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Australian DJ will attempt to break Guinness World Record starting today


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June 12, 2006

AN Australian-based DJ plans to stay awake for 100 hours playing music in a world record attempt starting today.

DJ Promo, whose real name is Matt Solo, begins his attempt for the longest DJ session in history at central Melbourne's Federation Square at 9am (AEST) Monday and intends to play until 1pm (AEST) on Friday.

Solo expects to play about 1500 songs back-to-back over the 100 hours in a purpose-built five metre tall pyramid-shaped temporary "nightclub".

Guinness World Record rules stipulate he must spend more than four days on his feet at the decks, taking just a 15 minute break every eight hours.

The rules also require at least one audience member dancing during the entire record attempt.

On his website, Solo, 35, said British DJ Genix set the existing record of 84 hours in February 2005.

"I intend to smash this by a full 16 hours - taking the record to a new total of 100 hours live, continuous mixing," he said.

Solo said he has been preparing for the attempt for months, with a "total lifestyle overhaul" that involved cutting out junk food, smoking, alcohol and recreational drugs, and exercising heavily.

He said strengthening his body would improve his ability to cope with the effects of fatigue.

"Deliberately staying awake for the best part of four and a half days is not the sort of venture one undertakes lightly," he said.

"Prolonged periods of sleep deprivation can do serious damage, both physically and mentally, so being as prepared as possible was going to be critical."

Solo is raising money for The Big Issue, a magazine sold by homeless and long term unemployed, and Challenge, which supports children living with cancer and life-threatening blood disorders.

The rules:

In order to successfully claim the title and set a new, official record, 35-year-old DJ Promo must adhere to the following Guinness World Record (GWR) rules and regulations:

•Vinyl discs or CDs must be played throughout the attempt

•There must be no pauses longer than ten seconds between tunes

•No premixing (ie: pre-recorded sections on CD, or mastermixes on vinyl) is allowed

•No more than two turntables may be used (a third turntable, kept in reserve, may be used in the event of mechanical failure of either of the other two turntables)

•No individual disc, and no piece of music, may be repeated within four hours

•A list of all the tunes played must be maintained

•The event must take place on stage in a club or similar venue, open to members of the public, and not in a recording studio

•A dancing audience, even if it is a single individual, must be present throughout, but no audience member may attend for more than four hours at a time

•A break of 15 minutes must be taken every eight hours

Link: http://www.entertainment.news.com.au/story/0,10221,19443246-7484,00.html?from=rss

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