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scummy dj's

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

Oh come onm if you don't want people to judge you becasue they don't know.. then don't say such dumb things.. ya mine as well thrown yourself in the fire... Because honestly i think if it would have been any girl saying this, she prob would have gotten the same response... She would have from me anyway.. But why did you use that dj's name? no offence to him, but why didn't you say A dj with bigger Rep??? Not for nuttin but you make it seem like this guy really did dick ya.. i didn't hear about him untill maybe a week ago on 92.7.. Why didn't you say Jonathan Peters, or Danny TTesetos, or like Hex HEctor?

Im just taking a guess here, but I think maybe she was trying to imply somthing about Russ by dropping that particular name. the question would have been just as valid (and pointless) if no name was used/dropped. She is obvioulsy trying to start some unnecessary drama. Russ is a quality guy, and if it is him you are talking about, maybe you should take up your issues with him instead of doing somthing as 3rd grade as posting it for everyone else to read, then trying to use his name in a "hypothetical" situation.

PS - Russ kicks Denny's ass every day of the week.


The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.

How do you shoot the Devil in the back?.....

What if you miss?

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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

Well honey, DJ whores need love too. We all do our part around here...

And don't worry, one day you'll spin Breffini Bar, just keep practicing... You may want to switch to CDs tho, I hear thats all Tenaglia and Van Dyk will use now and that Technics stocks are plummeting. Food for thought...

Wowee, look at me in this drama post all day! I may have to change my sig to: "Drama, it aint so bad after all!"

Blue skies,


Actually I helped design those CD Players that DT and PVD use...I customized them just for them...One so that Danny plays nothing but amazing music, and PVD plays well...I think you know the set list smile.gif

- Pete





Upcoming Shows: Breffini Bar Sat Night...oops it got cancelled

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i really dont want to be judgmental but i dont think all dj's are scumbags. would u be upset and made this post if it wasnt a dj.

by the way, i dj too and im in the same boat as the other two struggling dj's, im gettin a whole lot better fast and i hope u guys are too. maybe we will all spin in teh same club together one day.


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Gfella4, you make a good point, but this thread is just ridiculous drama anyway. Posting your personal drama on a public board is foolish at best, and generalizing about any group of peeps, DJs for example, is even more foolish.

It's still been a fun thread tho, all things considered...

And good luck with the spinning! Maybe we can all spin together one night for a special 'we don't suck anymore' party!

And yo, Pete! Don't be bashing PVD kid; you'll feel my wrath...

Hugs (except for Pete),



Just saying no to drama.


aolim mbdewey

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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

And yo, Pete! Don't be bashing PVD kid; you'll feel my wrath...

Hugs (except for Pete),


Just like you felt MY wrath last night...Sorry I didn't call you afterwards

he he he he he ha ha...but this is no laughing matter.

- Pete





Upcoming Shows: Breffini Bar Sat Night...oops it got cancelled

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<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.naked-edge.com/schwinge.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.naked-edge.com/schwinge.html</A>


[This message has been edited by schwingep (edited 12-18-2000).]

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damn lol where the hell did this topic come from? Just when you think you're having a drama-free day...

First off, I really don't understand the gist of this post...

Are you using me as an example merely because I'm a DJ who posts on this board or are you refering to me personally as in a specific situation? If the latter is true, I'd have to say that you're making something up because I've certainly never known anyone for a year, had sex with them, and then stopped talking to them. Also, I've never cheated on a GF (actually I've only had one girl I'd really refer to as a GF in my life)

For those of you who don't care about my personal life, sorry to fill board space with this nonsense, I just feel the need to set the record straight...

And while we're on the subject, this is a two way street. As a DJ, it's really difficult to meet girls who like you for WHO YOU ARE, not WHO YOU KNOW or HOW MANY COMPS YOU CAN GET THEM or some other materialistic BS...people are always out to use you for something whether it's money, power, or meeting famous DJs that you're friends with, and you tend to put your gaurd up and keep relationships on the physical side...

Not that I even do it, but what is the difference between a DJ using a girl for sex and a girl using a DJ to climb her social status? Just a question...

