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scummy dj's

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Originally posted by angelchild:

i was just wondering if any other girls can relate to hooking up with dj's...lets take russ reign for instance....and then after they fuck u they never seem to talk to u again. odd isnt it?

Thats what happens to 'dj groupies'






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not criticizing anyone, but if you hook up with someone because of their social status or whatever superficial reason, you might expect him/her to reciprocate the same personal evaluation. for instance, a girl gets with a guy because he's a DJ and a valued commodity. he gets with her because she's another of the many fans and he can. sadly in this case, she's the more common, disposable item.

one of the first things i heard in NY is, "DJ sex is dirty sex." can be taken two ways



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Originally posted by angelchild:

i was just wondering if any other girls can relate to hooking up with dj's...lets take russ reign for instance....and then after they fuck u they never seem to talk to u again. odd isnt it?

It's called a one niter... look it up...

Besides what's so odd about it... you got laid too didn't you? It's all about PMC anyway... (pussy, music, cock)


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by deanna11:

is, "DJ sex is dirty sex." can be taken two ways

that makes me laugh.. i dated a local long island dj once.. whats even funnier is when someone found out.. they figured i fuked all his friends to, because girls who hook up with dj's are usually considered sluts.. IM NOT POINTING FINGERS im sayin what was told to me.. I would prob never date another dj...





icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html


[This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 12-18-2000).]

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I have a joke about DJs, tho it's not really a joke:

A DJ isn't really a guy who plays records, a DJ is a guy who has a girlfriend and who cheats on her, and who tells alot of lies, and who sometimes plays records.

It's kind of a joke, cuz I'm a girl and I play records/am a DJ too, but it's not really a joke... you do the math.

Blue skies,



Just saying no to drama.


aolim mbdewey

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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

I have a joke about DJs, tho it's not really a joke:

A DJ isn't really a guy who plays records, a DJ is a guy who has a girlfriend and who cheats on her, and who tells alot of lies, and who sometimes plays records.

It's kind of a joke, cuz I'm a girl and I play records/am a DJ too, but it's not really a joke... you do the math.

Blue skies,


that can be taken alot of ways..

allthough almost every male in ny claims to own turntables.. and most djs hardly every play vinyl... lol please EXPLAIN.. IM BURNT AND ITS LATE.. I wanna hear this..






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I mean that I have turntables and I play records and I know alot of DJs. Most of the DJs I know are guys, and most of them have girlfriends, and many of them have come on to me at one time or another. My joke is kind of a joke, but I think I mean that one should always be very careful about the men they get involved with, whether they are would-be-rock-stars or not. Does that explain it?

Careful Girlfriend...



Just saying no to drama.


aolim mbdewey

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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

I mean that I have turntables and I play records and I know alot of DJs. Most of the DJs I know are guys, and most of them have girlfriends, and many of them have come on to me at one time or another. My joke is kind of a joke, but I think I mean that one should always be very careful about the men they get involved with, whether they are would-be-rock-stars or not. Does that explain it?

Careful Girlfriend...


THANKIES MWWWWWAH.. what kinda music you spin?






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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

Trance, mostly, and some deep house. Still perfecting my mixing skills... Any day now I won't suck anymore! cwm12.gifcwm12.gif



hehehe when you get good you can teach me.. hey if your ever spinnin anywhere let me know.. i love to see girls with spinnin skillz






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ok first off..as far as me being a dj groupie...never have never will be. i never even heard of him when i first met him. a guy sitting there playing music doesnt impress me. actually nothing impresses me. and as far as me giving it up too soon....i knew the guy for almost a year...so whoever dissed me out...fuck off cause obviously u have no idea what youre talking about--i was just asking a simple question...and to the girl dj...good luck hun.

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wow! It seems to me that the bunch of you with the negative comments have SERIOUS issues to deal with. I am a professional DJ with a Serious girlfriend. In fact, we have been together for almost 2 years. In those two years, I have played about 100 gigs and traveled to over 40 cities, and I have never cheated on her. Did you ever think that it isn't the DJ that has problems, just you?

