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Breakbeats at ICE???


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Soooo what do you guys think about a Breakbeat Monthly starting at ICE? With world class talent, Uberzone, Simply Jeff, Adam Freeland etc...

This is just a question, it is not in the works...

Do you think it would be a successful monthly?

you guys can't mix break beat and dnb on the same night? I think that would be more effective and could draw more people and also could locate the party in the bigger room.

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you guys can't mix break beat and dnb on the same night? I think that would be more effective and could draw more people and also could locate the party in the bigger room.

I agree and disagree.... I want to keep the vibe together with the DnB night. I like the raw energy DnB brings and don't want to disturb that. Breakbeat vibe is different and want to keep it seperate... if either one of these nights really takes off we can move it to the bigger room.

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p.s. Vegasbabie..... whats funny is I think you and I and Freeze may put in 2 cents, will be the only ones who will talk about this on this message board. We will prob get hate messages from everyone else that doesn't give a shit about music...

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OK I'll bite.

Nothing will consistently work at ICE on a weekday and every attempt to date has failed. Why? Because the very thing that VegasBabie and Freeze hate on, is the most appealing choice for the MAJORITY of Vegas Clubgoers... Mainstream Hip-Hop. People come to this town to have fun and listen to music they know already. The locals don't support any of the major clubs except the "hot" newest nights where people can show off their latest boobs, etc. All the successful major locals nights advertise "sexy" before "music quality." It's Vegas. Get over it.

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OK I'll bite.

Nothing will consistently work at ICE on a weekday and every attempt to date has failed. Why? Because the very thing that VegasBabie and Freeze hate on, is the most appealing choice for the MAJORITY of Vegas Clubgoers... Mainstream Hip-Hop. People come to this town to have fun and listen to music they know already. The locals don't support any of the major clubs except the "hot" newest nights where people can show off their latest boobs, etc. All the successful major locals nights advertise "sexy" before "music quality." It's Vegas. Get over it.

I knew you would have something stupid to say again..... our DnB night did just fine with Craze, ICE brings EDM DJ's every week and does quite well, Empire afterhours is crackin too.... There are people in this town that aren't mainstream.. Outofthebox stay with them in "the mainstream" stop talking to us, I thought I was done with you a week ago... Do your homework if you are going to speak or stay at Pure or wherever it is that you go.

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I agree and disagree.... I want to keep the vibe together with the DnB night. I like the raw energy DnB brings and don't want to disturb that. Breakbeat vibe is different and want to keep it seperate... if either one of these nights really takes off we can move it to the bigger room.

mmmm....very interesting point. But don't you think a whole night of DnB beats is too...how should i put this....repeatetive sounding? Don't get me wrong, I love dnb, but too much of one thing gets annoying. That's why i liked craze's set because he actaully broke up the monotony. Either way, I support you all the way, because we need a little bit of subculture identity amongst all the mainstream crap we have going on in all the clubs.

Outofthebox: Just in case if you haven't noticed, detn8or and ICE wanted to cater towards mostly locals and people that are into underground music. Maybe you should step away from your radio and tv crowd and actually go out and observe. Remember, whenever there's mainstream there's underground, whether you like it or not.

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p.s. Vegasbabie..... whats funny is I think you and I and Freeze may put in 2 cents, will be the only ones who will talk about this on this message board. We will prob get hate messages from everyone else that doesn't give a shit about music...

Funny that you'd criticize "hate" messages from people in the same breath that you praise Freeze for putting in his opinion. Whatever. You know, if you want people's opinions you might be best served to not insult them first.

I didn't bother to respond to this thread earlier because I have no real opinion either way when it comes to breakbeats nor do I have a clue whether a breaks night could work on a regular basis.

This isn't because I "don't give a shit about music," it's just that when it comes to breakbeats, I can take it or leave it. Promote a great night for breaks and I'll come check it out, if I like the event I'll come back and bring people with me. If I don't like it but it seems like it's a great scene and other people dig it, I'll spread the word that it's a solid opiton.

I think the same would be said for most people on this board.

However, not being a local nor being intimately familiar with what is involved in promoting a successful monthly event, it's hard to offer an opinion on whether or not a monthly night centered around breaks would work.

Again, I think the same could be said about most others here.

As I've written in many other threads, I'm amazed that there aren't more events that are centered around music fringes other than modern/mainstream hip-hop/rap and trance/progressive/house EDM. Personally, I'd love to see a monthly breakbeats night just as I'd love to see DNB continue.

Like Vegasbabie said though, Craze wasn't pure DNB in his set. Thus I would wonder why a solid event couldn't be promoted that featured both breakbeats and DNB -- especially at ICE, where you could feature one in the arena and the other in the lounge.

