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Whatever -

Bastard will always be funny, esp with his description of his outfit. Don't care if he was there or not, it's just picturing the whole scene w Paris and Bastardino in a jay-z jersey that makes me laugh my balls off. And Gravity, take a goddamn chill pill, alright? You're no one's savior, and you're certainly not the brightest person on this board, even though you try to one-up everyone's apparent intelligence with every single post. Let up a bit. No one cares about your sob stories, although the way you phrase it, so melodramatically, makes it seem oh-so-interesting. Hell, if you were to post your little tale, which you seem so afraid to do, I'm sure I would read it. At least it has to do with a real person and not a fake m-f'er like you.

cwm23.gifcwm23.gif fLaMe On - cwm23.gifcwm23.gif




"Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own, he who, secure within, can say, 'Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have liv'd today'." - Horace

"Be excellent to each other." - Rufus

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Originally posted by lmsadc69:

Whatever -

Bastard will always be funny, esp with his description of his outfit. Don't care if he was there or not, it's just picturing the whole scene w Paris and Bastardino in a jay-z jersey that makes me laugh my balls off. And Gravity, take a goddamn chill pill, alright? You're no one's savior, and you're certainly not the brightest person on this board, even though you try to one-up everyone's apparent intelligence with every single post. Let up a bit. No one cares about your sob stories, although the way you phrase it, so melodramatically, makes it seem oh-so-interesting. Hell, if you were to post your little tale, which you seem so afraid to do, I'm sure I would read it. At least it has to do with a real person and not a fake m-f'er like you.

cwm23.gifcwm23.gif fLaMe On - cwm23.gifcwm23.gif


What is your definition of intelligence based upon, son? If you were to read anything at all, you'd realize that I have given Bastardino credit for some of his posts...this is when credit is due. However, if someone is going to try and cause controversy, I think there cause is better suited with fact than pure fiction, otherwise it just appears stupid. Possibly, this is why you find him to be, oh so funny, because stupidity is what appeals to YOUR level of ultra-intelligence. I am the last one to take this shit seriously...and the fact that you read seriousness into my posts is fucking hilarious in its own right. I will parenthesize sarcasm (sarcasm) in my posts from now on, so the stern literati such as yourself can read without mistaking sarcasm (sarcasm) for realism. As for being a fake mutherfucker...is this based upon the fact that I use the name gravity and you use your birth given name of lmsadc69...? If so, then I apologize, you are right. Fuckin moron. I actually have discussed Paris' story before...so like I offered to Bastard...search and you shall find.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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Originally posted by bastardino:

By the way Gravity, I searched for Paris in the archives and I found SHIT. So if you could do us all a huge favor and just repost it we would all be greatful as ones can be.


oh, Im sorry...thought it was another vote.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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Originally posted by gravity:

What is your definition of intelligence based upon, son? If you were to read anything at all, you'd realize that I have given Bastardino credit for some of his posts...this is when credit is due. However, if someone is going to try and cause controversy, I think there cause is better suited with fact than pure fiction, otherwise it just appears stupid. Possibly, this is why you find him to be, oh so funny, because stupidity is what appeals to YOUR level of ultra-intelligence. I am the last one to take this shit seriously...and the fact that you read seriousness into my posts is fucking hilarious in its own right. I will parenthesize sarcasm (sarcasm) in my posts from now on, so the stern literati such as yourself can read without mistaking sarcasm (sarcasm) for realism. As for being a fake mutherfucker...is this based upon the fact that I use the name gravity and you use your birth given name of lmsadc69...? If so, then I apologize, you are right. Fuckin moron. I actually have discussed Paris' story before...so like I offered to Bastard...search and you shall find.

See, all that is bullshit though. You DO care about Paris. If you didn't, then you wouldn't write posts like, "Do you REALLY want to know, or is it just for gossip? Cuz she's a friend." If that's not in a serious (albeit melodramatic) voice, then I have to say you've got a fucked up sense of sarcasm. No one is going to pull shit like that to be sarcastic. Especially you. As for everything else, if you don't realize that your posts have this recurring tendency to appear as though you're trying to one-up everyone else, then you should check them out. I mean, what you just flamed back at me is a perfect example, but you probably don't realize it. There's no substance. First of all, trying to insult my - or anyone else's -intelligence is pointless. I didn't try to say you were stupid, but rather, that you should use your brain to think before flaming. I don't know you, you don't know me, and all we know about each other are ASCII symbols strewn across a web page.

Since you are so interested, my definition of intelligence (at least on this board) is knowing when to back off and knowing when to flame on. Because that's all we know about each other - what we say and how it pertains to other posters, save for the group of you who have "met-up" and know each other personally. But intelligence on this board is different than, say, intelligence in a classroom or, shit, I don't know, intelligence in being able to punch a freakin ballot card in Palm Beach County.

