said, Japan, Germany and Russia ring a bell. From enemies to allies via Democracy.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion !!!!!!

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