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AIM down....

Guest onisakura

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Im a soon to be 22 year old woman with a bright future (( lol )) W0Rd!

No really, I have a job that I love, I have people in my life who are real and true to me, and for once im actually pretty content with how things are going. I'm a good person, I go out of my way for my friends to help them because I know they would do the same for me.

I love animals, hopefully in the future I want to go back to school to become a vet, that is my dream job.

I have calmed down a lot in the last year, I feel like im finally grounded. I love to have fun, and laugh and be around positive people. All though I have my bitchy moments, I do have my wonderful ones as well.

I love my fucking girls, they are my (in)sanity

And FYI the only reason why I am back on this thing is because it's a life line for you momos because im never online anymore cause of work and working out so FINE!! I'm back so you can look at my photos and drool lol

But this is as far as this page is going, no flashy shit, no 300 pictures, I don't have time I work to much ... so fuck you and enjoy!


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Im a soon to be 22 year old woman with a bright future (( lol )) W0Rd!

No really, I have a job that I love, I have people in my life who are real and true to me, and for once im actually pretty content with how things are going. I'm a good person, I go out of my way for my friends to help them because I know they would do the same for me.

I love animals, hopefully in the future I want to go back to school to become a vet, that is my dream job.

I have calmed down a lot in the last year, I feel like im finally grounded. I love to have fun, and laugh and be around positive people. All though I have my bitchy moments, I do have my wonderful ones as well.

I love my fucking girls, they are my (in)sanity

And FYI the only reason why I am back on this thing is because it's a life line for you momos because im never online anymore cause of work and working out so FINE!! I'm back so you can look at my photos and drool lol

But this is as far as this page is going, no flashy shit, no 300 pictures, I don't have time I work to much ... so fuck you and enjoy!


she accused me of emacking with her on aim . . . even though i never met the bitch.

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Im a soon to be 22 year old woman with a bright future (( lol )) W0Rd!

No really, I have a job that I love, I have people in my life who are real and true to me, and for once im actually pretty content with how things are going. I'm a good person, I go out of my way for my friends to help them because I know they would do the same for me.

I love animals, hopefully in the future I want to go back to school to become a vet, that is my dream job.

I have calmed down a lot in the last year, I feel like im finally grounded. I love to have fun, and laugh and be around positive people. All though I have my bitchy moments, I do have my wonderful ones as well.

I love my fucking girls, they are my (in)sanity

And FYI the only reason why I am back on this thing is because it's a life line for you momos because im never online anymore cause of work and working out so FINE!! I'm back so you can look at my photos and drool lol

But this is as far as this page is going, no flashy shit, no 300 pictures, I don't have time I work to much ... so fuck you and enjoy!


Where do you find all this shit??

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Guest onisakura

sorry, i only use AIM for work and ocassional making fun of headpusher

i spend my days in IRC - much better than aim

Thats the sign of a true nerd.

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yeah, we have our own server (and no, i'm not a geek, dont know SHIT about computer's ((other than macs)) ) i havent been on EFNET or DALNET in at least 5 years......that used to be the shit, but now its filled with viruses, spam, porn and foreigners

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