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Fred Everything @ Blue Review


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With just a monthly going on at Blue now, I definitly was not gonna miss this Lust party esp with Fred Everything on the decks.

Got there around 11 and there were a few poeple already there.. including one stripper lookin chick who was lookin like she was gonna take her clothes off.. Unfortunately Brother Sheldon took the decks too late as she left before he got on (lol for some reason Sheldon's music gets chicks to go nuts..... )

Vaughan, Sheldon and Jason all played with V playin the most.... I'd say about 90 min with his opening set... They all played decent. (i have heard all play better) but they all played well. My fav of the nite being Jason Wiggill..

the sounds tonite were def not the typical lust sounds... it was somewhat harder and less soulful and funky than other engagements. Nevertheless it was stilll fine

What made the evening was seeing lots of people i havent seen in literally ages

including SLIDE on the ICE whom i havent seen since we hit up Revenge of the Sith and OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGG I DIED

SOBETON.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORILLO WAS IN DA FUCKIN HOUSE PEOPLE I SHIT U NOT I HAVE THE PICS LOL . also surprise apperance by Marlon and Jenice (thats a few lust parties that Marlon has supported now )

so fred took over like 130 and for the most part he was spotty at best. he had some parts where his tracks had me dancing but for the most part i was not into his set. it just lacked a proper continuity and buildup and the tracklist had me wanting... it wasnt really too funky it wasnt reallly too techy.... I have seen Fred like 3 times and so far hes 1 for 3

his set at the Marlin at Conference was superb and then he played at Aquabooty at Pawn Shop and here and i didnt feel it.

Nevertheless, had a great time. Fred once again super nice.. one of the nicest DJ ive met and he took a ton of pics

Place had a decent crowd all nite. wasnt super packed but wasnt empty.... most of the crowd was congregated dancing near the front of the booth.

Funketeer was there being funketeer. not much in the way of dancing this time so no funk gallery lol but lets just say Funk was at his best nevertheless

Carlos with his bottle upstairs geting a few of us a bit tipsy including Ron

lots of pics soon..... from myself and Ron.......

Left around 330 am. bit earlier than normal yet still woke up at 2 pm. wtf im getting old.... lol times have indeed changed. Tony was complaining by 1 am he was exhausted. i remmeber the days when i used to be leaving space and he was just getting there for afterhours... WE ARE GETTING OLD SOBETON

Lust For House..... bitches

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It was a great night, Bling, no doubts at all. The music kicked ass for me, but then I don't have your ears for the details of each track as you do. But then, I don't go for the music anyway to be honest, I go to hang out and meet cool people, and the music is a bonus.

It was great to see you again Danny. I remember walking in the door wondering if I was going to have a hard time finding you and Phillipio and the rest of the group, and first thing I see coming in the door was you. Phillipio is a decent guy, nowhere as annoying as he is on the board and IM. And very intelligent.

It was great seeing Soozin and Tara again. You're a sweet pair. Hot, too. And it was great meeting Vaughan and Mrs. Lazar (hot eyes!), Carlos, Alan, Sobeton, Gisela, Funketeer, Koky and Candy, and who else did I meet? The night's a little hazy for me, so forgive me for not remembering if I met anyone else from the board. Funketeer was a lot of fun, without a doubt as outgoing in person as I had heard about him. When I saw him and recognized him I went up to him before he knew who I was and told him that I was head of security and we had identifed him as a board spammer and spammers were not allowed at Blue. So I said to him, "Are you going to leave quietly or am I going to have drag you to the bar and get you drunk?" He opted for the second option. :laugh: It was a nice surprise that Raincry and Chaz changed their minds and showed up. It was great to see them again.

After I left there I went across the street and had breakfast before getting on the road, and I didn't pull out of Miami until the sun was coming up. I love Miami. I wish I didn't live so damn far away from it. Not that 45 minutes is very far, but it's still a trek to get over there and get back.

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It was a great night, Bling, no doubts at all. The music kicked ass for me, but then I don't have your ears for the details of each track as you do. But then, I don't go for the music anyway to be honest, I go to hang out and meet cool people, and the music is a bonus.

It was great to see you again Danny. I remember walking in the door wondering if I was going to have a hard time finding you and Phillipio and the rest of the group, and first thing I see coming in the door was you. Phillipio is a decent guy, nowhere as annoying as he is on the board and IM. And very intelligent.

It was great seeing Soozin and Tara again. You're a sweet pair. Hot, too. And it was great meeting Vaughan and Mrs. Lazar (hot eyes!), Carlos, Alan, Sobeton, Gisela, Funketeer, Koky and Candy, and who else did I meet? The night's a little hazy for me, so forgive me for not remembering if I met anyone else from the board. Funketeer was a lot of fun, without a doubt as outgoing in person as I had heard about him. When I saw him and recognized him I went up to him before he knew who I was and told him that I was head of security and we had identifed him as a board spammer and spammers were not allowed at Blu. So I said to him, "Are you going to leave quietly or am I going to have drag you to the bard ang get you drunk?" He opted for the second option. :laugh: It was a nice surprise that Raincry and Chaz changed their minds and showed up. It was great to see them again.

After I left there I went across the street and had breakfast before getting on the road, and I didn't pull out of Miami until the sun was coming up. I love Miami. I wish I didn't live so damn far away from it.



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Which cheek was it? I'll never look at that cheek the same way again. You now have a cheek smooshed by a famous hand. :P

Jeez! If you're really that desperate I'm sure we can arrange for him to squeeze your ass too. You just might need to pay him in cash, up front. :D

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