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Hey if you "don't care" about live, then all you can talk about are the CDs...in which case this debate is groundless cuz you only know "half the truth", so to speak.

Have any of you guys seen those special 3-D books you can get (forget what they're called)..basically what you see if a page with funky colorful patterns..just 2-D patterns, but if you stare through the page, and focus behind the page, you'll see a complete 3-D image coming outta the page. This takes some practice but once done, you'll always get it.

S&D are a bit like that..when you first see that 2-d page, all you think is "what a boring, repetitive pattern"...well, thats cuz you don't look carefully enough, or deep enough to see the REAL image. BUT, once you see that, you'll be swept off your feet.

Thats what happened to a friend of mine - he was (still is) into hard house, and almost threw away his Communicate CD (cuz he thought it was boring), but after listening to it carefully, and after seeing S&D live...well, now he literally worships Digweed.

GOD, I just re-read my post, and is my analogy CHEESY or what!?!?


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


[This message has been edited by raver_mania (edited 12-21-2000).]

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I wouldn't call the music soft until 6:00. that's just when it empties out a little and the place gets crazier. Digweed will bring the tempo down until 3:00 then he picks it up and it keeps on going from there. Actually, Digweed's first set is one of my favorite parts of the night. It's all about the build up - and I'm not talking about cheesey drumrolls.

For me one of the best things about S&D is the anticipation of what's next, not just hearing one hard beat after another. You never know what's lurking around the next turn.

but to each his/her own.

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

thats what i am talking about ........... cwm7.gifcwm7.gifcwm7.gif

thats why the world is the way it is, there is something for everyone, i didnt think that with my one statement earlier i was gonnna have the whole board against of me


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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I didn't mean to start a war here...but this is what I mean..

Mikey..when I say.."pure techno..pure trance" etcetc...I like to put on a cd of a live set or go to a club..and be slammed right away..IN YOUR FACE...you hear it..and in one second.."damn..that's some groovy ass disco-house"..or.."damn..that's the most beautiful trance song in the world".

I think both S&D are very talented guys..as dj's and producers. But the questin was "am I the only one here who thinks S&D are mediocre/average" In my opinion..what they play is mediocre..and again..that is MY opinion. Not everyone likes to be slammed all night...some like that "journey" you are talking about.

But sooo many times I have gone to S&D to be waiting around from 2-6 or later to hear anything decent...and I personally hate that.

Ha..I remember fighting with Nestor for so long ..that some females actually like hard music and not "nice music with vocals".


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

have you ever even heard them?

I know!!! WTF?!?!?! U guys should just use some Q-Tips; unclog your ears, and LISTEN not just Hear, but L I S T E N to what these guys have to -musically- say...

C'mon, gimme a break, I thought the people on this board had higher levels of music appreciation...

One thing is that their beats dont really rock yer boat, but another one is to bash them sayin their beats are trancy and boring... U should stick around till after 5 or 6 am ... then u'll hear some hardcore beats!!!!

Bottom line is, to each his own... and total respect for that.

Also as I always say, If everyone loved these guys as much as I do, there'd be no room in Twilo for anyone of us, so... Enjoy Exit, and be my guest.. get ur ass over there... I hear they're throwin 10 grand off the roof n into the dancefloor so, go get ur cash.. let us listen to some quality, pure progressive trance...

S&D RULE hehehehe cwm32.gif


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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Originally posted by msoprano13:

okay first off i have heard some cd's and i do not like them, maybe live is different but i really dont care, and what is this about the journey, people have mentioned this before and the journey sucks, i forgot who said it but that person said"i like to go to a club and be smashed over the head with a sledgs hammer" now that what im talking about, and why do i have to stay until after 6 am to hear the hard ass beats, what is that all about. i like to dance hardcore all night, not only after a certain time, by those comments being said that only validates my statements that the music is soft for a a majority of the night


why make stupid comments like you only heard about journeys (never went or heard personally) and then say it sucks??? why criticize something you have no clue on??? if you went to twilo last friday for sven vath, then he would have kicked the shit out of you b/c his music was hard and got harder

and harder as the night progressed... and yes, he still took you on a journey, only faster and harder. and don't give me this, "exit is pumping hard crap while twilo isn't," cause i was at exit this past saturday and sven was much harder AND BETTER than the EXIT dj this past sat. (IMO). no journey at exit b/c the dj can't mix for shit (IMO)... same can be said for S&D, er... after 6AM.

don't bash S&D if you don't know what the f*ck your talking about...





