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drugs are better than alcohol

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Originally posted by benzo:

Wine, is recommended by most doctors, coke is not, at least i hope it isn't.

weak argument. we're talking about substance use for recreation. i don't know any doctors who recommend going out and getting blitzed on wine. and i do know doctors prescribe a number of chemicals, including methamphetamine, methylphenidate, epinephrine, codeine, ketamine, MDMA, ... , although also not for overindulgence or recreation

if you're going to try to refute me, don't try to use the authority of what you think doctors or other experts would or would not do



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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

Drugs dont make you puke? Guess you have never really rolled hard.. Funny thing is i use to rate pills if i puked or not.. jees now or days i do a few bumps and i get perjectile vomits..

Drugs don't give you hangovers? how about that mid week depression everyone talks about? i would say i would rather be hung over then EXTREMLY UPSET AND MOODY becaues i got a hangnail...

You don't have to down several glasses of drugs.. But those of you who party every weekend, i'm sure your TAKING MORE THEN ONE E IN A NIGHT!...even those of you who don't party every weekend.. the pills around are not that good.. i would rather spend 40$ on gettin drunk with a few stackers, rather spend 40$ on 2 e's and another 50$ on a jar of k.. Oh and i'm not even gonna touch the simple fact that some of you do ghb...

effect is pretty immediate? on drugs?? HOW are you taking your e? i wanna know, cause it usually takes me about an hr to kick in..

i would say alch kicks in ALOT FASTER..

Sorry don't get me wrong, i don't do either or much anymore.. But this topic was kinda like the Blind man telling the deff man hes dumb...<~think about that...



ok, i'm thinking. i don't understand your point about the blind man and deaf man. are you saying it's pointless for someone to say something that makes no difference? if so, i'm not trying to make any difference

i'm also thinking you're imposing your experiences on mine. i don't puke on E. never have, and i've eaten my pills before. i also don't get depression or hangovers after rolling. and when i used to drop frequently, i could get the effects within ten minutes (chew and swallow)



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Originally posted by deanna11:

weak argument. we're talking about substance use for recreation. i don't know any doctors who recommend going out and getting blitzed on wine. and i do know doctors prescribe a number of chemicals, including methamphetamine, methylphenidate, epinephrine, codeine, ketamine, MDMA, ... , although also not for overindulgence or recreation

if you're going to try to refute me, don't try to use the authority of what you think doctors or other experts would or would not do

you know doctors prescribing mdma and ketamine?

what doctor is this, KAKVORKIAN??

please rolleyes.gif


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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you're all going to hell!!!!!!!!

Brace yourselves.




<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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I was just thinking how since I took E, alcohol just wasn't that much fun. If i drink it tends to screw up my balance, hence it screws up how I feel when i dance.

It too makes you moody, usualy while you're drunk, not just that day after. As a student, I did better studying after rolling than i ever did a day after i drank.

In short, i function better, and spend less money if i roll than if i drink. But then, i don't party every weekend, and usually less than once a month. I could have probably drank every weekend and still felt ok overall.

I suppose for me, drugs have reduced my alcohol intake. So is that an improvement? Or zero sum?


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

you know doctors prescribing mdma and ketamine?

what doctor is this, KAKVORKIAN??

please rolleyes.gif

please, maybe. MDMA has been, and is considered being used for psychological treatment, was formerly used as an anorectic. ketamine, for anaesthetic purposes



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The only thing I can say in defense of alcohol vs drugs is that it is consistent, and regulated. No need to worry about variance from batch to batch. a shot of absolut is a shot of absolut is a shot of absolut. But, with drugs, there is no consistency, so everytime you indulge in a new batch, there is a risk.

But, with that said, I'd rather smoke to catch a buzz than drink to get drunk just about any day.


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Originally posted by kitty19:

my goodness, someone is in an asshole mood today! my point is, basically, society has a stigma. deal with it.

Must admit, upon reading my previous posts in this thread... I was writing them with one eye blind... literally... now that I can see betta... yeah... I was in a bit of a mood... very foul of me...

BTW, stigmatism sucks... in the eye or otherwise.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Welllll... I dunno, there are all these different sides to consider about this issue.. Personally, I this drugs are better than alcohol BUT there are a few things ppl need to remember. Overdoing anything is bad. Drinking, smoking, doing drugs.. Whatever. If you overdo it, you lose control of yourself and become an alcoholic or a junkie.

It also depends on what kind of drinking you're talking about. I'm not even gonna talk about dinner wine coz that's nothing. Ppl who get WASTED (frat parties, etc) and die of alcohol poisoning, that's just stupid. Ppl who do 15 shots and throw up all over everyone and get into fights, not cool either. But ppl who have a few drinks, can handle themselves like adults (even though they make idiots out of themselves), that's ok...

Drugs.. It really depends on WHAT drugs you're talking about. Weed, I don't think anyone will argue that it's a big deal. Ppl on weed are the nicest smile.gif You'll NEVER see ppl get into a fight when they are high smile.gif Ecstacy - not too bad either.. K - that's a little worse. Ppl look like zombies and that shit just scares me.. GHB - you gotta be insane to do that shit. I have no idea why anyone would touch G at all..

There are a 100000 other drugs of course. But again, it really depends on how the person handles themselves on whatever they are on.. My only issue is that you rarely see ppl on drugs get into fights and alcohol goes hand in hand with fights...

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Hey Zoya!

Originally posted by mysteriousss:

GHB - you gotta be insane to do that shit. I have no idea why anyone would touch G at all..

I personally dig it, but hey, different strokes for different folks. But applicably to stuff to do at clubs, you're more or less right - if you swirl out at a club and nobody cares, that's kind of like crossing the streams - bad, very bad. But in a better controlled setting - talk about NO HANGOVER the next day! You feel like a million bucks.

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