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Originally posted by risa06:

hey sweetie smile.gif .............I'll go to Vinyl in Jan w/ you guyz smile.gif ......if that is OK w/ you of course wink.gif ...........

how are you?


No, that is not OK with me! We don't troublemakers like you at Vinyl, got it? smile.gif LOL of course we'd love you to come...whats new hun? Are you coming out this weekend? Im thinking Liquids Thursday and Twilo Friday (maybe). I know its early but shit, Im feenin' for the weekend already! LOL...what are you doing?

- Ali


This weeks gigs:

Thursday - My Room

Friday - My Basement

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Originally posted by risa06:

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh....Tsettos.......how did you know cwm25.gif .....I think that if they put me up there I'll do better than him smile.gif ....what the hell?!?!?!?!?!......don't they hear what this dude doing???? everyone in that place were complaning about musik a/k/a noise..............I WAS SO BORED....so I had to go to Exit after World just to say that I heared some musik on my Sat night....so...thanks to DjMundy and DjBoris I can say that.......... smile.gif


Wow...our spelling skills are impeccable there Lola!! First of all what is a crowed?

"...to say that I heared some musik on my Sat night...."

Heared? Maybe you meant "heard" and musik is spelled with a "c" at the end (unless you meant to write it that way, which I highly doubt judging by the fact that you managed to screw up the spelling of some other simple words in the english language).


"Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT

Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!

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Originally posted by risa06:

hEy SmokEeEeEeEeEeEeEe!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif how are ya?...........V told me that you were going to be there this past Sat......I guees you backed out on them huh???? smile.gif hehehehe j/k

I'll def. let you know if I'm going this weekend..........but if I won't see you....HAPPY HOLIDAYS hun smile.gif .......


That's not a sufficient answer Lola...c'mon now...I want to hear: "Ohhh I'll definitely see you at SF on Sat Smokee!" Got it? Now say it! LOL

Seriously...it would be nice to see u & Mysteriousss this weekend! We're gonna have the VIP next to the alcohol bar upstairs!!

If I don't see ya (which will make Smokee very disappointed) Happy Holidays to you & yours!!!


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Cool off tough guy... And I'm sooo insulted with the DORK comment! I'm gonna cry frown.gif LMAO...... Some ppl are just too funny...

I wouldn't be surprised if you WERE insulted by the dork comment and if you did go cry because apparently, (judging by the fact that you MUST PUT YOUR WORTHLESS GARBAGE on EVERY FUCKING POST) you have no life!! YOU FUCKING DORK!!!!

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Originally posted by rogaineprinces:

I wouldn't be surprised if you WERE insulted by the dork comment and if you did go cry because apparently, (judging by the fact that you MUST PUT YOUR WORTHLESS GARBAGE on EVERY FUCKING POST) you have no life!! YOU FUCKING DORK!!!!

Loser, go write another post where you talk to yourself all day. It'll make my life soooo much better smile.gif

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Originally posted by saynotodrama:

Wow...our spelling skills are impeccable there Lola!! First of all what is a crowed?

"...to say that I heared some musik on my Sat night...."

Heared? Maybe you meant "heard" and musik is spelled with a "c" at the end (unless you meant to write it that way, which I highly doubt judging by the fact that you managed to screw up the spelling of some other simple words in the english language).

Who the fuck cares how well she can spell?? What are you the internet spelling police??? PUHHHHHHHHHLEASE!!!!

Now get a life!


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Ain't NOBODY talk about the Rogaineprincess!

Speaking of LAME names....Mysteriousssssssssssssssssss?????? What do you stutter? Get your claw off the S key ASSHOLEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

But I'm not one to gossip so you ain't heard nothin from me!

Originally posted by mysteriousss:

LMAO.. rogaineprinces.. Nice screen name loser.. Get a fucking life of your own and leave me and my friends alone! How pathetic!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by missjenkins1 (edited 12-18-2000).]

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Originally posted by missjenkins1:

Ain't NOBODY talk about the Rogaineprincess!

