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tell something unique about your past...

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Guest gabo
i was the first out of my group of friends to masturbate and orgasm at the age of 9 ;op

cirle jerk... holla!

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e vero? I was nationally ranked. What didu swim?

100 breast

200 breast

100 back

200 IM

anything else i did mostly distance... i could sprint in a relay, but i love distance more... you get that swimmer's high at the 800, god i loved that.

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Guest onisakura
i was first chair trumpet player.

i was also on the us swim team.

I was a first chair, second violin when i was young, then i played the cello a few years ago. :)

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I was in choir one year in elementary school, and I played the trumpet in another.

Also when I was a kid, I dug holes in the backyard. Very deep holes.

When I was in 4th grade for Halloween I hollowed out a pumpkin and cut a face into it, with the neck hole on the bottom, and put it over my head and wore a cape.

My cousin charley is a few years older than me, and when we were kids he was very clumsy. He was always banging into things and knocking things over and breaking things, and my father always dreaded when I called out, "Dad, Charley broke something again." One day we were playing pool and Charley was walking around the pool table to take a shot and he tripped and broke through the plaster of the wall and got stuck there. I had to yell downstairs, "Dad...Charley fell through the wall!" My pop was not a happy camper.

I grew up in a two story and my bedroom window looked out on the slanted roof of most of the first story. Sometimes I went out with my blanket and pillow and slept on the roof.

When I was a kid I loved to burn plastic and watch the bits of burning plast drip down and make a cool sound. I let them drop onto something nonflammable but I did it in my bedroom. Once I made a mistake and let one whizzer fall into a paper bag of garbage, and the bag caught on fire. I panicked and didn't know what to do, and I opened my bedroom window (on the side of the houseaway from the slanted roof) and dropped the bag outside because it was snowing and I thought the snow would put the fire out. But the bag fell on the bushes beneath my window and the bushes caught fire, and my room was filled with smoke. My mother yelled up, "Is something burning?" I yelled out "No!" and was shitting a brick because the bush was burning (but it was no message from God, unless he was telling me that I was an idiot) outside, but I couldn't run out to put it out because I couldn't open my door and let the smoke out. So I threw open my other window and climbed out on the roof and jumped down and threw snow onto the bushes.

BTW, some of my toys, like my old Kenner TIE fighter, X-Wing, and snowspeeder, had cool looking laser burns on their hull from intense space and air combat. Did I mention that those dripping pieces of burning plastic that make cool whizzing sounds, look like laser fire when they head downward?

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100 breast

200 breast

100 back

200 IM

anything else i did mostly distance... i could sprint in a relay, but i love distance more... you get that swimmer's high at the 800, god i loved that.

Nice. Yeah I did everything. Preferrred sprint free.

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...i was rough...i broke every finger at least once..dislocated a thumb and finished the game lol...broke my shoulder/collar bone and didn't realize it for a couple days.....had the sickest black eye in the history of the world...cracked my orbital....busted open chin and lip both cause my brother...i could go on and on...

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i played volleyball in college..

my brother chopped my toe with an axe..

i played the piano, clarinet and alto saxaphone..

i one my age division (13 and under) for a 10 mile road race..

btw Slick.. :laugh: @ the pumpkin head story.. i'd love to see a pic :heart:

I so wish I had one. I am sure my mom took some, but I have yet to find them among her hundreds of old family photos. I promise I'll post it if I ever find it. I'd love to see it too.

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...i was rough...i broke every finger at least once..dislocated a thumb and finished the game lol...broke my shoulder/collar bone and didn't realize it for a couple days.....had the sickest black eye in the history of the world...cracked my orbital....busted open chin and lip both cause my brother...i could go on and on...

My God that's a lot of breaks. And what you did to your face...thank God you still have your beauty despite such injuries. Knowing all this makes me want to marry you even more. :love:

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