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UK Review Part 1


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Well it looks as though I picked the right weekend to do so, as the weather, events and everything were more than i could have hoped...

Arrived via Tandori Express (aka Air India)last Thursday & checked into the Sheraton Park Tower. This def was not your average Sheraton. Great service, location, and an attached private Casino (more on that later)... Strolled around the neighborhood, did some window shopping as Harvey Nichols, Harrods, and just about any other boutique you could ever dream of or name was within a 3 minute walk... Came back to the hotel, napped a bit to lose the jetlag, & headed out to meet up with peeps for dinner. Ended up finding this Italian place called Eddie's nearby... Had a sort of Speakeasy feel to it.. walked downstairs and in, and I swear I was in Studio 54 or something... I have never before seen soo many mirrored walls, and 10ft diameter disco balls... Not to mention the tranny caberet table act going on... Anyway the lasagna was much better than expected, and there was no slipping of any sausauge, so the night was moving along nicely.

After dinner, we head back to the hotel for a few more pre-gme cocktails before heading to Heaven for the renowned 'Bedrock' night, with Digweed headlining the main arch, and Sex on Substance (SOS - Desyn M, Demi, & Omid 16B) in arch 2. There were 3 other arches as well, Jonathon Lisle in one, and a bunch of other prog guys in the others... Arriving to Heaven, it looked kinda like walking into the alley in Boston... Chris Fortier had sorted the list out for us beforehand, (cheers Chris!) so we didnt have to wait too long. Now, I must add there was a formidable scent lingering as we walked in - between a urinal/sewer smell that none of the locals admitted to smelling, but was not imagined. I was hoping this would disappear as we entered. From the outside, I was thinking OK, this place holds 1000-1500 people... Not even close! The room where the SOS party prob held that + another 300 or so, the main arch where Diggers was had to be 2500+ def bigger than Crobar NY, and more packed. I dont think the Rhode Island fires affected any of their capacity issues, thats for sure. As we entered the main arch it was like something out of a movie - wall to wall people of all ages/genders lettin loose, though it was a lot heavy on the male side...After Steve spoke to John for a few min, we were promptly booted off the stage area by Digweed, so we headed back over to the SOS party, where there was a much better ratio of girls & bar service... At around 5am, we called it quits as we still had 3 more days of events coming up, and we were all having massive Big Mac attacks...

On the way home in ur drunken stupors, we thought it would be a great idea to check out the Casino attached to the Hotel... Turns out, its a lot like Rise... You need to be a memeber, and to become a memeber, you need to know a memeber. Luckily, we had a hookup for this and were abe to get our memeberships. The casino only had about 4 blackjack tables, 2 roulette tables, a paigow table, and a few stud tables. Nothing huge, but adequate nonetheless. Played few rounds of roulette, while some guy was betting behind my bets with upwards of 8-10K british pounds per spin... While I was happy to walk away with my paltry 50 quid winnings, this guy must have made 100K+ in the 45 min we were there... Off to bed after that.... Day 2 to follow soon, as we were off to Turnmills for Sporter's Album Release party with Peace Division & Omid 16B...

Some pics from the night:

Heading out:


The Main Arch:




Demi & Omid rockin the 1500+ crowd:


After the club:


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