Speaking of LAME names....Mysteriousssssssssssssssssss?????? What do you stutter? Get pick your claw off the S key ASSHOLEEEEEEEE!

But I'm not one to gossip so you ain't heard nothin from me!

Did yours get stuck on the E key? LMAO smile.gif

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DJ Mundy and Boris- whatever!! Just remember one thing - Denny built the place that Boris Boring is now resident at - and the only reason Boris is there is because Denny isn't. Please - do us all a favor who enjoy Denny and enjoy World - stay at EXIT. The place is crowded enough with people who want to be there to have a good time, enjoy the music, and have fun. It doesn't need you and your EXIT crew to make it a stellar night!! Just stay away. If you don't like it - then don't go back. Why bother. Bumparella is right - if he didn't do it for you the first time - why would you keep going back?? Is your life so pathetic that you do it just so you can have something to talk about on Monday?? If you and your POSSE enjoy EXIT or SF, then go there. Stick to what you like!! If Denny is not your style - fine. But remember something, he has a HUGE following of very dedicated people who seem to think that he is a GREAT DJ, and a great person. And chances are that when you post something about him you will most likely get some people posting on his defense as you would for JP, Boris, or any other DJ you like. So as for the use of profanity - those 2 words must be the only ones you can spell correctly. I see your education paid off. cwm23.gif

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DJ Mundy and Boris- whatever!! Just remember one thing - Denny built the place that Boris Boring is now resident at - and the only reason Boris is there is because Denny isn't. Please - do us all a favor who enjoy Denny and enjoy World - stay at EXIT. The place is crowded enough with people who want to be there to have a good time, enjoy the music, and have fun. It doesn't need you and your EXIT crew to make it a stellar night!! Just stay away. If you don't like it - then don't go back. Why bother. Bumparella is right - if he didn't do it for you the first time - why would you keep going back?? Is your life so pathetic that you do it just so you can have something to talk about on Monday?? If you and your POSSE enjoy EXIT or SF, then go there. Stick to what you like!! If Denny is not your style - fine. But remember something, he has a HUGE following of very dedicated people who seem to think that he is a GREAT DJ, and a great person. And chances are that when you post something about him you will most likely get some people posting on his defense as you would for JP, Boris, or any other DJ you like. So as for the use of profanity - those 2 words must be the only ones you can spell correctly. I see your education paid off. cwm23.gif

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

LMAO.. rogaineprinces.. Nice screen name loser.. Get a fucking life of your own and leave me and my friends alone! How pathetic!!!!!!

Um...I saw your picture honey and I got news for you...I AM NOT THE LOSER!!! and...judging by the number of posts you have (since September?) YOU need the life sweetheart, not me!!! By the way, where are the other two angels? OH...and I Wonder why Amalkav edited that post (you know...the charlies angels post) to remove your name and Rachel1997? HAHAHHAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

World is way to classy for you WHORES anyway..Exit is PERFECT FOR YOU!

[This message has been edited by rogaineprinces (edited 12-18-2000).]

[This message has been edited by rogaineprinces (edited 12-18-2000).]

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Originally posted by piscesgirl-72:

DJ Mundy and Boris- whatever!! Just remember one thing - Denny built the place that Boris Boring is now resident at - and the only reason Boris is there is because Denny isn't. Please - do us all a favor who enjoy Denny and enjoy World - stay at EXIT. The place is crowded enough with people who want to be there to have a good time, enjoy the music, and have fun. It doesn't need you and your EXIT crew to make it a stellar night!! Just stay away. If you don't like it - then don't go back. Why bother. Bumparella is right - if he didn't do it for you the first time - why would you keep going back?? Is your life so pathetic that you do it just so you can have something to talk about on Monday?? If you and your POSSE enjoy EXIT or SF, then go there. Stick to what you like!! If Denny is not your style - fine. But remember something, he has a HUGE following of very dedicated people who seem to think that he is a GREAT DJ, and a great person. And chances are that when you post something about him you will most likely get some people posting on his defense as you would for JP, Boris, or any other DJ you like. So as for the use of profanity - those 2 words must be the only ones you can spell correctly. I see your education paid off. cwm23.gif

Why on earth is it necessary to insult someone because of their opinion?? It's OK for you not to agree with risa but to put her down because she didn't like something u did is CHILDISH!!