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I knew you would have something stupid to say again..... our DnB night did just fine with Craze, ICE brings EDM DJ's every week and does quite well, Empire afterhours is crackin too.... There are people in this town that aren't mainstream.. Outofthebox stay with them in "the mainstream" stop talking to us, I thought I was done with you a week ago... Do your homework if you are going to speak or stay at Pure or wherever it is that you go.

I knew you couldn't handle a position that doesn't just agree with you. Part of discussion is accepting the fact that 100 people can look at the same picture and see 100 different things in it. The problem with people like you is that you think if someone has a *different* view, then it's stupid. I didn't say a DnB night would never work, nor did I say that EDM wouldn't work on the WEEKENDS as you pointed out. What I said was that WEEKDAY promotions are extremely difficult to promote in this town unless the *new* sexy venue gets behind the night. This is a fact of life in Las Vegas and I would celebrate someone who could change that trend. Ice has never been able to do that consistently. Even a popular venue, Body English, hasn't dared to go after Mondays through Thursdays because those nights are locked up by the newer venues. This town is competitive and the locals are very reluctant to support "old" venues that try new weekday promotions. Like I said, it's Vegas, get over it.

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I think DnB and Breaks will do fine at Ice. Just have the DnB in the mainroom and Breaks in the other. When I use to work the Popsicle events in SF they had DnB and Breaks in the same room. It worked out fine. I've noticed most people that got into the seen liking Trance, typically graduated to House and most people that got into the scene liking DnB eventually graduated to Breaks. To me they almost go hand in hand. Just my .02

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I knew you couldn't handle a position that doesn't just agree with you. Part of discussion is accepting the fact that 100 people can look at the same picture and see 100 different things in it. The problem with people like you is that you think if someone has a *different* view, then it's stupid. I didn't say a DnB night would never work, nor did I say that EDM wouldn't work on the WEEKENDS as you pointed out. What I said was that WEEKDAY promotions are extremely difficult to promote in this town unless the *new* sexy venue gets behind the night. This is a fact of life in Las Vegas and I would celebrate someone who could change that trend. Ice has never been able to do that consistently. Even a popular venue, Body English, hasn't dared to go after Mondays through Thursdays because those nights are locked up by the newer venues. This town is competitive and the locals are very reluctant to support "old" venues that try new weekday promotions. Like I said, it's Vegas, get over it.

Like I said I have no problem with constructive critism... Your right you did say weekdays.... Voodoo has a thursday house night that has gone for awhile... Soulkitchen, a deep house night is on thursdays and has ran for awhile. I can name more, but I have to minimize the time I waste with you. So again you don't know what your talking about. A successful club night doesn't have to bring in $100,000 a night, and Britney Spears, and Paris don't have to show up to be "HOT", we barely broke even on feb 2nd and I heard people saying it was one of the best nights they have seen in Vegas. Personally I haven't seen a crowd so into the music and so hype in the country, more less Vegas in a long time.

This post is for people who give a shit. Have you been once to see Supra spin (I know you haven't cause you had to go to myspace to judge her), or gone to see Freeze's night, or my DnB night for that matter, would you even go to a breakbeat night if I have it.... I use them not cause Im friends with them, cause none of us know each other personally, cause you attack them the most. I have no problem with greenie's post or anyone else's. just you, cause you have no clue, and prove it everytime you post on here.

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No, you're just doing what kids do in second grade (which Freeze wouldn't know about since he admitted dropping out of first grade, he should be so proud). Anybody who has followed this board for some time has seen that Freeze acts like a school yard bully, always pounding his own chest and acting like an arrogant know-it-all. The only reason he even began to develop a beef with DJMW is because DJMW stood up for DJ AM when Freeze was bashing him publicly. Supra has also acted that way, insulting DJ Create, DJMW, plus one of the DJs at Tangerine and countless others, but in her case she uses several different screen names to argue why other people don't perform to her standards. Yet, on her own myspace she features mixes that do not even beat match well, plus an original beat that repeates the exact same measure 120 times, and now an old school R&B mix that includes almost the exact radio hits (the old ones at least) that she has insulted DJMW for playing at OPM. So here you are, doing the school yard bully routine, trying to make yourself feel better by joining the bullies. Yes, you have even made comments to try to align yourself with them. It's childish, and almost laughable to see how you are trying to feel better about yourself. So one question. Why isn't Ice open Sunday through Thursday and do you know how many times they tried to promote one of those nights? I didn't say your DnB night sucked, nor did I say the other nights you mentioned were unsuccessful. I said it will be difficult to pack the house on a weekday.

