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Something bothering me lately...

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Ok here's the issue.. I had a talk with one of my guy friends a few weeks ago and I haven't spoken to him since. I haven't replied to his IMs, didn't call him, nothing. I just want your opinions if I'm overreacting but something he said totally made me dislike him.

I went to SF with him a couple of times with a bunch of other friends and this guy was always all over me at the club. I would always push him away because I'm not attracted to him, and a few times I told him straight out not to touch me. He would still do it all the time so I stopped clubbing with him. We still talked and one time we had a discussion about this whole issue.

He was asking me about his attitude towards girls and I told him that I think he doesn't know how to act around girls (judging by the way he was with me at the club). His response totally amazed me. He said that when he goes to a club with a girl (FRIEND, not someone he is interested in), they always act like they are a couple. Hug, dance together, all that. He said that if a girl FRIEND will not do that, what's the point of going with her to the club?

I was pretty much astonished by this.. I go to clubs with my guy friends and none of them feel the need to act like they are my or any other girl's bf while we are at the club. I told him that I will never go clubbing with him again coz I'm sick of him being all over me and I think the way he perceives this is really fucked up.

For some reason this attitude completely changed my whole opinion on this guy.. I'm wondering what ppl's thoughts are on this... Sorry for the long post smile.gif

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You're right on this one...that's a stupid way to think on his part. Don't totally ignore him or anything, but it is messed up for him to just to want you around as a "fake girlfriend" LOL cwm24.gif

- Ali


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Thursday - My Room

Friday - My Basement

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Ok here's the issue.. I had a talk with one of my guy friends a few weeks ago and I haven't spoken to him since. I haven't replied to his IMs, didn't call him, nothing. I just want your opinions if I'm overreacting but something he said totally made me dislike him.

I went to SF with him a couple of times with a bunch of other friends and this guy was always all over me at the club. I would always push him away because I'm not attracted to him, and a few times I told him straight out not to touch me. He would still do it all the time so I stopped clubbing with him. We still talked and one time we had a discussion about this whole issue.

He was asking me about his attitude towards girls and I told him that I think he doesn't know how to act around girls (judging by the way he was with me at the club). His response totally amazed me. He said that when he goes to a club with a girl (FRIEND, not someone he is interested in), they always act like they are a couple. Hug, dance together, all that. He said that if a girl FRIEND will not do that, what's the point of going with her to the club?

I was pretty much astonished by this.. I go to clubs with my guy friends and none of them feel the need to act like they are my or any other girl's bf while we are at the club. I told him that I will never go clubbing with him again coz I'm sick of him being all over me and I think the way he perceives this is really fucked up.

For some reason this attitude completely changed my whole opinion on this guy.. I'm wondering what ppl's thoughts are on this... Sorry for the long post smile.gif

I think he should resect ur wishes. I hate that too, if a guy is all over me and is a friend, especially if i said i don't like him doing that and it bothers me. He should back off. It doesnt matter if he's used to his girl friends always acting like a couple, he has to understand u.


aim: amafrk1


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You have every right to feel the way you do. You set your boundaries and he crossed them repeatedly. Some people just don't listen or respect your wishes, and he's one of those kinds. Throughout our lives, we will make and break numerous relationships for various reasons. This sounds like one of those friendships that you have to let go. Drama and stress are not what we go clubbing for!!! Don't feel guilty about your decision to move on.

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The Doctor Is In:

Tell your friend that if he wants to tote around a girl to feel secure, he should bring his sister along and rub all over her. You and he are there to have fun and there is always the option of meeting a romantic interest there---that won't happen if he's all over you.

He should treat you in a club as he would treat his sister. If he's from Iowa then break all ties immediately!!!!


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede


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I concur with everyone else who has replied. Your guy friend (so-called, that is) is WAY out of line. He needs to respect or back off.

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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I agree with what everone else is saying. It is totally disrespectful of him to behave in that, especially if you have told him on more than one occasion that you didn't like his behavior... I don't think he's being much of a FRIEND if he constantly ignores your wishes and just expects you to behave the way he wants you to.

Kick him to the curb!!!




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

He said that when he goes to a club with a girl (FRIEND, not someone he is interested in), they always act like they are a couple. Hug, dance together, all that. He said that if a girl FRIEND will not do that, what's the point of going with her to the club?

... I'm wondering what ppl's thoughts are on this... smile.gif

mysterious - you are absolutely correct in your actions and reactions to this guy. it seems like you gave him plenty of warnings and chances to lay off and he didn't. you even went as far as to have a talk with him regarding your concerns... that to me shows you that you had the patience to withstand his idiocity and chose to take the high road.

i have a lot of female friends that i go clubbing with and i respect them ALL! i'm very good friends will most of them (some are just hang out friends or friends i met for the first time) and each are different in there reactions to the degree of "closeness" they can tolerate from "guy friends." like sometimes when some of my other guy friends come or guys that are friends of friends, come, they see me dancing (er, grinding) some of my female friends and they try to step in too. what they have to realize is that these girls are no hoes... they only dance closely with me because i have known them for such a long time and they know that i would never disrespect them. NEVER. some female friends, even if they are close to me, don't like dancing closely with guy friends... you have to be able to read or know the girl...

some girls are just out to have fun and whatever they let you do is fine...

but i empathize with what you are saying. the guy needs to understand his borders. some of my female friends just "went along" and danced with the guy b/c they thought they thought the guys were either my good friends and didn't want to offend me at the time... later they would pull me aside and say, "can you please tell so and so not to do that anymore..."

women need to be respected, friends or not. especially if they're friends of friends.

once again (yes i'm rambling and i apologize for this) you did the right thing. the guy was way out of line.

just my $0.02.





I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Zoya, I feel bad he acts that way around you...Lately, I have been only hanging out with the fellas when I go out clubbing and it has been nothing but respect for me...I even got some of them to protect me from the weirdos cwm32.gif . But anyway, you have every right to feel the way you do and if he can't respect that, tell him to fuck off...No one should ever put you in an uncomfortable position.



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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Guest chinagirl

OMG!! Me and one of my girlfriend's are going through the same thing right now. We have this guy friend that comes out with us on the weekend and we are both single. no matter how many times we tell him he cant get it through his thick head. guys wont come up to us because they think one of is with this guy, he hangs, touches, and just aggravates us completly. he keeps telling us how we all became friends for a purpose and he is not doing drugs anymore (my friend and i really dont do to many drugs a pill or two a month). I have gotten to the point that if he does or says something to me in a club i freak on him. My friend is just way too polite. Anybody have any other way of going about this!! I am starting to hate him cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif

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Get a fake boyfriend... have the dumbass come out and see you with your fake boy.

Better yet... have one of those monster gay dudes, introduce him to the mofo and have the gay guy all over him... two can play the same game.

Another option and the most obvious... don't hang with the dude...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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he can't really be your friend if he doesn't stop something that you've told him is bothering you. plus, how's he ever gonna meet a girl if he's all over you. are you sure this dude doesn't have the hots for you and this is his excuse to be all over you, even though he knows you're not into him like that??? well, you're better off not hanging with him anymore if that's the way he behaves!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!


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