"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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i cannot really comment on seeing them live at twilo cuz i never have, however i might be going tomorrow..anyway i have herd sessions and what i herd was unreal. and i could just imagine what it would be like seeing them live!! in freakin credible!! im sure cwm12.gifcwm13.gifcwm10.gif


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81



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Originally posted by mp3some:

I know!!! WTF?!?!?! U guys should just use some Q-Tips; unclog your ears, and LISTEN not just Hear, but L I S T E N to what these guys have to -musically- say...

C'mon, gimme a break, I thought the people on this board had higher levels of music appreciation...

One thing is that their beats dont really rock yer boat, but another one is to bash them sayin their beats are trancy and boring... U should stick around till after 5 or 6 am ... then u'll hear some hardcore beats!!!!

Bottom line is, to each his own... and total respect for that.

Also as I always say, If everyone loved these guys as much as I do, there'd be no room in Twilo for anyone of us, so... Enjoy Exit, and be my guest.. get ur ass over there... I hear they're throwin 10 grand off the roof n into the dancefloor so, go get ur cash.. let us listen to some quality, pure progressive trance...

S&D RULE hehehehe cwm32.gif

like i said earlier you only validate my statement by telling me i have to wait until 6am to hear music that i like. i love staying in a club until 7 or 8 but i dont wanna wait that long to here the insane music, and i never said they werent good,and i never bashes them, i just said there music isnt for me


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by msoprano13:

Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

thats what i am talking about ........... cwm7.gifcwm7.gifcwm7.gif

thats why the world is the way it is, there is something for everyone, i didnt think that with my one statement earlier i was gonnna have the whole board against of me

yeah i know. I just dont understand why ppl can't understand that not everyone likes s&d? if i dont like them, i dont like them, just like some ppl on the board dont like jv, jp, td, etc. to each its own. yes i've never heard them live, but maybe i'll see them one night, all i am saying is that i don't like music to take me on a journey, i just wanna hear hard ass beats all nite long, not just 1 hour.


aim: amafrk1


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I heard an S&D "Global Underground" cd way back when, didn't impress me. So much so that for the longest time, i thought that S&D stood for "Sad & Depressing". Seeriously, not my cup of tea. As someone said, "to each his own".



Short people got no reason..short people got no, no reason...

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I can't make up my mind whether I like them or not. I mean.. I went to Twilo a few times and I like every other song they play. Sometimes it gets too boring, but I remember jumping like crazy to some hard ass beats and loving it. I have a bunch of their cd's and it really depends on my mood. There are days when I love them, there are days when they put me to sleep... But they are definitely in their own category.. Maybe I'll go tomorrow, maybe not but I hope everyone has an awesome time smile.gif

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Too soft?? Too trancey??

At one point I thought their music was too hard and too dark, but I've come to appreciate Digweed. I stil get a lil' iffy when it comes to Sasha but Digweed really does kick a serious ass and then he'll rip you a new asshole!! cwm24.gif


Well said!! Couldnt have said it better!

About ur Sasha situation, I got some live sessions of Sasha performing from The Hague in Holland, from Ireland, from Homelands.. U name it, This guy is absolutely amazing... PM me, and I might hook u up w some samples of some real fkn talent.. hehehe cwm12.gifcwm30.gifcwm12.gif

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Its fine if you don't like them...but only after you've really heard them. IMO, its BS to judge a DJ totally on CDs...at least download a live set (eg homelands).

OK, any of you been to SoundFactory? You telling me that JP tears it up from open to close??? So, why is it that people say you should only go for afterhours??? Why wait till 9am or later for him to really tear it up? Just a question for those who can't wait till the early hours.

BTW, I like to wait till 6am for the hard stuff...otherwise you'll be listening to heavenly dance music BUT with no space to dance!


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by crommy:

Sasha & Digweed are all about the journey. it's a winding road that lasts seven, eight hours with a big payoff at the end. Some might say, early in the set its a little slow, a little boring etc. I like to get there around 4 or 5 when its picks up a bit.

I like that there is a logical progression to their set, rather than a series of anthems or one progressive tune after another a la Gatecrasher that doesnt lead you anywhere. That's fine for a two hour set, but not for a longer six, seven hour stint.

