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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

night reviews??? This board has turned to shit

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DaVe the admin I really think u need to create a new board entitled "meet-ups" or something. this board has turned to shit. when I see the title "SnD meet up" I want to read about the vinyl that was dropped (and not one or two records), I want to hear about the mixing, etc... I could a flying FUCK how many club planet people you met and who u are giving shout outs to. Moreover, each personal story for each interaction with clubplanet people is unnecessary. Ex = JohnnyNYC - nice glow stick tricks dude. I beg you people to either A - start posting these so called reviews in a meet up forum or B - stop putting review in the subject of your posts because "a great vibe and a great night" does not begin to explain what went on that night.

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I believe right above the new york thing it says clubs, bars, and NOCTURNAL happenings..

which does not narrow topic down..

besides there is a music board.. ya know to talk about 'new vinyl'




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Originally posted by steve_r:

I beg you people to either A - start posting these so called reviews in a meet up forum or B - stop putting review in the subject of your posts because "a great vibe and a great night" does not begin to explain what went on that night.

If you're THAT curious about what happened that night then maybe you should go yourself instead of bashing other people for giving a "shout out". cwm25.gif

Besides, there's always a post about the event and it's music. Just gotta give them couple of days to recoup so they can type coherently.



“The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.” - Brendon Behan angel.gif

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this board does suck...

it has turned from an informational and intelligent conversations to stupid high school antics and comments.

its mostly a bunch of "club god's" who know nothing of music culture but what the guy next to them is listening to or talking about.

if you dont have anything intelligent to say regarding clubs or music..hold it in till the next "official club nyc meetup" then you can talk your stupid heart out.

bunch of herbs..

now for my shoutouts..


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Originally posted by TheRegulator:

This is what I've been trying to say.

And if you ask me... likmylips can kissmyass - drop the bullshit threads already.

[This message has been edited by TheRegulator (edited 12-24-2000).]





/>http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html splash.gif

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if you don't like thread, or what's being said, then don't reply and just move on.

don't post about threads that suck either, becuse your whining sucks more than any 'shout out' thread i've read.

take your elitist negativity somewhere, newbie.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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if you don't like thread, or what's being said, then don't reply and just move on.

don't post about threads that suck either, becuse your whining sucks more than any 'shout out' thread i've read.

take your elitist negativity somewhere, newbie.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Steve_r, disgusted, and The Regulator... I got a brilliant idea. Get off the fucking board. Think you gonna stop the shout outs, the rants, and everything else in between? Think again asswipes... a community will always have these things... for fun, and otherwise. If it didn't have them it will surely die a slow death.

And a review does not have to consist who used what needle and what turntable, etc... I couldn't give a fuck about it, but if they wanna post it, fine by me.

Or else YOU post something intelligent... simple idea ain't it...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 12-24-2000).]

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Steve_r, disgusted, and The Regulator... I got a brilliant idea. Get off the fucking board. Think you gonna stop the shout outs, the rants, and everything else in between? Think again asswipes... a community will always have these things... for fun, and otherwise. If it didn't have them it will surely die a slow death.

And a review does not have to consist who used what needle and what turntable, etc... I couldn't give a fuck about it, but if they wanna post it, fine by me.

Or else YOU post something intelligent... simple idea ain't it...

i totally agree!!



And i think to myself what a wonderful world!!!!


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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:


that is the most disguisting thing that i have heard in a while, take a shower and give me a call and ill be down.....



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Steve_r, disgusted, and The Regulator... I got a brilliant idea. Get off the fucking board. Think you gonna stop the shout outs, the rants, and everything else in between? Think again asswipes... a community will always have these things... for fun, and otherwise. If it didn't have them it will surely die a slow death.

And a review does not have to consist who used what needle and what turntable, etc... I couldn't give a fuck about it, but if they wanna post it, fine by me.

Or else YOU post something intelligent... simple idea ain't it...

