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Happy Hypocrisy!!! (oops, I meant holidays)

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It would seem to me that there is bullshit abounds these days.

I'm not talking about the 'drama' (BTW THANK YOU MAC AND GRAVITY), that was the high point for me...*applauds*

I'm talking about how a lot of you are so friggin quick to whine and bitch to DaVe when something seems "mean" or a "waste of time", because they are allegedly ruining the "community".

That is the funniest thing I've heard.

Apparantley, this "community" you hold so dear kisses each other's ass and tries to be so politically correct that it turns my stomach.

BUT if you do not go to a "meetup", kiss ass, belong to a ridiculous "clique" or subscribe to the majority's ideology, you are completely ignored, or you are dick.

What was supposed to be an "open forum" is now becoming like Nazi Germany, but veiled with phony saccharin and self-righteousness.

Some of you may think this post is angry or it makes no sense. That means you prolly fit in the above category.

If you feel me...PLUR.

Happy <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New year</a> ,


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Hmmmmm.. I totally disagree about kissing ass or subsribing to majority's ideology. Going to meetups is a part of meeting ppl IN PERSON. Not everyone has to go but personally I find it very interesting to meet ppl and talk to them in person.. And about majority, hmm.. There seem to be squabbles every day about favorite whatevers, so there is NO *1* ideology to "subscribe" to.. But if some ppl do have similar tastes or like the same club/dj, what's wrong with that??? And about drama, glad to provide entertainment for you. Can't say that I enjoy it myself but hey, whatever floats your boat.

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist:

i do think sum people ignore posts if they do not know you personally?

what really kills me is that I post something on music and I hardly get a response, but when I post total bullshit people respond...

Its the way the world turns...I totally feel you there cazzy...Wanna meetup tonight @ Vinyl? cwm3.gif But seriously though I agree with you on some of your points...But I am no ass-kisser...I like to meet new ppl all the time. I am not expecting to make friends with anyone here but I let things take its course..I am obviously closer to some ppl while being totally ignored by others. But IMHO, I like to meetup with ppl b/c you cut a lot of the bullshit out and see them for who there are behind the screename...And yes there are some assholes out there in ClubPlanet. But instead of being one myself and shouting them out, I would rather let the truth unravel onto themselves smile.gif...

~*Jam*~ "sometimesthetruthhurtsbutidontgiveashit"


Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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Originally posted by jammy:

Its the way the world turns...I totally feel you there cazzy...Wanna meetup tonight @ Vinyl? cwm3.gif But seriously though I agree with you on some of your points...But I am no ass-kisser...I like to meet new ppl all the time. I am not expecting to make friends with anyone here but I let things take its course..I am obviously closer to some ppl while being totally ignored by others. But IMHO, I like to meetup with ppl b/c you cut a lot of the bullshit out and see them for who there are behind the screename...And yes there are some assholes out there in ClubPlanet. But instead of being one myself and shouting them out, I would rather let the truth unravel onto themselves smile.gif...

~*Jam*~ "sometimesthetruthhurtsbutidontgiveashit"

I couldn't of said it better, Jammy! Cara, I agree with you that this board has gotten a bit too cliquish lately. It just seems really apparant lately that if you disagree or give an honest opinion . . . then you're pretty much shunned.

This is an open board for open discussion. And although I was one of people that bitched about imposters and such, I've realized that it's the diversity that makes a board interesting. The disagreements and debates is what helps us broaden our minds. We can't agree on EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. That's just my lil' lesson that I learned.

As for meet-ups. Like Jammy, I just wanna meet more clubbers like myself. I enjoy those meet-ups! One can never have too many friends!



“The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.” - Brendon Behan angel.gif

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist:

i do think sum people ignore posts if they do not know you personally?

what really kills me is that I post something on music and I hardly get a response, but when I post total bullshit people respond...

A bit off topic, but Gonzo where is that pic from??



“The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.” - Brendon Behan angel.gif

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my $0.01...cazzzz is oooon poooiiinnt with everything she said. everything! i made that point about the "cliques" to someone from this board...and of course he didn't get it...

ummm, but the peeps that r guilty of this either 1)have no idea what yer talkin about, or 2)won't read this cuz they're busy lookin for the posts from their friends...

