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did anyone get shitty gifts this year?


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Originally posted by Emmitt:

i got this shit-ass nasty pattern looking shirt, a hindu wouldn't think about wearring!!! ughhh... cwm36.gif

Co-Worker gave me a package indicating it was a nice jewel box. Opened it up and pulled a fucking USED, GRIMY coffee mug. Fucking filed it under G, for garbage. Next time I see that cheap cheesy bitch, gonna smack her upside her head.

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It's not about the gifts. Its about being with family. Who cares what you got. Hey, I didnt get that nice shiny Hummer I was hoping for but I knew that would be a long shot anyway!

I think more people need to get into the Holiday and out of the gifts. I had a SLAMMIN time yesterday...more then I ever have. My favorite present was a birthday card from my Mom.

Oh well...forget I said anything...



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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HEHE - for chanukah, I got a blind date, who just happened to have a HUMMER (green, tan interior, gorgeous) not to mention a PRIME hummer himself (anatomical) and I won't go any furtherrrrrrrr......lol

Happy Holidays!



..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


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Why the fuck does everyone want a hummer for? That shit is a gas guzzler, get like 2 miles to the gallon, and handling is rough as hell. Plus you ever try to find parking for that elephant?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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I did'nt get anything for Christmas,oh yes I did...HAPPINESS.Spent the day with family and watching my neice and nephew opening there gifts and seeing them smile.Those 2 are my heart and soul.


13 wild years of Junior Vasquez!!! DROP A HOUSE ON THAT BITCH!!!

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Originally posted by anthony:

I did'nt get anything for Christmas,oh yes I did...HAPPINESS.Spent the day with family and watching my neice and nephew opening there gifts and seeing them smile.Those 2 are my heart and soul.

See what Im talking about! Thats what this is all about. Not the gifts persay but I love watching the expressions on my friends and family's faces when they open up their gifts! I took sooo many zany pictures of my family yesterday smiling big and just being silly!!! I ran around all day long making sure they were happy! Im feelin you anthony! cwm32.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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I'm really not surprise about my gifts this year. I see christmas as a time to get together w/ the fam and just watch the kids go nuts over their presents.

My best gift was watching my baby nephew playing with the wrappers. Christmas is so commercialized and I'm past the age of receiving gifts. I'm the giver now($$$)Sorry to hear about everyone's crappy gifts, but hey we're not 8 anymore. Happy holidays!


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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