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Off Topic Question!! Can a guy and a girl . . ..


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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

Originally posted by risa06:

I think they def CAN....as long as they can put what happend behind them and they don't think of eachother as "friends w/ benefits"...they will be friends..... smile.gif I'm sure...



You sound as if this has happened with you???? cwm6.gif

.....may be.........may be NOT....... smile.gif



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by princess0621:

Most people start out as friends before it progresses to something more which it usually does but hope that it doesn't fall apart otherwise you lose what was a good friend.

This has definately happened to me! I was really good friends with this guy and it led to something more (which i never thought would happen in like a million years). But unfortunately it became too wierd and he was getting really attached. I viewed our relationship as being casual and I never really wanted it to be serious, so i ended it. I really shouldn't have started it in the first place, but I definately lost the good friendship we once had. I am still friends with him, but he gets on my nerves after a short period of time because i think he still wants me back. But sex is never platonic, it always means something more.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

But how can you hang out with her/him and continue being very close friends without EVER thinking back at the THE NIGHT. I just don't think it's possible.

Once the sex comes into play . . . you can't go back to being PLATONIC friends.


I will disagree. I never said you wouldn't think about it anymore. I am merely saying it is possible. I know people that have done it. Everyone reacts and thinks differently from others.

If even ONE person you know has done it (I know a few) then the possibility exists. It just might not be possible for every person. ANd yes, emotions are quite remarkable, they can change at the drop of the hat. However, that makes us human. Unless you are in the situation, you never know how you will feel.

People go through every day holding back and not knowing about an emotion they might have. I had a situation which jarred open my Pandora's Box, not completely, but enough to let me explore the way I feel about some things. I sometimes wish I could close it but I think it makes me a better person for knowing the truth.

I just do not think it is a good idea not to "Know" or "try" and forever wonder about it. The truth hurts, yes but it makes you stronger in the end.



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I share Myrlin's sentiments. I couldn't hope to phrase them any better. From personal experience, I've been all over the board.

The most hopeful thing I can testify to is being great friends with almost all of my old girlfriends, and yeah, I do *think* about the past. But if I keep perspective, I remember it has passed. And the beauty of the future is in the friendship that is yet to be explored.

Be true to yourself and all else will follow.

Good luck.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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I've always found thats the best way to be friends...

when you got "that" out of the way.

You can't help if your attracted to someone, and it causes alot of miscommunication because someones feelings always gets hurt, but if your both totally open and honest, theres no miscommunication.

Sometimes just playing is fun!


Use email DJmikeDR@aol.com

PM way too slow!

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I don't know if after some casual sex you can be friends. BUT, I am assured of this, things will not and can not be the same after that. I would say don't do it, because the two times I did I lost a good friend. Having sex kills that fun flirtatious sexual tension!

thats it.

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i think it is definately possible.. in fact i know it is possible because i have had such an experience... as long as both parties involved r fully aware of what is happening i think platonic friends can have sex and still remain simply friends... and in my opinion sex with a close friend is great becuase there is no emotional attachment and usually the relationship gets stronger... thats my opinion anyway


"He who laughs last didnt get it"

"It takes a big man to cry... takes a bigger man to laugh at that man"

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"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

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I must say that a I have had sexual relationships with most of my female friends, and because of this I believe that we are closer. I also hang out with several girls with whom I have had sexual relations, and there is not tension at all.

I think that sex is something that can mean a lot, or mean nothing at all. Just because I had sex with them doesn't mean that I am devoted to them for the rest of my life.

True if I tell someone I love them, then that's a different story. Although it hurts a lot to loose someone you love, you sometimes don't want to hurt that person by doing things that you might regret.

I would say that even though I had sexual relations with my friends it doesn't affect us while we hang out, instead it makes us feel more open to share our feelings with one another and not hide our true feelings.

I think it's perfectly healthy to go out and have sex every now and then, sometimes people go crazy if they don't have it. So far my relationships are perfectly fine, and I know that someday I will settle down and be with that one ideal person for me...



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Let's see this proposition... I'm friends with a girl... we both have sex... what kinda sex? Dirty filthy sweaty sex? And continue to be friends? Okay, **cough**I'll buy that**cough**.

Except if the sex was great, next time I'm talking to her all I'm seeing is pristine bush.

How's your day? (I know that ass)

Great, and yours? (can't believe he made me cum twice)

Excellent, so what you doing this weekend? (Let's get laid again, say yes, say yes)

Nothing much, you? (make me cum again, please)


Get the gist? Sex is ALWAYS on our minds... it's the way we're built. Maturity? Blah... gimme sex anyday.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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How's your day? (I know that ass)

Great, and yours? (can't believe he made me cum twice)

Excellent, so what you doing this weekend? (Let's get laid again, say yes, say yes)

Nothing much, you? (make me cum again, please)


Get the gist? Sex is ALWAYS on our minds... it's the way we're built. Maturity? Blah... gimme sex anyday.

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Originally posted by dstgeorge2:

Yes I belive they can, but it must be stated before that the sex is just that sex. But if one (or both) of the 2 people has deeper feeling for the other this will just cause them pain. Almost as if you where playing with thier heart.




