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Have you have noticed that all ports of Irc servers begin with 666??

The most familiar is 6667 but also 6666,6668,6669.

Maybe the internet is not so innocent as they want us to believe..

[Fade to black.... Fade into a darkly lit, yet distinctly reddish place. A reddish-orange, horned man sits at a desk when the phone rings.]

Bob: "Hello, Internet Porty Authority, wholly owned subsidiary of Hell, Inc., this is Bob. How may I help you?"

Steve: "Hi Bob! This is Steve down in research and development. We've just develoepd this KILLER setup where people will waste literally thousands of hours of their life doing nothing more than sitting quietly in front of a terminal while their brains shrivel slowly into raisins."

Bob: "Hrm... Sounds devilishly clever. What's the code name for it?"

Steve: "Well, a beta-tester named Doug suggested "I Repeat Class". We liked the way it formed an easy to grasp acronym, something that would slowly make the poor users rue the day they ever heard it. But that name seemed far to obvious about the side effects. We needed something with more panache. After a joint meeting with the Marketing Department, we came up with "Internet Relay Chat"."

Bob: "Oh, thats absolutely perfect. What were the side effects that the Punishment and Testing Department came up with?"

Steve: "Initial Addiction rates were nearly 90%. If only we could get that kind of response out of Cocaine or Heroin, we'd be set! Also listed were a drastic reduction in eating habits, acute lack of sleep, loss of intimacy with loved ones, and an *alarming* increase in the purchase of keyboards. [1] Also noted was an increase in the hostility level, with quite a few observances of users screaming at their computer "ILL KILL THE GDMF THAT KICKED ME!" The most frightening thing about it was that the testers told their friends about the experience, and now their FRIENDS want to join the testing! We cant shake people away with a stick!

Bob: "Oh beautiful. This should set back the course of civilization a good ten years. Do you have any idea how good its going to be for our membership drive if this thing spreads like a viral infection? Within ten years of when you deploy this, we'll have 250,000 people trying to barge on all the time to get their fix!"

Steve: "Oh, that reminds me of why i called. We need to get a port number for the service so we can try some live testing out on the internet. Can you spare us any?"

Bob: "Can I? *cackle* Ive been saving a *very special* range of ports for just something so evil as this. Something that isnt so blatantly obvious, but just sublime enough that the really truly clued in will be able to see the obvious conspiracy behind it. I can give you the entire range of 6660-6669."

Steve: "Oh, bonus! Ill get on it right away! Thanks again Bob!"

Bob: "Any time. " "Oh.. i can see it now.. it will be GLORIOUS!"



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bro, you're so going to hell for this one... :laugh2:


Whether by superstition, strange happenstance or clever intent, 666 has become a cultural phenomenon. Here are a few examples:

_In 1999, the Crystal Palace in London opened the Tower Building for meetings of the Fifth Parliament of Europe. The membership totaled 679; yet, the galley held 680 seats. Seat No. 666 remained empty.

_Heavy metal group Iron Maiden released its album "The Number of the Beast" in 1982. That same year, while touring, producer Martin Birch was reportedly involved in a car accident. When the bill for repairs came to 666 British pounds, Birch insisted on paying more.

_After his presidency and until his death in 2004, Ronald Reagan resided in a Bel Air house at 666 St. Cloud Road. Shortly after moving in, his wife, Nancy, had the number changed to 668.

_In 2004, some Rome, Ga., moviegoers were outraged when they discovered 666 printed on their tickets for a showing of Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." Management explained that it was a prefix for a series of numbers that a computer randomly assigned.

_When added together, the numbers on a roulette table (1 to 36) total 666.

_In the movie "Pulp Fiction," the number was the code used to open a briefcase.

_In Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Phantom of the Opera" the famous chandelier is lot 666 in the opening auction.


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