Originally posted by angelchild:

i was just wondering if any other girls can relate to hooking up with dj's...lets take russ reign for instance....and then after they fuck u they never seem to talk to u again. odd isnt it?


Upcoming Gigs:

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fucking a dj for social status? if that was the case i wouldve fucked one people actually know. and as far as me not being good---yeah anyway. and trust me im not hurt. he had a small dick and could only go one round cause hes such a cokehead he couldnt get it up. awww impotence due to coke use----such a shame at such a young age. and it may be third gradish but i think its funny. reply all u want--im out--bye dumb clubnyc motherfuckers. ill only give props to the girl dj. see ya.

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Originally posted by angelchild:

fucking a dj for social status? if that was the case i wouldve fucked one people actually know. and as far as me not being good---yeah anyway. and trust me im not hurt. he had a small dick and could only go one round cause hes such a cokehead he couldnt get it up. awww impotence due to coke use----such a shame at such a young age. and it may be third gradish but i think its funny. reply all u want--im out--bye dumb clubnyc motherfuckers. ill only give props to the girl dj. see ya.

if you're not hurt, you're definitely bitter. and i don't believe that you're out. this name you're using is just a new one you used to post about your probs and you're still reading. happy reading~



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I dont mean to be harsh, but it really bugged me when someone said


Just MHO - But there are "dumb" girls and "dumb" guys. People make mistakes, are young, do childish or immature things, and grow up (well, at least somewhat, eventually smile.gif Everyone fucks and fucks with people for their own reasons. CERTAINLY not every 2 people who get together want the same thing the day after, that's just life. It's not about "the girl being so dumb" and honestly, that kind of comment is what HURTS women -- not to be this huge feminist, but come on, women can do whatever the hell they want for WHATEVER reason they want -- and how do you know they haven't gotten exactly what they wanted out of the guy (DJ or no DJ) and the GUY isnt left feeling used (please, it happens, a lot of DJ's live for girls in the booth on their dick! lol) I'm not advocating being a DJ groupie or doing it to get hooked up, that's just immaturity and being too involved with the scene (but cmon, everyone dreams of being with celebrities or people they look up to) And I'm not saying women dont sometimes make asses of themselves or act poorly in these situations. I just think that everyone gives DJ's this ultimate power and "word" over everything and everyone -- which breeds the male ego/attitude and makes everyone assume they just use women 100 % of the time.


What is this, 9th grade? I dont know how you guys live your lives, but I CALL who I WANT and dont sit around pining for a phone call, or play a game trying to get one. It's 50 50. If someone doesn't want to pick up the phone for me, so be it. NEXT. I'm not going to specifically NOT hook up or change how I act to try and coerce them to call me. Why would you EVER want to not be yourself 100% to someone! The people who put up a huge front only succeed in getting attention for what they ARENT! Please...Also, what makes you think every girl WANTS a relationship or even a phone call. NEWSFLASH, women use men all the time. And enjoy it.



Well, I hate the player AND the game. TRY NOT PLAYING ANYTHING. Try being yourself, if you LIKE and RESPECT Dj's, love music, are into clubs, and happen to find someone who spins that you click with GO FOR IT. We all choose our partners based on compatibility and attraction, the same way someone might like italian guys, or dancers, or blonds, someone else might like DJ's, or ppl in the music industry. Not every girl goes from DJ to DJ just to say "I hit that"

I've been into music and following my favorite DJ's for almost 8 years now. I've long since learned why being yourself and being comfortable respecting and looking up to people is OKAY and what connects you to the rest of the music/club world. I've been spinnning for almost a year, and have dated a few dj's over the years. Those were probably the BEST and most fulfilling relationships I ever had. And the ones I kept as friends, and had the most happy memories with.

Half a dozen of my friends have made it pretty big, another two dozen are on their way. It makes me proud and happy to see that, and is of course exciting to witness, to support them, to be a part of it and to learn from. I love music, I love the environment, the emotion, the bond, the beat, the club, the vinyl, the stores, the labels, the language, the clothing, attitude, events, EVERYTHING related to DJ and DJ culture, as well as nightlife in general. THE PEOPLE INVOLVED IN IT ARE WHO YOU MEET - get to know, and become close with. Not many people can name the tune Im humming, quote from an old house song, whip out a certain track I miss, tell me who produced what when and on what label, or talk for hours about this stuff. I learn so much from these people,and don't regret ANY hookups, I've maintained close friendships with all the "x's" and dont play games or do it for the wrong reasons. ANd I know a million girls who live their lives the same way.