Individually, they are great DJs, no doubt, but by the way people fixate on S&D starting a week or two before they roll into town (same with PVD) you would think that they last DJs on earth!

True, since S & D are so popular, you get lots of folks who come out for them who wouldn't come out for Pappa or Quivver or other lesser known DJs. But, IMO, the people and vibe from 6 on is great.

And while some may go out for the people or the vibe, I go out primarily for the music. And if the music is top-notch, the rest will take care of itself

You tell em crommy.

Sasha and Digweed are two of the most talented DJ's in the industry. Whether you like there style or not is purely subjective, but anyone with any crumb of appreciation for electronic music can acknowledge their genius and contribution to the scene.

I love the two (both individually and together) as DJ's but have soemwhat outgrown the chaos of their monthly parties at Twilo. I will not be there tomorrow night.

(actually tomorrow I will be sailing around the caribbean on a cruise!!!!)


*************************I got to thank god for the music.


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Originally posted by mp3some:

I know!!! WTF?!?!?! U guys should just use some Q-Tips; unclog your ears, and LISTEN not just Hear, but L I S T E N to what these guys have to -musically- say...

C'mon, gimme a break, I thought the people on this board had higher levels of music appreciation...

One thing is that their beats dont really rock yer boat, but another one is to bash them sayin their beats are trancy and boring... U should stick around till after 5 or 6 am ... then u'll hear some hardcore beats!!!!

Bottom line is, to each his own... and total respect for that.

Also as I always say, If everyone loved these guys as much as I do, there'd be no room in Twilo for anyone of us, so... Enjoy Exit, and be my guest.. get ur ass over there... I hear they're throwin 10 grand off the roof n into the dancefloor so, go get ur cash.. let us listen to some quality, pure progressive trance...

S&D RULE hehehehe cwm32.gif

u know what please READ ur comment, in one part ur saying that ppl r bashing s&d, then then next line u say to each its own, then a couple of lines down u bash exit, wtf?? get it straight, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but dont say "to each its own", and not to bash, then all of a sudden u bash exit.

and i'll say it again"what u call quality and talent, doesnt mean i do, so next time u make a comment say IMO.


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by k_car:


why make stupid comments like you only heard about journeys (never went or heard personally) and then say it sucks??? why criticize something you have no clue on??? if you went to twilo last friday for sven vath, then he would have kicked the shit out of you b/c his music was hard and got harder

and harder as the night progressed... and yes, he still took you on a journey, only faster and harder. and don't give me this, "exit is pumping hard crap while twilo isn't," cause i was at exit this past saturday and sven was much harder AND BETTER than the EXIT dj this past sat. (IMO). no journey at exit b/c the dj can't mix for shit (IMO)... same can be said for S&D, er... after 6AM.

don't bash S&D if you don't know what the f*ck your talking about...


bro how stupid can you be, you are only making me look right, did i say anythihg about sven veth or that his music was not hard, and did i ever say that i didnt like him, yea the journeys do suck, because my idea of a good journey is the one that you just describes so shut up. and i never said anything about exit pumping out hard beats, ill go to twilo the next time a hard ass dj returns like the one you just described, a hard ass dj that gets harder and faster as the night goes on, not one that starts out soft and progressively gets harder after 6 am


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Just wanted to say...

No matter what anyone says I can listen to any Sasha or Digweed set over and over again, and have!

There music touches me in a different way everytime I listen.

It all depends what your in the mood for, Digweed will bring me to another place with his dark beats and misterious melodies.

I LOVE THEM!!! cwm38.gif


The music makes the people come together...

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Another thing (I'm only saying this cuz I'm getting irritated)...

You can have your own opinion...totally fine, but just know that in this particular case, you're very much in the minority. Otherwise, why would S&D be considered some of the greatest DJs on this planet? And why isn't Exit's DJ not really known outside NYC?