PLUR bayyybeees...PLUR!

btw...am i the only one that found the impostors funny?

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Blue - I was wondering the same thing. I think it might be Mauro Picatto live from the Love-something or another. I listened/watched a download from raveworld.net a couple weeks ago that looked similar anyway.

On Cazz's point (as well as everyone here)...The one thing that should be a necessity on this board is a sense of humor. Some people take things so seriously, yet if these same people are on the board enough they should also know that many of these posts are jokes or poking fun.

The board has definitely been a much more interesting read lately. Not only for the soap opera's but also because of the content. I finally feel as though I am again gaining valuable information regarding the music, clubs, sites and so forth. Either way, it will constantly change and we'll just have to adjust.

I have enjoyed the dinners and meeting new people but don't feel as though this should hinder anyone from making an honest statement. Everyone should be allowed to express their opinion and not be black-balled for it.

Nuff said.

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Originally posted by shannah:

Blue - I was wondering the same thing. I think it might be Mauro Picatto live from the Love-something or another. I listened/watched a download from raveworld.net a couple weeks ago that looked similar anyway.

Sarah!! How are ya, girl?? Do you still have that file? Can you send it to me? Hey are you coming out on the 29th for our final meet-up of the year?



“The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.” - Brendon Behan angel.gif

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Originally posted by junglekittn:

my $0.01...cazzzz is oooon poooiiinnt with everything she said. everything! i made that point about the "cliques" to someone from this board...and of course he didn't get it...

ummm, but the peeps that r guilty of this either 1)have no idea what yer talkin about, or 2)won't read this cuz they're busy lookin for the posts from their friends...

PLUR bayyybeees...PLUR!

btw...am i the only one that found the impostors funny?

I thought the impostors were some of the funniest shit I have read. I have done countless points defending their sense of humor, I ain't gonna go into it again.

Forest Hills? I bet we know each other.

Thanks to all who replied, I appreciate you taking the 1 minute it took.

And yes, sense of humor is a must. People take shit and themselves waaaaaayyyy to seriously.

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Originally posted by cazz926:

It would seem to me that there is bullshit abounds these days.

I'm not talking about the 'drama' (BTW THANK YOU MAC AND GRAVITY), that was the high point for me...*applauds*

I'm talking about how a lot of you are so friggin quick to whine and bitch to DaVe when something seems "mean" or a "waste of time", because they are allegedly ruining the "community".

That is the funniest thing I've heard.

Apparantley, this "community" you hold so dear kisses each other's ass and tries to be so politically correct that it turns my stomach.

BUT if you do not go to a "meetup", kiss ass, belong to a ridiculous "clique" or subscribe to the majority's ideology, you are completely ignored, or you are dick.

What was supposed to be an "open forum" is now becoming like Nazi Germany, but veiled with phony saccharin and self-righteousness.

Some of you may think this post is angry or it makes no sense. That means you prolly fit in the above category.

If you feel me...PLUR.

Happy <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/ <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">newyearseve</a> /"> <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New year</a> </a> ,


Maybe you should start a resistance.



"I want my two dollars!"


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Hey Casey! Goin good here. U?

Yep, definitely going to try and make the last dinner meet-up. I know you guys are probably busy w/all that stuff but could you try to email me with the info once everything is set in stone?? I'll be out of town all week, so I won't be checking anything on-line - cept email.

Sorry, I looked all over for that link and couldn't find it. Actually, I think I got it from a fellow CP'er. I looked through the last 20 days but couldn't find a reference. Sorry! I tried...

Have a great holiday!! (To all of you biggrin.gif)


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MY .2 cents on the subject if anyone cares:

I find this board very amusing! So much that I'm glued to it!

As far as the kissing ass, well that doesn't apply to me and I'm sure for most. People use this venue as a way to say what's on their mind whether or not it has anything to do w/ clubbing.

I went to one to meet-up and found everyone to be friendly and plan on going to other meet ups at clubs. Not to meet my new best friend but to meet people that share my same PASSION for music/clubs and dancing.

K, nuff about that....

hope to make out tonight for S&D!!!

happy holidays cwm9.gif


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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don't ask me ,i just work here wink.gif i try to talk to as many people as i can, i love talking and meeting new people from the board. and i generally try to post to all of them that seem interesting smile.gif


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81



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