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Where can you go if you're 18 in NYC?

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Please enlighten me...


What's cool?

Anything with Techno/Hardcore type music is of particularl interest but anything really.

Also if you know anything in Washington DC, Baltimore or Atlantic City, Philly feel free to chime in.

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Please enlighten me...


What's cool?

Anything with Techno/Hardcore type music is of particularl interest but anything really.

Also if you know anything in Washington DC, Baltimore or Atlantic City, Philly feel free to chime in.

well to be honest.. clubs / bars.. pretty much nowhere (except crobar son a special nights)

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You know what sucks people that are into the scene and r under 21. I'm not saying ok lets make clubs 18+, but it's not all of us. For some it's not bout the drugs the girls or whatever at least for me it's music. And i hate to wait till I 21 to hit up the Big nights. I was partying since 16 (not in the u.s.) and came here and they had this 21+ thing. Had no choice but to go to 18+ parties (till fake i.d. was taken away). Just because u'r not 21 does not mean you'r not a music lover or u r just a stupid lil loser going out getting fucked up picking up girls. just my .2 cents. BTW i'm turning 21 in a few months ;-)

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MOST of the time, the people can go either way. Either they're 18 and been going to clubs on 18 nights since they were 14, or they've known managers/owners/door/etc. Or they've never been in a club, act like an idiot, get g'd up, drunk off their ass, and cause problems.

Case: This kid was all over my girl at Avalon on friday. I'm dancing right in front of her, and he kept going up and talking to her, grabbing her leg. The kid couldn't have been more than 17 years old running his mouth in her ear. She told me his pickup line was, "What kind of car do you drive, I drive a Mercedes CLK, White." She laughed at him. I was in too good of a mood to start anything with the kid. I knew she was going home with me that night anyway. Even I got grabbed from a little italian girl going to the bathroom past the Chapel....More or less I was groped by this girl saying, "Let's get a drink." I told her I took some stuff and I can't drink. She gave me a look and then told me to fuck off cuz I denied her...

Go to the club for the music, not to meet your future girlfriend/boyfriend.

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MOST of the time, the people can go either way. Either they're 18 and been going to clubs on 18 nights since they were 14, or they've known managers/owners/door/etc. Or they've never been in a club, act like an idiot, get g'd up, drunk off their ass, and cause problems.

Case: This kid was all over my girl at Avalon on friday. I'm dancing right in front of her, and he kept going up and talking to her, grabbing her leg. The kid couldn't have been more than 17 years old running his mouth in her ear. She told me his pickup line was, "What kind of car do you drive, I drive a Mercedes CLK, White." She laughed at him. I was in too good of a mood to start anything with the kid. I knew she was going home with me that night anyway. Even I got grabbed from a little italian girl going to the bathroom past the Chapel....More or less I was groped by this girl saying, "Let's get a drink." I told her I took some stuff and I can't drink. She gave me a look and then told me to fuck off cuz I denied her...

Go to the club for the music, not to meet your future girlfriend/boyfriend.

Dude, I'm 25 and go out to bars and clubs all the time both 18+ and not. Under 21 year olds HARDLY have a monopoly on being retarded assholes. At least if it's a 17 year old pulling some shit with your girl you can easily beat the shit out of him as opposed to some neanderthal bouncer type (that is assuming you're not also one of those types which I'm not). Why all the hate for anyone who's under 21? They're not all automatically assholes.

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Oh, no doubt I've met some of the coolest people and they were under 21. They've been around the scene long enough to understand how to act. I'm 22 and I've been going since I was 18. I was too skeeved out about getting caught underage in a club. I agree that they don't have a monopoly. I was simply commenting it could go either way w/ underage kids, and not totally bad, though the stereotype does prove true at times.

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I thought SC party got shut down

nah...the SC party didnt get shut down...still pumping...good vibe in the room...the mangagerial part of the party was altered...but the party is still goin on...and imo getting a lot more fun for the younger crowd, with the older people still having a sick time!! all 18+ are welcome!

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