Can anyone have a difference of opinion anymore?? SHEEEEESH

Now to comment on your remarks about Denny...and I'm not bashing him because as much as he's not my cup of tea...I still have respect for who/where he is! But to say that he built Exit...now that's funny...YOU or I could spin at Exit & they will still turn out the numbers!!! The club itself is the main reason people go there! So NO Denny had NOTHING to do with where Exit is today!

And the other thing..u said why would u go back if u didn't like it the first time? Well that's an obvious answer...to give it another try...do u only go somewhere once?? U need to give a club/dj at least 2 chances sometimes 3! DJ's have off nites ya know!

Now this is not to cause drama...just a simple adult debate...if u can't handle it & wanna bash me...then don't even bother replying back...k??


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Haha.. all these new impostors/newbies are just great smile.gif




"Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own, he who, secure within, can say, 'Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have liv'd today'." - Horace

"Be excellent to each other." - Rufus

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Originally posted by nycedee:


drama smile.gif

gotta love it!




"Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own, he who, secure within, can say, 'Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have liv'd today'." - Horace

"Be excellent to each other." - Rufus

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Originally posted by smokee:

Why on earth is it necessary to insult someone because of their opinion?? It's OK for you not to agree with risa but to put her down because she didn't like something u did is CHILDISH!!

Can anyone have a difference of opinion anymore?? SHEEEEESH

Now to comment on your remarks about Denny...and I'm not bashing him because as much as he's not my cup of tea...I still have respect for who/where he is! But to say that he built Exit...now that's funny...YOU or I could spin at Exit & they will still turn out the numbers!!! The club itself is the main reason people go there! So NO Denny had NOTHING to do with where Exit is today!

And the other thing..u said why would u go back if u didn't like it the first time? Well that's an obvious answer...to give it another try...do u only go somewhere once?? U need to give a club/dj at least 2 chances sometimes 3! DJ's have off nites ya know!

Now this is not to cause drama...just a simple adult debate...if u can't handle it & wanna bash me...then don't even bother replying back...k??


hey sweetie thanks smile.gif but honestly...she didn't insult me AT ALL...........I know who I am and what I am....and people that I care about know that too.........she might spell right.....but does she think right??? that is the question........... smile.gif



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by rogaineprinces:

Um...I saw your picture honey and I got news for you...I AM NOT THE LOSER!!! and...judging by the number of posts you have (since September?) YOU need the life sweetheart, not me!!! By the way, where are the other two angels? OH...and I Wonder why Amalkav edited that post (you know...the charlies angels post) to remove your name and Rachel1997? HAHAHHAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

World is way to classy for you WHORES anyway..Exit is PERFECT FOR YOU!

[This message has been edited by rogaineprinces (edited 12-18-2000).]

[This message has been edited by rogaineprinces (edited 12-18-2000).]

..."whores"..........I would tell you to come and say that to my face....but again...you don't even exist smile.gif


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Do not take this as bashing - because it is not. Not my intention at all. People are entitled to a difference of opinion, but it is so TIRED to here RISA post how she doesn't like Denny. This isn't the first time she and her entourage has made a comment that they do not enjoy his style. And yes, DJ's do have off nights. maybe you should try schooling RISA. Contrary to her pest, all the things I heard went on at WORLD on Saturday were good things. BUT everyone is entitled to their own opinion so maybe these people just enjoy Denny's style. And as for Denny building exit- there were nights when exit first started that it was not packed. There were times when there were few people there after 5:30. But before Denny left- that place was open until 8:00, 9:00, sometimes later. Today - as you said - it is not THE DJ that is packing that place. When Denny was there - his crowd was there to hear him. Not because of the place. I heard Boris there (against my better judgement - friends wanted to go not me) - and he SUCKED (IMO of course!) The kid was more consumed with what his friends were up to in his booth, rather then the fact that there was no response from the crowd what-so-ever. But I didn't go on this board on Monday morning and post how he sucked because there are people who do like him. I don't like Boris' style so I don't go there. i don't like JP, so I don't go there. It is simple - and you won't see me posting about going to Exit or SF, and how it sucked and how JP sucked or how Boris sucked because I have learned from my past mistakes, and I don't go back. It is as easy as that..

