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CP Hottie


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You're the one with the "blog" LOL

MY view on politics... PART 1 (the hurricane)

09/04/2005 03:18PM

people are retarded! do they not understand that shit will happen in the world whether they like it or not and there isn't much anyone can do about it...

for example... as I was peacefully sitting in a salon chair, tears rolling down my cheeks from the damn african lady pulling my hair (extensions HURT... just thought I'd throw that in), i was watching the coverage of the hurrican thing and some of the stuff i was hearing was ridiculous... they kept pushing the fact that most of the victims were minorities... like it was WRONG or something... like we have a racist hurricane on our hands... it just so happens that when these people were warned of the damn storm they didn't leave... it didn't pop up overnight, so they had fair warning... and this stuff about being poor and not having a car... well... if something is coming and I don't have a car... I find a WAY to get the fuck out of there... FAST! (thats only logical if you know a severe storm is coming)... then they were showing a couple dozen people holding "FUCK BUSH" signs... like the whole ordeal is his fault and somehow by being there he could make it all go away... sorry the best he could do is probably cary an extra case of water from point A to point B... and say a few words... 1. if you have time to draw a pretty sign that says FUCK BUSH instead of attending to the burning building in the background, your priorities are a bit skewed... 2. next they will proclaim the president all powerful bush who caused a hurricane... OR tell us it was the terrorists' new weapon of mass destruction in action! as far as whose fault it is that all those little children were hurt... blame the mothers... if i dont have a car and a storm is coming i find a damn way to get out and get my kid out of there... why didn't the local government evacuate the area by the way... why isn't anyone asking that question... i think it is more the local government's business to care about these individuals... i thinkj the federal government should have been more concerned with securing the new orleans port (which is one of the most important ports in the country)... at which they failed miserably. so what if some people die... people die every day... but if our nation is not able to import/export goods as efficiently as before because of this ordeal, our economy is fucked (i guess the right way to say this is our economy is beyond fucked, since it was fucked already)

not like I'm defending the guy, but that's an awful lot of stuff to blame on one person... the media has more control of this country than the president these days! as if blaming him would do anyone any good... he's already president, and there is nothing people can do about it... he won't be president again, so give it a rest, do something constructive!

and don't even start me on the gas prices...

My groove: fucking pissed off at i don't even know who!

cut her some slack.. it's tough being really, really, really, ridiculously goodlooking...


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