Also - more inconsistencies: my calling you fake has absolutely nothing to do with your handle (nor does anyone's handle pertain to his or her "fakeness," save the impostors, of course). No, your last vivid post re: Paris does not seem to exist in the archives. In fact, Bastard said the same thing, so in fact, it may be posted before I have the time to finish this message. The rest of your post is just garbage that tries to incite that same controversy that you seem to detest. And I don't think Bastard is trying to cause controversy, as much as he is trying to poke fun at all of us for worshipping at the temples of SF, Twilo, etc. and praising these warehouses for being our welcome relief after days of work. Sure, I wouldn't be on here, and presumably, neither would you, if we weren't into going to clubs, rolling like test monkeys, and feeling the beats. But that fact does not leave us invincible from posters like Bastardino. Everyone deserves a voice, and even if we end up being the butt of the joke, then it is our ability to transcend the playground immaturity that makes us want to fire back, instead of taking it in stride and being able to see ourselves as caricatures, that makes us adults.

Hope this clears some things up.




"Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own, he who, secure within, can say, 'Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have liv'd today'." - Horace

"Be excellent to each other." - Rufus

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I think the fact that you people are stressing so much on paris is sad. Whatever paris wanted to do should be paris's own busniess none of ours and as far as it's concerned about getting into the sound factory dressed the way you were you shouldn't be arguing with the fact that you didn't get in. A jay-z jersey? please some of you may not like sound factory but for those of us who do and are regulars you would know to wear something that you are comfortable with but that is dressed up. cwm10.gifcwm21.gifcwm23.gif

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are you trying to tell me that a jay z jersey isn't dressed up? you're trying to tell me that those jerseys that those break dancers wear are dressy? Please. I just don't appreciate when I am being rejected at the door for no apparent reason other than she dislikes me.

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Originally posted by princess0621:

I think the fact that you people are stressing so much on paris is sad. Whatever paris wanted to do should be paris's own busniess none of ours and as far as it's concerned about getting into the sound factory dressed the way you were you shouldn't be arguing with the fact that you didn't get in. A jay-z jersey? please some of you may not like sound factory but for those of us who do and are regulars you would know to wear something that you are comfortable with but that is dressed up. cwm10.gifcwm21.gifcwm23.gif

The idea here, though, is not so much that Bastard tried to get in wearing a jersey (which, of course, never really happened, cuz Bastard is a fine BSer - he even got people to believe him!), nor the matter of Paris' life story, but rather, the way that some people are making her "story" (which, incidentally, I have yet to hear, and even more, yet to really care) out to be some primetime, made-for-TV movie. The issue is not, and I repeat, NOT, anything to do with SF or how great it is (athough you wouldn't know that by the topic header. Sorry for mutilating this topic). Rather, we've headed in a different direction - something that's at the root of the board and something that's been getting on some people's nerves, for better or worse. We don't mind "your" Sound Factory - in fact, I love it - so don't think it's an issue of that. And realize that Bastard is, in fact, a Bastard, and he posts this shit because it gets people like you pissed off.

All for now.




"Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own, he who, secure within, can say, 'Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have liv'd today'." - Horace

"Be excellent to each other." - Rufus

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Originally posted by a691vcc:


How many fucking times does it have to be spelled out for you...


He is almost warranted in the shit that he spouts as many people on here are morons. It is fucking senseless to reply to a post without reading it as well as the responses that follow it for the sake of not repeating nonsense that has been clarified over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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Originally posted by lmsadc69:

he is trying to poke fun at all of us for worshipping at the temples of SF, Twilo, etc. and praising these warehouses for being our welcome relief after days of work~~

HA HA this quote is gonna be a Classic

PS i didnt mean to offend that Paris Girl/Guy ...i hate all the people at the door... as for his/her tragic story... i think you should share it...maybe he/she will seem more human to me from now on... so far in my eyes its a nice peice of ass... (if only it was a girl)

People stop fighting - take it to the DRAMA FORUM... i'm lonely there!

(check out my Intro post)

as my online bud Al would say

LOVE, Peace, Twilo (ehh or/and SF) for ALL! cwm38.gifcwm37.gifcwm4.gif

Bastard i must compliment you on your style - i wonder if you had TommyH Underwar and sport a black doo-rag.. yo musta been the badest wigga in there.. what were you trying to get into the basement @ SF dressed like that?



AIM: ZUinc2000

E-Mail: ZUinc99@aol.com

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You can believe me or not but the fact of the matter is that people at SF suck fat elephants dick. They judge you by looks and what you wear at the door (which is the last place they should be doing that) and the people they don't like they diss. I was representin my style and i wore what i felt comfortible in and that sheman didn't let me in. Anyway, like i've said it before, how sad can someone's story be when they decide out of the blue to carve out a vagina out of a penis. Those people always have too much time and money on their hands.

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