And IMSADC69- your name speaks for itself - you are sad. Just becase people don't have as much time on their hands as you appear to have with 92 posts in 1 month, and post replies to every topic is a far cry from making them a newbie. Why aren't you studying for finals or something!! Oh- and you interest is PING-PONG!! RIGHT!!! Maybe a round of badmitton too?

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Originally posted by piscesgirl-72:

Do not take this as bashing - because it is not. Not my intention at all. People are entitled to a difference of opinion, but it is so TIRED to here RISA post how she doesn't like Denny. This isn't the first time she and her entourage has made a comment that they do not enjoy his style. And yes, DJ's do have off nights. maybe you should try schooling RISA. Contrary to her pest, all the things I heard went on at WORLD on Saturday were good things. BUT everyone is entitled to their own opinion so maybe these people just enjoy Denny's style. And as for Denny building exit- there were nights when exit first started that it was not packed. There were times when there were few people there after 5:30. But before Denny left- that place was open until 8:00, 9:00, sometimes later. Today - as you said - it is not THE DJ that is packing that place. When Denny was there - his crowd was there to hear him. Not because of the place. I heard Boris there (against my better judgement - friends wanted to go not me) - and he SUCKED (IMO of course!) The kid was more consumed with what his friends were up to in his booth, rather then the fact that there was no response from the crowd what-so-ever. But I didn't go on this board on Monday morning and post how he sucked because there are people who do like him. I don't like Boris' style so I don't go there. i don't like JP, so I don't go there. It is simple - and you won't see me posting about going to Exit or SF, and how it sucked and how JP sucked or how Boris sucked because I have learned from my past mistakes, and I don't go back. It is as easy as that..

And IMSADC69- your name speaks for itself - you are sad. Just becase people don't have as much time on their hands as you appear to have with 92 posts in 1 month, and post replies to every topic is a far cry from making them a newbie. Why aren't you studying for finals or something!! Oh- and you interest is PING-PONG!! RIGHT!!! Maybe a round of badmitton too?

actually ....this was the very first time I said something about Denny.......... smile.gif



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by risa06:

..."whores"..........I would tell you to come and say that to my face....but again...you don't even exist smile.gif

OK Einstein...That post was NOT to you...it was to Mysteriousss. BUT...you're probably a whore anyway...OH AND I DO EXIST SWEETHEART!!!! UM....otherwise, I don't think I could be typing....

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For the love of God can somebody stop the madness!! For anyone to say that they can do it better than the DJ and say they were ready to go up there you have got problems. Yes, DJ's have off nights. OR, you just may not like their style DO NOT say you can do a better job!! Who do you think you are? What makes you think you can do it better? I don't think you are a DJ, are you? That has to be the most fucked up thing said on this entire topic. If you posted your opinion without comments like that then maybe you wouldn't get bashed!!

Comments like that are just plain wrong!!(IMO)

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Originally posted by queenbitch:

For the love of God can somebody stop the madness!! For anyone to say that they can do it better than the DJ and say they were ready to go up there you have got problems. Yes, DJ's have off nights. OR, you just may not like their style DO NOT say you can do a better job!! Who do you think you are? What makes you think you can do it better? I don't think you are a DJ, are you? That has to be the most fucked up thing said on this entire topic. If you posted your opinion without comments like that then maybe you wouldn't get bashed!!

Comments like that are just plain wrong!!(IMO)

ok....you obviously didn't see a lil smiley face next to that comment...... smile.gif <----- just so you can see it this time....... smile.gif


"I don't want you to love me........"

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