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Launching June 20th * Drenched Tuesday's @ Ice Las Vegas


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Ice Las Vegas Launches

Drenched Tuesday's


The Only Totally Upscale Hip Hop and R&B Tuesday Club Night

With The Bangin' Sounds of

DJ Franzen & Hosted By J Noise

Both of Hot 97.5


Dive Into A Pool of Seduction And Ride The Waves of The

Hottest Hip Hop and R&B Tuesday Night In Vegas

Submerge Yourself In The $5 "You Call It" Drink Specials All Night

Guaranteed To Quench Any Thirst.

For The Launch Party ONLY!


Regular Nights:

Local Ladies Free Before 12am

Local Men $10 Before 12am

Email erika@aevegas.com for Guest List, VIP Info and Table Reservations

All Night Line Passes For Promoters & Industry Folks

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Thanks ootb. this is going to be a good running night at Ice as you said "finally". I think Ice is finally realizing the DJ's from "Pluto" thing is getting a little old. it's cool to see them come in town but why not have some regular/normal club nights. the best part about this night is that it recognizes those in the industry and caters to our locals at the same time. NO HIGH COST ADMISSION AND HIGH COST DRINKS & THOSE WHO MAKE VEGAS KICK ASS WILL BE TREATED AS SUCH!

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Franzen and Jnoise are great, professional guys. I hope the promoters/management give them the freedom to play what they play and say what they say. I also hope Ice realizes dress code for an event like this needs to be treated differently than dress code on the weekends. If you don't know what I mean, you'll find out quickly. If you need any third party help/support from someone who has been running 97.5 nights for the past two years, feel free to hit me up at djmw@freevegasclubs.com or www.myspace.com/djmasterweb

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thanks everyone for your support. ****** i think we sent you over all the info. if you didn't get plez let me know i will make sure it's sent. we will also have a pre-launch event that same night June 20th for just industry folks. right now it looks like it will be from 7:30-9pm with a hosted bar. we are not changing the look of the club (for now) but we just want to have something special for our industry supporters.

masterweb/sanford, saku is a really BIG fan of yours and of how you guys run OPM each night. if you ask him, you guys are the ONLY venue that has the art of running a hip hop club down to a "T". i know he will be reaching out to you for your feedback on how to "make it do what it do baby". the good thing about this promotion is that Ice has allowed us to run the night the way we want, so when it comes to dress code and the operation of the night, you are soo right, we can not be as tight about dress code as one would be on the weekend. we see you guys relax it during the week and enforce it on the weekend. we believe that Franzen and Jnoise are one of the best 1-2 knock-out crews in the country so they will have the freedom to take us to the promise land each week.

thanks again for all the support and more communication about the pre-launch party will be coming soon.

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I appreciate the nice words.

Dress code can go both ways in my opinion. Yes we at OPM relax it slightly on the weekdays, but we still turn away tennis shoes, tshirts, caps, athletic gear, etc. The only things we allow these weekdays are slightly baggier jeans, or shirts without collars that aren't straight tees. Lately our weekdays have grown so much that we don't really loosen the dress requirement much at all anymore, but in the early stages we needed to be more flexible to fill the room.

Since the demo of your crowd will be pretty much opposite of Ice weekends, the dress code issues become complicated because some apparel could become "acceptable" while others should be prohibited if you want to maintain an upscale base. Perfect example, white tees - big no no. Tennis shoes, risky to your image if you let em in. But baggy jeans, some would consider that totally acceptable. You probably know all of this anyway, but in case you were looking for another opinion, those are my 2 cents.

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yea sandford. White TEE's NO WAY NO GO.. all the "hood" gear will be turned away curb side before it even reaches the door. The main thing is we want to keep it upscale and divers. We don't want the night to take a strong swing in any "One" way. No Tee's but the rest is a call it by look and ....






The Only Totally Upscale Hip Hop and R&B

Tuesday Industry Club Night

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Just to keep everyone posted. The VIP Invites for Drenched will be going out over the next couple of days. We hope to see all the key players out for a real cool industry night. If we do not have your email address, name and myspace info please send that info to me, erika@aevegas.com. By The Way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SANDFORD/DJ MASTERWEB OVER AT OPM... WISHING YOU THE BEST FROM THE AEvegas.com FAMILY!!

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Hey thanks for the shout out -- by the the way I don't need an invitation, I'll be there to check out your new night, no courtesies necessary. I really hope this works out because it will give the true upscale hip-hop community six strong nights to go out and enjoy the scene. I can't remember the last time this has happened in Vegas, or any city for that matter.

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Join "JNOISE and DJ FRANZEN from HOT 97-5.......


200 East Harmon Ave

Las Vegas, NV 89109




H I P H O P & R & B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The dress code is casual.....no sports wear....

tennis shoes ok......gotta be fresh!

come support your family on the radio...JNOISE AND DJ FRANZEN...


