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E, Depression and OCD


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Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets this way. I know that many people get the blues after rolling. I get a full blown case of depression. Last Sat I went to Factory and took only one 8 ½. It took a looong time to hit me and when we left the club I was still feeling it. I hate going home. It’s fine if I’m with others who were rolling and I can hang after getting home, but most of the time it’s just my b/f and I. He doesn’t roll so he hits the bed and is fast asleep. I, on the other hand, walk around my silent apartment…can’t watch TV, can’t play on the computer, can’t stand all the silence accompanied by the bass still going in my ears, can’t lay down, can’t stand up, I just feel like I am losing my mind (when I do get to sleep for approx. 5 min. stints I have bizarre dreams accompanied by minor hallucinations when I awake, i.e. – the ash on my cigarette being bright royal blue!)

When I finally decide I can’t take it anymore I selfishly wake Mike up. Although having him awake helps, I’m still very depressed. I start thinking about 80 things at once…and they’re ALL BAD! I obsess about small problems until I’m in tears and I can’t stop thinking. This past weekend was particularly bad. At one point my b/f wanted to run home and pick up my Christmas presents, it would take just ½ hour. The prospect of spending time alone put me into a state of despair that is hard to describe. Really ridiculous. I hope I remember all this the next time I’m tempted to roll. I only do it once a month…actually not even that often.

I think it has something to do with OCD. I read somewhere that people with it shouldn’t use e. Or...maybe it's just the fact that I'm coming down alone.

Is it hard for anyone else to come down alone??



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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I come down pretty hard, too. But usually I stay up until I just drop the fuck out. But I usually hang with my friend's that I was with, because we are still "not nornmal", and if I was alone, I would get really down.

I see what you are saying. I think the best thing to do is still hang with the people you were with, watch something funny, smoke some herb, stuff like that.

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Babe I totally understand what u are going thru.

I used to go home alone on e, then I started to hang out with people after the club till I was tierd and go to sleep on my own. If I'm not with anyone the next 1 or 2 days after e I will be depressed cuz I somehow like to be with the guy for a day or two after I roll.

Try next time to take e with friends that are all taking it, and to hang out with them afterwards.

Check your PM's!!


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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I never came down that hard, it was always, as if it just ended for me like a ride at the amusement park. I've had days after that my mind has been of totally no use to me. As for the depression, I've had points during rolling (not coming down) that I have just cried, it seams like things can hurt me mentally easier then they do when I'm sober.


"You all laugh at me becasue I'm different, I laugh at you because your all the same."

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the next day id THE WORST for me. i guess i got used to the summer, we rented a house, so after a night out we'd all come home, bug out finally fall asleep at god knows what time that morn. now i come home, i have nothing to do, but go to bed, or at least ry b/c my damn ears are ringing, i have some song playing in my head, and i see and think some weird shit. i wake up the next day, i don't talk for the whole day. i get really upset about the stupidest things. it depresses the hell out of me. i guess that's why i havent done it in a while. it just screws w/ my body too much. i dont eat, my head is in a cloud, i cant think.


" Don't take life seriously, because you can't come out of it alive." - Warren Miller

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I had a pretty bad comedown from the last Gatecrasher.... had some STRONG stuff, but it also didn't help that I didn't see anyone the day after. I felt shitty for around 3 days......

What you absolutely NEED to do is be with people afterwards who will stay up with you, if only for a little while, and ride it out. It's cool that yer b/f comes out with you and stuff, but if he goes to bed straightaway, he's not doing much to help.

I don't think that's the answer you were really looking for, but it's the truth. You need to be with peeps who can stay up with you afterwards until you literally pass out. And peeps who will still be there when you wake up, since post-roll depression doesn't end when you go to bed.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Well there can be many reasons why you have such a hard comedown. The OCD has alot to do with why your mind is spiraling so much. The depression itself can be combatted against with herbal suplements like 5htp or eating foods such as milk or turkey. Of course though this is not the only answer. Many times with ecstacy as well as acid, certain issuse that are normally kept below or in the subconscious come to light. So the best way to deal with this, is to not use E to make you happy. But use it when you are happy. If you are not happy or in a good mood, when the ecstacy wears off and your brain is not having the serotonin pumping thorugh it you revert to you previous state of unhappiness, but becasue of all the serotnin used, you have significantly less than before and hence will expericen greater unhappiness. Remember that you have people like you bf who care for you, and will be there for you if you need it. Have a nice <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">new year</a> .


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

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wow, i guess i'm really lucky b/c i never feel this way after i roll. i can usually fall asleep too, b/c i'm so shot from bouncing around....it gets to the point when i'm out that when i'm done, that's it, it's over and i have to get the hell home....it's like my bones are aching and all i want to do is lay down and veg out. depression?? i don't really get that way, thank god.


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I think you first have to ask yourself if your use is getting too heavy.

MDMA use should be limited and moderated to a maximum of once every 6-8 weeks. It takes a decent amount of time for your poor little brain to baseline on seratonin levels. Popping pills on a consistent level not only kills your tolerance, it also creates unbearable comedowns.

I would suggest using a decent pre and postload recipe of vitamins and supplements to ease the harsh comedown. 5-HTP is key! I swear by the stuff. Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and B12 should also accompany the post-use. If your interested in finding out more on loading, check out www.bluelight.nu There's some excellent knowledge on the board.

Like the above posts state, try to surround yourself with positive minded people and ones who you can relate with during the come-down. Create an environment with soothing chill-out music, dim lighting, candles, aromatherapy and warm comfortable blankets/clothing. Revel in the afterglow and don't force yourself to sleep. Some of the best times of the E experience is during the come-down. It's too bad your boyfriend can't enjoy the experience with you. Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats comedown sex. wink.gif

My last thought would be this - "when the come-down outweighs the high, it's time to give it up".

Hope this info is somewhat helpful. Listen to your body, it's telling you something.


Pac Man Fever.....

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I get this way sometimes. I will get really really depressed after rolling and have tears just streaming down my face all day long uncontrollably. That's why I don't roll all that much anymore. BUT, I found that this only happened when the pills were really speedy and I ended up getting no sleep at all. I couldn't have fallen asleep if I tried to. I was probably just cranky or whatever.

But I agree that E affects some people like this. My friend has a Serotonin imbalance just naturally and she rolled once. She was depressed for a week. She wouldn't wat, come out of her room. SHe stayed in her bed all day long crying and watching TV....it was really scary and depressing to watch.



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Thanks for the input!

I just now got a chance to read it all. As far as my b/f is concerned I really can't fault him for passing out. Like I said, he doesn't roll anymore and I know if I was up all night there is nothing that would keep me up when I hit home. It's my decision to do it so I can't be mad at him.

Next as far as my usage, I would say that 6 weeks is about the interval that I use. I don't do it that often, I have friends that do and it really scares me to see them doing it that much.

I think sinthetik said it best. If the come down is like that next time I roll I think it might be time to enjoy the memories and stop trying to top them. This last one was pretty bad. I think we also have to go out as a group too and make some of our friends come back to my place. Only problem with that is since Mikey is going sober he starts wearing out earlier than the rest of the group. I'll just have him take a longer nap before we go!

BTW, I am feeling much better now, obviously. smile.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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