...aND oN THaT NoTe, LeTS GeT BaCK To THe PRoGRaM...

e-mail: chrismakk69@aol.com

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Depends on the people. I've had both situations...where the sex is just a bi-product of curiosity and mutual attraction, and when one of you really wants the other and the sex is the bi-product of hard work and strategy by one of the parties.

Sex is a very positive experience most of the time for me, so I'm not the best person to judge this, but it does suck to have a friend turn into a rabbit-killing pyshco on you just because u got horney one night. cwm13.gif


"Money is one thing, but soul is another."


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Originally posted by herbalist:

Depends on the people. I've had both situations...

It really depends on how horny you are too... hehehe... the hornier the more likely either party will make a pass...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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It's definitely possible to combine the two, the key is ensuring that both parties know exactly where they stand......one of my closest female friends and I had a couple of 'trashy'sexual moments duyring or after big weekends, we remain close to this day (tho she has serious boy so the sex has stopped :P)..... I suppose this discussion could segue nicely into the FWF (Friends Who Fuck) discussion which 4 the record I'm a BIG fan of wink.gif


hapfac01.gif ...........And the latest ETA 4 NYC is end Jan 2001 (I love the INS!)-----------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by noiseboy:

most of the time, it brings the friendship even closer. .


I love it. Such a distinction along the sexs. Most guys completely believe that sex with their best girlfriends will only bring them closer. Since we've all fantasized about the great sex we can have with this person who we like enough to be friends with. The girls on the other hand are like, he's such a nice friend. I don't want him to trip out after I rock his world and lose the friendship.

Hehehe. I'm all about rocking some worlds. live on the edge I tell 'ya cwm11.gif


"Money is one thing, but soul is another."


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I know its possible. It can be difficult, but it is possible so long as both parties agree, truly agree, to how the situation stands.

In fact, I think this scenario is often more difficult, and sometimes (depending on the relationship) more fullfilling than a sexual relationship between couples. The reason being, the amount of understanding and communication that's necessary is multiplied in order to protect either party from getting hurt. When sucessful, you often find yourself with an even better friendship than you had before sex became part of the picture. And this isn't possible with most people.

I've been very lucky with the experiences I've had and hold a great deal of admiration, respect and caring for the partners involved. Although, its taken time for me to learn the best way to handle situations like this. In fact, I have to say, the most recent experience has been by far the best....quite possibly because I learned from my former mistakes. That man deserves a huge thank you and I hope he knows that.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

"For the Greeks, the hidden life demanded invisible ink. They wrote an ordinary letter and in between the lines set out to write another letter, written in milk. The document looked innocent enough until one who knew better sprinkled coal-dust over it. What the letter had been no longer mattered: what mattered was the life flaring up undetected..."

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Originally posted by ooana:

I know its possible. It can be difficult, but it is possible so long as both parties agree, truly agree, to how the situation stands.

In fact, I think this scenario is often more difficult, and sometimes (depending on the relationship) more fullfilling than a sexual relationship between couples. The reason being, the amount of understanding and communication that's necessary is multiplied in order to protect either party from getting hurt. When sucessful, you often find yourself with an even better friendship than you had before sex became part of the picture. And this isn't possible with most people.

I've been very lucky with the experiences I've had and hold a great deal of admiration, respect and caring for the partners involved. Although, its taken time for me to learn the best way to handle situations like this. In fact, I have to say, the most recent experience has been by far the best....quite possibly because I learned from my former mistakes. That man deserves a huge thank you and I hope he knows that.


you've hit several nails on the head there (some things I wanted to mention but couldn't find the words wink.gif )


hapfac01.gif ...........And the latest ETA 4 NYC is end Jan 2001 (I love the INS!)-----------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by ooana:

I know its possible. It can be difficult, but it is possible so long as both parties agree, truly agree, to how the situation stands.

So, I'll be your friend... so when you wanna have sex? Time and date please... and I perfectly understand how the situation stands.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

So, I'll be your friend... so when you wanna have sex? Time and date please... and I perfectly understand how the situation stands.

<bops Charlie over the head> Go play with your glowsticks dear. <grins and winks> Watch the right eye though!




"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

"For the Greeks, the hidden life demanded invisible ink. They wrote an ordinary letter and in between the lines set out to write another letter, written in milk. The document looked innocent enough until one who knew better sprinkled coal-dust over it. What the letter had been no longer mattered: what mattered was the life flaring up undetected..."

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Yes. If people can be close friends after being bf/gf, engaged or even after divorce, then being friends after a night of casual sex shouldn't be much of a challenge.

As far as them not being able to not think about "that night", and therefore the relationship is doomed to never again be platonic... How platonic was the relationship when they were wondering what sex would be like together?

I think that if having a relationship with eachother is more important to them than what happened in the past, then people can be friends after almost any kind of akward situation.



Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by ooana:

<bops Charlie over the head> Go play with your glowsticks dear. <grins and winks> Watch the right eye though!



Awww. I can just read the sexual chemistry between you two. biggrin.gif



P eace

L ove

U nity

R espect

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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