D R E N C H E D T U E S D A Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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For those who didn't make it this past Tuesday (which that might be one or two people MAX) we had a BOMB NIGHT! J-Noise & DJ Franzen have to be the best dynamic duel in vegas right now when it comes to Hip Hop/R&B and getting the entire club to the dance floor! For those that came out this past Tuesday, I know we will see you this coming Tuesday and for any who missed last Tuesday, DON'T MISS THIS TUESDAY.





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That is so misleading. Clubplanet is a bad place to give misleading information. The party was wack. 50 people in the club does not make it a "bomb night" instead you can say it "bombed". Take the honest approach and say you are building a new night and would like to see growing support. It's not a hot night when 50 people are in the club. The music may start when the doors open but why mention that when there's nobody there to dance to it at 10. Honesty. It's a virtue.

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outofthebox, thank you for coming through and showing your support. when u have chance to run something other than your mouth let me know. the energy in the room was out of control. a good night does not mean we were packed wall to wall, it simply means as promoters of the night we had a great night and everyone who showed up (way more than 50 people) also had a good time. how many people did you bring with YOU? everyone who came stayed all night and got fucked up off our $5 you call drinks. but again, thanks for coming out and showing your support.

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I'm being honest. Ur not. The energy was out of control for a couple of songs when ten dudes were jumping around to hyphy. I hope you do great there. Be honest. Tell people they will have space and can dance without being crushed against the wall. 25 people on the dance floor is a start but its not a hot party yet when Pure had about 4000 people. That is a hot night even though some people would prefer a new night like yours.

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comparing Drenched Tuesday's @ Ice Las Vegas to Pure lets me know how ignorant you are to club business. I mean "thank you" but not two in the same. Check this out, do everyone a favor and get a club night to back up that big mouth you have. Once you've done that, you might be able to speak about other club nights... depending on if you're not the only 1 person in your club (you have no draw therefore you have no voice). We see the little games you play on these boards. You go around knocking club nights (peoples business and hard work). These club nights are not "for play"...they are "for real"... real money, real work, real time and for a "real nobody" as yourself... you wouldn't understand that. Like I said on the other messageboard, let the doormen know who you are when you come to any of the other club nights we have around Vegas and they will all know what to do at that point.

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comparing Drenched Tuesday's @ Ice Las Vegas to Pure lets me know how ignorant you are to club business. I mean "thank you" but not two in the same. Check this out, do everyone a favor and get a club night to back up that big mouth you have. Once you've done that, you might be able to speak about other club nights... depending on if you're not the only 1 person in your club (you have no draw therefore you have no voice). We see the little games you play on these boards. You go around knocking club nights (peoples business and hard work). These club nights are not "for play"...they are "for real"... real money, real work, real time and for a "real nobody" as yourself... you wouldn't understand that. Like I said on the other messageboard, let the doormen know who you are when you come to any of the other club nights we have around Vegas and they will all know what to do at that point.

Comparing clubs is what we do here. You are ignorant if you think discussing different options is ignorant.

Your defensive answer is played out. I don't need to have my own club night to criticize your night. That's like saying a movie sucked and having the producer respond with I'd like to see you film a better movie. What I do has no bearing on criticizing you for false hype.

You call me a nobody yet you don't even know me. I don't play "little games" . I speak truth so people on the board can read through the bullshit that some promoters and hosts try to dish out. All the club nights I downplay are nights that pretty much suck or have failed from ineffective promoting. The good nights get the proper recognition.

New nights can succeed if you are just honest with people. Don't call a slow new night a "hot" spot until it reaches that. Otherwise you will be compared to a place like Pure and you know who will win that one. Promote it like the guys who are doing Tao's weekday EDM parties. You can learn from them.

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maybe we should all ask you how to make a club successful since you have such a long resume of successful club nights (RIGHT?). So tell us outofthebox, how did you become so successful with drawing soooo many people to your club? Oh wait, you've never had a club night, never promoted one, never hosted one, never DJ'd one... that's sure is a lot of nevers. It’s so easy for someone like yourself to talk, I mean you have absolutely no professional interest in any club night in Vegas but you know so much about the business and have so much advise on how to make one successful. If your going to speak on club nights keep it real and KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT (6,000 people at PURE and 50 people at Drenched is what you said BOTH VERY WRONG). Now, check out of this board and go join one of the yahoo boards so you can talk to other club hoppers and leave us folks who are in the club business alone. This was a fun exchange with you but it has to end here. Have fun my little club critic who has "never" had any interest in a club what-so-ever!

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Listen smart ass. It doesn't take a ROCKET SCIENTIST or an EXPERIENCED CLUB INDUSTRY PERSON to know that when you show up at a "HOT SPOT" at 1:15am and see 50 people standing around... that it's not a CRACKING PARTY! I don't need to get a PHD to learn the dynamics of a LAME night. I wasn't going to say anything because I supported your night and brought people with me.

You come on here and say DAMN the night was DA BOMB then I scratched my head and said wow is this person on CRACK? All you can do is attack my credibility BLINDLY I might add. Just work on your promotions... mr./mrs. expert. Defensive marketing won't work either!!

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