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Clubbing in SF (Not Sound Factory)

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Originally posted by brianz54:

Anyone ever been clubbing in San Francisco? I'm going out there in January and was wondering what there was to offer over there. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Why not SoundFactory? ...they have one in San Fran. ...but it doesn't compare to the NYC's one.



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Going back to cali, cail!! Lucky Ducky! Try 1015 Flosom. The best night is saturday. they have dj's like deep dish, marc farina, julis papp and basement jaxx. Danny Teneglia has spun there also. Good luck, I was in SF in october and didnt wanna come home. It is in my opion, the 2nd phattest city in the US.




"Puff, Puff, Pass"

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last time i was in sf, 1015 folsom was under ALOT of heat from the police and stuff.. i went there one night and it was practically empty.. hopefully the cops have cooled down with harassing that place, cuz it used to be awesome.. try 550 barneveld for afterhours.. also lots of raves going down in oakland if thats ur scene.. also this place called the endup is a really good afterhours spot.. if uv seen the movie groove, the endup is that club that they show at the very end of the movie.. them bastards took away my fake id when i was underage and trying to get in tho lol.. anyways michael, i def. agree with u that SF is the 2nd phattest city in the US, i always go planning to stay about a week, and always wind up staying for like 3 weeks lol.. peeeeeace -smaCk

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I live in San Fran. 1015 and 550 both rock! But it all depends on the night. First off, I disagree with what was said above...Friday is the better night for 1015, not Saturday. Saturday's crowd is B&T. Yes, Deep Dish does spin on Saturdays, but most other internationally famous DJs spin at Nikita parties on Fridays. The city is still cracking down hard on 1015. They're looking for any excuse they can think of to close them down.

Le Freak, Thump, and ReCycle parties are lots of fun at 550 (also on Fridays). Great vibe. Check out www.space550.com for events.

I'm so f*cking jealous of you all in NY with Twilo! Can't wait till I get out there again.

I'll be out of town until the 8th of January. If some of you are still going to be around, I'd like to meet up.

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na but i wish i was gonna be there on <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">new years

</a> pvd's spinning at spundae

and he's gonna be at giant too. lucky cali bastards



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