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Coming from a girl who has been around many, many male dj's/producers for quite a while because of my love for the music..my advice is...if you want to be respected and keep your respect..DO NOT SLEEP WITH THEM.

Not all male dj's are scum...but after being around ...that is the best advice I can give.

I am a true music lover..and that's why I keep it to just that.

To angelchild...seems like you had a problem with your man in general..not just because he was a dj....


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Originally posted by angelchild:

ok first off..as far as me being a dj groupie...never have never will be. i never even heard of him when i first met him. a guy sitting there playing music doesnt impress me. actually nothing impresses me. and as far as me giving it up too soon....i knew the guy for almost a year...so whoever dissed me out...fuck off cause obviously u have no idea what youre talking about--i was just asking a simple question...and to the girl dj...good luck hun.

you're right; i didn't know what i was talking about regarding your situation. given the situation you initially described, you sounded like a stupid groupie girl digging for whatever she could get in terms of personal or status favor.

considering your upset, it's either because you lost a friend or you're disappointed you didn't get out of it what you wanted.

if you got with him just for the sex, don't expect anything more than just that.

if you guys were friends and he let one night kill that, then he's an immature asshole who can't handle sex and women. you don't want to associate with guys like him anyway, so don't let it bother you. also, maybe it's a sign you need to be more exclusive in your friend selection



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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

Trance, mostly, and some deep house. Still perfecting my mixing skills... Any day now I won't suck anymore! cwm12.gifcwm12.gif

hee hee...!

I hear that...(I don't know ya, but I'm on the same boat...i'm almost not the worst..) Anyday now I'll make a tape with 0 train wrecks...)


"He who loves not wine, women & song, remains a fool his whole life long.."

-Martin Luther King

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Originally posted by schwingep:

Maybe you just weren't that good, so he didn't feel like calling you back smile.gif

- Pete


Easy now boy, that's no way to make new friends... Tho I must say, yer plan to be more evil is clearly working. Now all you need is a girlfriend to cheat on and you'll be well on yer way to being a *real* DJ! Keep up the good work...

And Charrails, you go boy! Lemme know if you need any tips on how to clear a dancefloor cuz I've pretty much got that down.





Just saying no to drama.


aolim mbdewey

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Originally posted by angelchild:

i was just wondering if any other girls can relate to hooking up with dj's...lets take russ reign for instance....and then after they fuck u they never seem to talk to u again. odd isnt it?

Oh come onm if you don't want people to judge you becasue they don't know.. then don't say such dumb things.. ya mine as well thrown yourself in the fire... Because honestly i think if it would have been any girl saying this, she prob would have gotten the same response... She would have from me anyway.. But why did you use that dj's name? no offence to him, but why didn't you say A dj with bigger Rep??? Not for nuttin but you make it seem like this guy really did dick ya.. i didn't hear about him untill maybe a week ago on 92.7.. Why didn't you say Jonathan Peters, or Danny TTesetos, or like Hex HEctor?






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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

Easy now boy, that's no way to make new friends... Tho I must say, yer plan to be more evil is clearly working. Now all you need is a girlfriend to cheat on and you'll be well on yer way to being a *real* DJ! Keep up the good work...

And Charrails, you go boy! Lemme know if you need any tips on how to clear a dancefloor cuz I've pretty much got that down.




Actually all I need is a few more gigs, so chicks will start recognizing me...maybe if I spun the Breffini like I was supposed to, I could've bagged a few women, but alas...once I make it to the BIG TIME I'll have nothing but little DJ Whores at my command biggrin.gif

- Pete





Upcoming Shows: Breffini Bar Sat Night...oops it got cancelled

My new web site...Version 1.02



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Well honey, DJ whores need love too. We all do our part around here...

And don't worry, one day you'll spin Breffini Bar, just keep practicing... You may want to switch to CDs tho, I hear thats all Tenaglia and Van Dyk will use now and that Technics stocks are plummeting. Food for thought...

Wowee, look at me in this drama post all day! I may have to change my sig to: "Drama, it aint so bad after all!"

Blue skies,



Just saying no to drama.


aolim mbdewey

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