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DJ AM and DJMW you are not, so why are you worried about them. DJ AM makes more money then any DJ in this town, even possibly America, I don't think he is as worried as you and DJMW are about Mr. Freeze saying shit about him on a message board. Like I said I don't even know Freeze and have met Supra a couple times, Im not joining anything, I have respect for what they have done and the knowledge they have. Freeze dropped out of 1st grade and has accomplished more in his life then most college grads, and prob has more money then you and me both. Damn, what a fuckin loser, sucks to be him. And we are all proud that you can beat Freeze in a spelling bee. And again you bash Supra based on MYSPACE!!

Do you even like Breaks?? if not why do you bother posting?? you obviously don't know the market cause there are a bunch of breaks DJ's in Vegas and one off events that go on all the time around here that has breaks DJ's play. Have you gone to Bass Binge??

Ice has always tried to go too big for a wednesday in the past.... They kept the same type of format as there weekends, headliner in the arena and hip hop in the lounge... Im trying to offer something that no one in the city is doing right now. Bring the underground to a decent venue on a consistant basis. For our thursday we only use the lounge so we don't have to pull 1500 people. It makes the vibe thick and intimate.

All I am saying to you is do your homework before you talk. You won't find our culture in any of your books, myspace, or message boards, you have to search it and see it for yourself.

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oh no...here we go again....

you just don't get it do you? do i have talk to you as if YOU are a first grader? Okay would you like me explain to you one more time? But you have stay focus here...are you with me? Okay, here we go....

Supra has also acted that way, insulting DJ Create, DJMW, plus one of the DJs at Tangerine and countless others, but in her case she uses several different screen names to argue why other people don't perform to her standards.


I NEVER bashed DJ WM for the SONGS he PLAYS....do you understand that so far? I said he's not a true DJ because he's doing it for the money and he would switch to play country music if IT makes more money. He's promoting the word true hip-hop, but he doesn't understand what hip-hop really means. Is that too hard for you to comprehend? DJ Create was one of the reasons that ICE couldn't pull a Wednesday Night....ONE of the REASONS...there are many factors that were involved, but he was ONE of them....that is a fact, not a personal opionion. Hell yeah I'm going to expose a DJ that doesn't MIX, she was using pre-mixed CDs. You call that a DJ? Well, I bet you do, because you're probably doing the same thing.

Yes I did use 2 other screen names....PLURKITTIE and VEGAS02. I couldn't use Plurkittie because i forgot the password and don't use the e-mail anymore, VEGAS02 was my photographer name for CLUBPLANET. I don't work for them so I don't have the right to use it. Anymore questions?

Yet, on her own myspace she features mixes that do not even beat match well, plus an original beat that repeates the exact same measure 120 times, and now an old school R&B mix that includes almost the exact radio hits (the old ones at least) that she has insulted DJMW for playing at OPM.


My mixes where done live, not mastered by protools or any other music program. If you record any djs' live set, there'll be some mess ups. I am human, not perfect, again i'm still a baby in the DJ industry, i have a lot to learn. And besides, have you put out any mixes? It's funny that you mentioned my R&B mix, I did it for the GM (GENERAL MANAMGER) of TAO. So it wasnt my perfered mix, but since I did a mix, i thought i should put it out for people that enjoys that kind of music. How come you didn't mentioned my scratch beat which i did on top of MY ORGINAL beat?

Did you really spend the time to count 120 beats? Wow...you really don't have anything to do. Let's just squash this. Stop talking shit or show your face. Don't hide behind a screen name....chicken! Act your age, not your shoes size. Oh yes, i am brutal.

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you obviously don't know the market cause there are a bunch of breaks DJ's in Vegas and one off events that go on all the time around here that has breaks DJ's play. Have you gone to Bass Binge??


Im trying to offer something that no one in the city is doing right now. Bring the underground to a decent venue on a consistant basis. For our thursday we only use the lounge so we don't have to pull 1500 people. It makes the vibe thick and intimate.

Sounds like you're answering your own question... if you've got a bunch of DJs in town that love breaks, you've got one-off events all the time and you're going to limit the event to the front lounge, then it sure sounds like that's enough reason to push for a monthly event.

And hell yeah, if you put it on a Thursday night then I'll be sure to check it out, if not the first one then definitely the second.

Like I've said, good luck with this and I hope you can pull it off. Anything to diversify the music scene among the bigger clubs.

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hey box, just a quick question....why is that when someone promotes something you don't like you have to flame??? this is a fucking forum for gods sake. people come here to promote as well as find out what's happening.The funny thing is that, I said it a year ago and I'll say it again, you are on a baord that is primarily electronic and when someone posts anything about edm you get your panties in a bunch? I also seem to recall back in the day how you bashed on the "mainstream" and that vegas needs to be infused with culture and multiple genres. isn't that what detn8or is doing?