I SO agree with you on that -- instead of trying to reprimand and be the board's mommies and daddies, how about posting something of substance yourselves and SET THE EXAMPLE! Welcome to Psych 101... get a clue. The more you tell people not to do it the more they will a) resent you and B) continue to (or at least grow to) ignore you. This forum does indeed encompass all things pertaining to nightlife in NYC -- if you don't like it, don't read it. This is a community, and most of us seem pretty darn happy with it. Just because you choose to be anti-social in your posts doesn't entitle you to belittle the rest of us who have an appreciation for the sense of community created here.

The board is a wonderful thing, and despite minor inconveniences (impostors, etc.) I think continues to shine because of those of us who connect through it -- NOT because of whiners and complainers like yourselves.

Just my $.02...

- Meli -




"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Steve_r, disgusted, and The Regulator... I got a brilliant idea. Get off the fucking board. Think you gonna stop the shout outs, the rants, and everything else in between? Think again asswipes... a community will always have these things... for fun, and otherwise. If it didn't have them it will surely die a slow death.

And a review does not have to consist who used what needle and what turntable, etc... I couldn't give a fuck about it, but if they wanna post it, fine by me.

Or else YOU post something intelligent... simple idea ain't it...

listen mister herb.... i been reading this board long before you found soundfactory and the oompa loompa song. your one of the cockaroaches that has infested this board not me..

my negativity is not the problem..its the widespread stupidity that you are a part of that has taken this board to the slum level. if you want to talk about pre-school shit take your little friends and create a new board.

you seem to lack the understanding that when you post dumb shit all day long on the board the serious individuals in the industry shy away from it..and the herb promoters come in.

hereby making this board and every club that you guys discuss look like a pathetic high school dance.

why do you think the owners and the head promoters abuse the crowds that come to clubs..because they know that all you uneducated morons will come back anyway, desperate to find a corner in a club to do your drugs. but your ignorance as well as others is whats making half the clubs in nyc a joke amongst the world-wide community.

nyc used to be at the top...this board represents why its not anymore.

as far as me posting something intelligent...probably wont happen cause the thread will turn into a stupid conversation of dumb comments and shoutouts. instead i will continue to batter the dumb threads whether you like it or not.

so grow up..

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Originally posted by disgusted:

...this board represents why its not anymore.

as far as me posting something intelligent...

so grow up..

Ah yes, the problem with todays society is this board. Bravo, I think you shall win the Pulitzer this year for your observations.

Grow up. Hmmm, if you are so mature, please feel free to make your own msg board and all the "intelligent industry types" can frequent YOUR board. I am sure that they will flock to your genius and then the immature people can stay here.

You majored in debate didn't you? I can tell. May I have your autograph, sir?

Thank you sir, may I have another?



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Originally posted by disgusted:

listen mister herb.... i been reading this board long before you found soundfactory and the oompa loompa song. your one of the cockaroaches that has infested this board not me..

my negativity is not the problem..its the widespread stupidity that you are a part of that has taken this board to the slum level. if you want to talk about pre-school shit take your little friends and create a new board.

you seem to lack the understanding that when you post dumb shit all day long on the board the serious individuals in the industry shy away from it..and the herb promoters come in.

hereby making this board and every club that you guys discuss look like a pathetic high school dance.

why do you think the owners and the head promoters abuse the crowds that come to clubs..because they know that all you uneducated morons will come back anyway, desperate to find a corner in a club to do your drugs. but your ignorance as well as others is whats making half the clubs in nyc a joke amongst the world-wide community.

nyc used to be at the top...this board represents why its not anymore.

as far as me posting something intelligent...probably wont happen cause the thread will turn into a stupid conversation of dumb comments and shoutouts. instead i will continue to batter the dumb threads whether you like it or not.

so grow up..

Ok...you know who was really disgusted...the doctor because he slapped your mom for giving birth to an uneducated, waste of sperm that you are.

Apparently your own mom is disgusted too because she didn't want your tossed salad ass home for the holidays...

You hermaphrodite...go fuck yourself.



close the world...open the next...the door is in your mind...


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Originally posted by myrlin:

Ah yes, the problem with todays society is this board. Bravo, I think you shall win the Pulitzer this year for your observations.