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by msoprano13:

Originally posted by k_car:


why make stupid comments like you only heard about journeys (never went or heard personally) and then say it sucks??? why criticize something you have no clue on??? if you went to twilo last friday for sven vath, then he would have kicked the shit out of you b/c his music was hard and got harder

and harder as the night progressed... and yes, he still took you on a journey, only faster and harder. and don't give me this, "exit is pumping hard crap while twilo isn't," cause i was at exit this past saturday and sven was much harder AND BETTER than the EXIT dj this past sat. (IMO). no journey at exit b/c the dj can't mix for shit (IMO)... same can be said for S&D, er... after 6AM.

don't bash S&D if you don't know what the f*ck your talking about...


bro how stupid can you be, you are only making me look right, did i say anythihg about sven veth or that his music was not hard, and did i ever say that i didnt like him, yea the journeys do suck, because my idea of a good journey is the one that you just describes so shut up. and i never said anything about exit pumping out hard beats, ill go to twilo the next time a hard ass dj returns like the one you just described, a hard ass dj that gets harder and faster as the night goes on, not one that starts out soft and progressively gets harder after 6 am

my point is this: how can you criticize something/someone, when you haven't even tried it? it seems like all you ever do is generalize (rarely use IMO) about twilo and their dj's, most of them, which you've never even heard.

just look at your signature...




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Another thing (I'm only saying this cuz I'm getting irritated)...

You can have your own opinion...totally fine, but just know that in this particular case, you're very much in the minority. Otherwise, why would S&D be considered some of the greatest DJs on this planet? And why isn't Exit's DJ not really known outside NYC?

That argument means nothing. Are you telling me that because Backseat Boys and N'sync pack every arena they play in that their music is accepted? Who cares if S&D pack Twilo. Half of the place is people who are native to Europe coming to see their hometown favorites and the other half are grown-up ravers who've matured from the rave scene. And yes, i have seen them live. As i ssaid earlier , not my cup of tea.



Short people got no reason..short people got no, no reason...

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nobody is talking about exit dj's, were talking about the type of music being played, well anyway i had enough, im going to work, there is no right or wrong because eveybody has a different set of ears on their head, its been fun,

peace all


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by eggmok2000:

That argument means nothing. Are you telling me that because Backseat Boys and N'sync pack every arena they play in that their music is accepted? Who cares if S&D pack Twilo. Half of the place is people who are native to Europe coming to see their hometown favorites and the other half are grown-up ravers who've matured from the rave scene. And yes, i have seen them live. As i ssaid earlier , not my cup of tea.


Yo first of all, get your own f**kin scren-name - I know eggmok, and you're not him. And second, what does half the crowd being European have to do with ANYTHING?? Did you know that 40% of New Yorkers are NOT EVEN US citizens?

Also, their popularity does not rely on love-struck teenagers. It is based on music literates involved in the electronic music scene.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Another thing (I'm only saying this cuz Otherwise, why would S&D be considered some of the greatest DJs on this planet? And why isn't Exit's DJ not really known outside NYC?

u know why do u always have to make exit comments, how about other clubs? we were talking about s&d, not which dj is more famous. and i dont give a fuck who plays at exit or any other club, as long as its hard and fuckin makes me dance all night, then i'll give them credit. Its not about being famous.

i dont like slow songs in any club, if its not BANG< BANG<BANG OR BOING<BOING>BOING, then i wont dance and thats all. I've gone to exit and some days it was too trancy for me, and i was sitting down almost falling asleep, if its not hard,then i wont dance to it. and i am not uneducated in music, or clueless, its my preference. and when i go to sf or tunnel, yeah its off the hook afterhours, but even b4 that its pumping.


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Another thing (I'm only saying this cuz I'm getting irritated)...

you're very much in the minority. Otherwise, why would S&D be considered some of the greatest DJs on this planet?

And why isn't Exit's DJ not really known outside NYC?

yup... I agree w you as well...

...Among the best fkn DJ's in the world...

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

u know why do u always have to make exit comments, how about other clubs? we were talking about s&d, not which dj is more famous. and i dont give a fuck who plays at exit or any other club, as long as its hard and fuckin makes me dance all night, then i'll give them credit. Its not about being famous.

i dont like slow songs in any club, if its not BANG< BANG<BANG OR BOING<BOING>BOING, then i wont dance and thats all. I've gone to exit and some days it was too trancy for me, and i was sitting down almost falling asleep, if its not hard,then i wont dance to it. and i am not uneducated in music, or clueless, its my preference. and when i go to sf or tunnel, yeah its off the hook afterhours, but even b4 that its pumping.

All I'm saying is that you're in the minority in disliking Sasha & Digweed (at least their CDs).


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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