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hey box, just a quick question....why is that when someone promotes something you don't like you have to flame??? this is a fucking forum for gods sake. people come here to promote as well as find out what's happening.The funny thing is that, I said it a year ago and I'll say it again, you are on a baord that is primarily electronic and when someone posts anything about edm you get your panties in a bunch? I also seem to recall back in the day how you bashed on the "mainstream" and that vegas needs to be infused with culture and multiple genres. isn't that what detn8or is doing?

Box it looks like there is another 2nd grade bully joining the team... I will give you this box, you can single handedly turn a topic away from what it is about.

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I don't have a problem with EDM and why is it that you can't just take a comment for what's it worth. You started this thread with a question. I answered it and then you get all bent out of shape because the answer wasn't what you wanted it to be! You're the one getting defensive. I just said that it will be challenging to build an EDM night Sunday through Thursday at Ice. If you can do it, then god bless. If you can't do it then you will join all the others who tried it but couldn't find enough support. I hope you can change the trend but in the meantime don't cry whenever someone gives you an honest answer instead of a stroke and an ass kissing.

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I don't have a problem with EDM and why is it that you can't just take a comment for what's it worth. You started this thread with a question. I answered it and then you get all bent out of shape because the answer wasn't what you wanted it to be! You're the one getting defensive. I just said that it will be challenging to build an EDM night Sunday through Thursday at Ice. If you can do it, then god bless. If you can't do it then you will join all the others who tried it but couldn't find enough support. I hope you can change the trend but in the meantime don't cry whenever someone gives you an honest answer instead of a stroke and an ass kissing.

You see wackbox everyone knows your a Shit talker, nobody will ever value your opinion.Or listen to anything you have to say, people attack you,and why?

Because you speak from opinion not facts.

Its amazing how you really think your words mean anything to the people of this culture you looser...

Ya I started the DJ AM post because I heard him in NY and LA do the mixes of DJ p & DJ z trip, I didn't just make it up.we have spoke since and him and i are very cool... he is a great guy...

Remember facts will always win over an opinion you little shit talking apple eating slut.

ever time you get on this message board you show how stupid you are, and i love it ... if you have a problem with the way i talk to you, anytime you want please come and get me or send your friends...here is my address again.

the district at green v alley ranch.

2260 village walk drive


Mr freeze

Rock steady Crew

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So I'm curious, do you think he's cool for which reason.

1. He never did steal anything as DJMW said all along.


2. It's ok that he stole it because you and him are tight now.

Its not OK to steal other dj's mixes,He just knows to pay respect to the creators and talk about were he got his mixes from and how he started Dj'ing in magazine interviews...were not tight i don't become tight just like that.

he knows his being watched and whether you beleive it or not he cares about what the old school thinks.

he explained to me what he does and why, he also said that he loves and respect the old creators of Hip Hop.

he gave me nothing but respect and understanding that he understood were I was coming from.

in return i gave him the same respect...

So in return all I can say about him,he is a good man...

Remember this? people work hard to create thing and don't like it when they get ripped off...

ps...How is DJ MW or CD webmaster going to prove to me that I didn't hear DJ AM play what I heard in those clubs in NY & LA...

Please explain that to me?

Because that I would love to hear this ... as for DJ, AM,or anyone else in this world, I really don't care, I have made enough money to live for 30 lifetimes, so it's not about me being a hater...but I will protect the integrity of the creators and expose all the fakes that don't pay respect to the four fathers before them and try to pass off there skills as there own when they simply stole.

Being a DJ is one thing but ripping off peoples mixes that's just pure Wack...

Mr freeze

Rock steady crew

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Who are *your* forefathers. Who do you give respect?
as for DJ's.

1) DJ Cool hurk(the god father of hip hop)

2) DJ Grand wizard Theodore (Creator of Scratching)

3) DJ Grand master Flash (The first DJ to cut fastest)

4) DJ Charlie chase (DJ for the cold crush brothers)

5) DJ master Don (first to rock incredible mixes)

6) DJ Africa Bammbataa (Almighty Zulu Nation)

7) DJ grand Mixer DST (first DJ to calibrate with great jazz artist and producer herby handcock and created the song rocket)

8) DJ jazzy Jay (Zulu DJ)

9) DJ Hollywood From The Bronx (The first DJ to rock a Crowd while djing and on the mic.

If you at all interested get the documentary the freshest kids that gives a great break down on some history.www.thefreshestkids.com/bounce.html

click on the photo it will take you to the freshest kids trailer..

Mr Freeze

Rock nsteady crew

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That's a great list but I'm talking about people from 20 to 30 years before you.
Your question was,who was my favrate DJ's.

And who do i respect.

i just told you.

DJ's 20 30 years before?

please explain yourself so that i can best answer your question.

the DJ's i mentioned are responsable for everything that goes on in clubs to day everything...

Mr freeze

Rock steady crew

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