Grow up. Hmmm, if you are so mature, please feel free to make your own msg board and all the "intelligent industry types" can frequent YOUR board. I am sure that they will flock to your genius and then the immature people can stay here.

You majored in debate didn't you? I can tell. May I have your autograph, sir?

Thank you sir, may I have another?

another herb...more of your friends gonna reply with brilliant comments like yourself.

and no i didnt major in debate...thats what an intelligent well thought out post looks like. cant say much for yours which is just some sophmoric witty sarcasm.

im not trying to piss people off...im trying to show you why you never see intelligent posts on the board. mister ezdreamer has started with calling me an asswipe..and you have your little clever sarcastic comments.

what you dont know is that this board WAS all industry people and clubbers. do you understand this???? im not trying to be elitist, but this board or clubplanet wouldnt be where they are if they didnt have an impression on certain industry people.

so before you come back at me with comments. do you give any type of "shit" about the music, and the places this board represents becuase then you would understand where im coming from.

in the past, raves used to be a following...a few hundred people getting together to enjoy each others company and the music that was played. whenever a new individual was brought into the circle that person was embraced by everyone and was TEACHED by the older more experienced ravers. they learned about music,drugs,safety maybe even how to dance.

point is this stuff doesnt happen anymore because people rather have a stupid packed night out with fellow "stupids" and end up killing a good time for the rest of the party.

you end up having promoters who just

want to have the ability to use the word "promoter" so they do whatever they can to pack clubs or lounges. nobody gives a fuck anymore. this is why this board sucks and why the clubs suck.

do you understand now?

if you cant reply with something more then sarcasm then dont reply at all. give someone else a chance and stop wasting space. i know many people including myself hate scrolling through bullshit posts and retarded signatures to read something.

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Ok...you know who was really disgusted...the doctor because he slapped your mom for giving birth to an uneducated, waste of sperm that you are.

Apparently your own mom is disgusted too because she didn't want your tossed salad ass home for the holidays...

You hermaphrodite...go fuck yourself.

your just a complete fucking idiot. asshole.

if you really want to insult me give me a valid reply you moron.

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Clubplanet: Nightlifeculture.

Let's examine.

Club- 1. a group of people organized for a common purpose 2. the meeting place of such a group.

Nightlife- 1. goings on which occur after sunset.

Culture- 1. a style of social and artistic expression peculiar to a society or class.

Not that i expect you to garner anything from this discussion, but...

Your desire to control the content of this board will fail. The people you criticize take the time to meet each other, talk to each other, celebrate our culture together. If you had made even one iota of an effort to do so, you would have been embraced. I testify to that.

The common purpose of this board is to talk to one another. It may have been different in the past and it may change in the future. But for now, it is what it is.

Clearly you have not made an effort to be friendly with the board. If you will not embrace the culture of this board, then quit frustrating yourself. Go find a club FAQ, this board is not what you want and may never be.

And I say with goodwill, go away, your persistence will only annoy you as we will simply ignore your trolling.

Be true to yourself.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:


oh...thats gross...lol



...aND oN THaT NoTe, LeTS GeT BaCK To THe PRoGRaM...

e-mail: chrismakk69@aol.com

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Originally posted by disgusted:

instead i will continue to batter the dumb threads whether you like it or not.

so grow up..

Very intelligent response... I applaud you that you take this shit so seriously... the knight of the board... hey, you wanna a badge up your ass to go with that? Dipshit...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by disgusted:

disgusted your just a complete fucking idiot. asshole.

if you really want to insult me give me a valid reply you moron.

Ok hermie...here's a reply...if you hate this board...then stop reading it...if you can read...and start your own messageboard.

You've been on this board since the morning...don't you have "johns" for your pimp to take care of?



close the world...open the next...the door is in your mind...


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Originally posted by disgusted:

nobody gives a fuck anymore. this is why this board sucks and why the clubs suck.

Hey asswipe... didn't I tell you a simple solution... step off and find yourself a new hole to die in. Somebody making you come to this board? What are you an idiot... Don't like something... get out... simple... Do you understand that concept moron?


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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