Its such an amazign and fulfilling thing to find a little sub culture of people, music, and "industry" that you related to and become a part of. Writing off women as DJ groupies is a poor excuse for trying to understand the FEW women who just make mistakes or bad decisions, or are just being kids.

If I ever started seriously spinning in clubs, and a guy clearly jocked me bc of it....I would laugh in his face. So these DJ's (actually, any guy) who fucks girls for the fun of it, for the most part, are the REAL problem.

~steps off lectern~




..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


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Guest crystalmethodny


Your grammar reminds me of someone on this board... in fact, you are a 3 post imposter, and I particularly have a good idea of who you are.

Quit the drama. Prove yourself in other ways, especially if you have nothing truthful to say.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."


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Small dicked, one rounder coke heads? That was a harsh post indeed. If you are speaking of any dj in particular, that is strange that you would make it known on a public forum.

If you are speaking about Dj Russ Reign when you label who you are speaking of as "Unknown," then you might want to think before writing such stupid shit.

All dj's start somewhere in order to get their name out there. What he is doing on the one and two's you couldn't even come close to if you attempted, so don't be so quick to judge when you are too obtuse to even make a sound judgement. With every phat sets that the new emerging dj's put down, their name gets out there. Pieces of ass such as yourself sit back and judge, when you haven't the balls to stake your claim; you have no purpose.

Russ (or any dj), if you did fuck this girl and leave her, I don't blame you...she's a fucking idiot. I hope you came all over her face as well.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

Small dicked, one rounder coke heads? That was a harsh post indeed. If you are speaking of any dj in particular, that is strange that you would make it known on a public forum.

If you are speaking about Dj Russ Reign when you label who you are speaking of as "Unknown," then you might want to think before writing such stupid shit.

All dj's start somewhere in order to get their name out there. What he is doing on the one and two's you couldn't even come close to if you attempted, so don't be so quick to judge when you are too obtuse to even make a sound judgement. With every phat sets that the new emerging dj's put down, their name gets out there. Pieces of ass such as yourself sit back and judge, when you haven't the balls to stake your claim; you have no purpose.

Russ (or any dj), if you did fuck this girl and leave her, I don't blame you...she's a fucking idiot. I hope you came all over her face as well.


Notice that this person never answered me when I asked if it was me they were supposedly talking about? It's the same old story, every a girl feels she's been fucked over — the guy has a small dick, sucks in bed, blah, blah, blah.....

This stupid imposter (notice they have 2 posts) probably isn't even a girl, it's probably some jealous guy who's GF is cheating on him with a DJ and he's trying to give us a bad rap lol

and as far as drugs go, I haven't done one in more than two years — ask anyone who's been with me at Twilo or Vinyl at 8 in the morning...

And to the imposter, if you are talking about me, then where exactly do I live, you should know that if you "knew me for almost a year" right?


Upcoming Gigs:

Fridays - Cream, NYC


12/16 - Arena, Albany NY

12/23 - Webster Hall

12/30 - Webster Hall

1/13 - Slopes, Hunter Mountain

1/14 - Phillidelphia (Location TBA)

Sat Dec. 23rd - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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Originally posted by blueskygirl:


And good luck with the spinning! Maybe we can all spin together one night for a special 'we don't suck anymore' party!


We can throw the 1st Party in My basement - I already have the system set up!!! VIP lounge in my bedroom.....

(Its only a step below Twilo....)


Jewel Promotions invites you to CHECK OUT NYC's Newest PROGRESSIVE party SATURDAYS at WEBSTER HALL....


jewelz917@yahoo.com or mention "Jewelz917"list at the door.


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im down with the basement party!!! ill bring my speakers too. we'll make your basement into a club and we will be the resident dj's, (even if it doesnt happen its nice to dream, isnt it?!)




EMAIL: iannuzzi4@yahoo.com



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81st between 1st and 2nd---currently residing in astoria, queens. and to the guy who says he knows me--i doubt it. im just fuckin around whatever. u people on here take shit so fuckin seriously. need to get a life. ill let u peeps go to go talk about getting cracked out and how jp was in a k hole and didnt match a beat right. and how all of u think ur dj's cause u own a set of turntables.

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whoops... double post....my bad...


Upcoming Gigs:

Fridays - Cream, NYC


12/16 - Arena, Albany NY

12/23 - Webster Hall

12/30 - Webster Hall

1/13 - Slopes, Hunter Mountain

1/14 - Phillidelphia (Location TBA)

Sat Dec. 23rd - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am www.djrussreign.com


[This message has been edited by russ reign (edited 12-19-2000).]

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Originally posted by angelchild:

81st between 1st and 2nd---currently residing in astoria, queens

Really hard to tell I live in Astoria when it's right under my name every time I post...

As for the other address, you're like 15 blocks WRONG - you'd think if someone knew me for a year they'd know where I lived... I knew it, damn imposter...anyway, I'm done with this...peace out.


Upcoming Gigs:

Fridays - Cream, NYC


12/16 - Arena, Albany NY

12/23 - Webster Hall

12/30 - Webster Hall

1/13 - Slopes, Hunter Mountain

1/14 - Phillidelphia (Location TBA)

Sat Dec. 23rd - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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Hey Russ Dont let this girl get to you. She sounds like she has a deep rooted hate for DJ's/Men, and now all us clubnyc peeps.

Hey Angelchild

First off if you have a problem with Russ why dont you pick up the phone and tell him rather than posting it on a public messageboard. Thats some childish shit....oh wait Angel_CHILD, now I get it.

Second Russ is a well respected person on this board and you are obviouslly taking some cheap shots at him with you false comments.

Third you should stop hiding behind the name AngelCHILD and post your real name when your gonna cause drama like this. Unless of course your lying.

Anyway dont worry Russ we all still love ya, unless what she says is true you scummy DJ!(just kiddin russ...just kiddin).

Justin Time

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I hooked up with a DJ a few nights ago and had the best time of my life. He's not an asshole... in fact, we hit it off very well and we may even hook up again next semester. Maybe something a little more serious. But if it was a one night thing, so be it. I think we all need those once in a while. Plus, him ditching you after sex is a reaction that MANY guys have, have had, and WILL have. I think most women aren't surprised anymore. BUT IF YOU ARE FUCKING LYING, AND IT SEEMS THAT WAY TO MOST PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD, THEN YOU NEED TO GROW FUCKING UP! Who the hell do you think you are spreading shit like. You don't yell fire in a crowded theater unless there is one. You are a fucking moron (Angelchild).



[This message has been edited by umassclubberny (edited 12-20-2000).]

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HAHAHAHA RUSS my man lol this shit is funny. Bet you 10 bucks some asshole hooked up with this dumb bitch by dropping your name. HI I AM DJ RUSS REIGN. and she was like REALLY I AM A DJ SLUT TAKE ME. LOL come on kids GROW THE FUCK UP. ANGEL SWEETHART ever hear the saying when you ASSUME you make a ASS of U and ME. You assumed way too much if you act like a slut be prepared to be treated like one.

MY 2 cents take respondsibility for the decisions you make in life.


Failure is not an Option!!

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This is probably the wrong board to say this...but...what the f*** is it that everyone is so hyped up about DJ's??? They are just normal (alright that might be the wrong adjective wink.gif describing most of them) people who do whatever they like to do...just like everyone else. I don't get it...I mean half of this board calls him or herself a DJ...so what's the big deal with them???!!!!



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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

Trance, mostly, and some deep house. Still perfecting my mixing skills... Any day now I won't suck anymore! cwm12.gifcwm12.gif



i'm on your trail bsg!

though the only thing i'm good at so far is spending tons of cash on vinyl that i cant mix togethere...


chronic is the answer...

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there are some clubs in the midwest, and I am friends with a couple of the DJ's. One of the DJs has been dating a friend of mine for over three years, and has never cheated on her. Maybe that's just because it is the midwest, i dunno, but its something to think about.


Peace Out!

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