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Football vs Futbol


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NFL--you can be overweight and play

dont you love it when the patriots won all those big games on a fukin kick

Dont even mention MLB--not even all the parks are the same size fuckin morons imagine we had our football and one park was 100 yard one 120 one 80

haha americans always making the rest of the world laugh

btw they couldnt even win their own world cup in baseball


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i love it how if i was american and said what i said about MLB, NFL, NBA a lot of people would agree. fact is, i've been watching these three leagues longer than i've been watching any soccer league around the world.

only sport i truly respect the atheletes from the superstars to the most menial journeyman of the "american" sports is hockey - but wait, thats mostly canadian, most americans dont even watch hockey - same complaints, low scoring, to defensive, too many penalties, blah, blah, blah . . .

btw, try running around a soccer field in the most humid weather playing 50+ competitive matches a year, see how much conditioning you need to do that. soccer players can lose up to 10lbs in 1 game just in sweat - and they have to do all over again 3 days later. yeah, its a gimme.

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i agree Soccer players are well conditoned running alot , but they also do sit back alot or just casually walk and watch when play isnt right at them

Football players are conditioned and remember you doing it with a few lbs. of equipment and an annoying helmet on your head

basketball players are well condiotioned thats alot of motion /running

Basketball REFS are the most conditioned ...no rest at all for those old guys

HOCKEY players are the TOUGHEST athletes hands down ....dont even try football players , and im not counting rugby cause.....well no one else does .

ABaseball players are indeed athletes and probably play the most mentally challenging of the big sports but there is a lot of down time there as well

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please...soccer doesnt come close to football...the physical conditioning it takes to play football as well as what it does physically to your body isnt even on the same planet between the 2...real men play football...anyone can run around and play soccer...
thats bullshit.. they play 1 game a week and wear protective gear
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football players sit on the sidelines half of the game. you got time outs, commercials, etc. but you gonna recognize that its played outdoors in 100% humidity or freezing cold, rain, heat, any weather condition short of a hurricane or a tornado. but the seaon is only 4 months long - and extra month for post-season.

basketball players, i totally agree, i respect their conditioning as they run around for 48 min. up and down the court at least 3-4 times a week for 82 games, but its all indoors.

baseball players do nothing for 90% of the game, except if you are a pitcher or a catcher - plus that whole issue with 'roids and MLBs and the players association reluctance to test for them doesnt help their cause.

soccer players play 9 or 10 months out of the year, between playing for their club, for their national teams, traveling for continental club competitions, local leagues, back home for national team games and friendlies, you see how much more goes into being a professional soccer player than just showing up in the stadium for 90 minutes twice a week. a national team player from brazil probably has to play 45-55 competitive matches for their clubs a year, add local travel, travel to other european countries for international club competitions, travel to brazil 6-7 times a year for national team friendlies, national team qualifying matches, summer tournaments, you end up adding a good 10-15 extra games a year.

to put things into perspective, european leagues ended in early may. players went directly from their clubs to their national teams to train for the WC, played an extra month in the WC, have 2-3 weeks of vacation and then have to report for pre-season training to their clubs and go thorugh another 9-10 month season, a lot of them have had no break since the summer of 2005.

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thats bullshit.. they play 1 game a week and wear protective gear

:werd: and all those fuckers are on roids so waht conditioning they do have? the kind that comes in needle.... if u watched the world cup along the sidelines u seen guys wearing blue vests that said "doping control"

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thats bullshit.. they play 1 game a week and wear protective gear

football is tougher on your body than any other sport there is...they cant play more than 1 game a week cause it takes the body way too long to recover...you cant be that dumb that you would state this...ever week tons of players get so damn hurt cause of the hitting that goes on...you know this to be tru..u just want to start some shit on here...

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Stavros, are you always this ignorant, or are you making a special effort today? If so, that’s a real shame as your parents spent a lot of money for your private schooling, only for you to drop out of community college and work at their diner or contracting business. However, I’m seriously honored that you are reading my posts, as I know that you have many pertinent activities to do today, such as spending your parents’ money and bragging about your “island†to underage girls at Omnia.

Well, I was at Omonia(place is filthy, btw) last month bragging about the trust fund I inherited when I turned 21. But, they weren't underage. I wish they were, though.

Oh, and I was also bragging about how I don't work, but rather play poker online all day.

I was very drunk, though, so I have an excuse for acting like a douchebag.

Avenue sucks.

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football is tougher on your body than any other sport there is...they cant play more than 1 game a week cause it takes the body way too long to recover...you cant be that dumb that you would state this...ever week tons of players get so damn hurt cause of the hitting that goes on...you know this to be tru..u just want to start some shit on here...
im not starting shit.. everything i said was true.. both games, people get hit.. you cant say one is tougher than the other.. some football players never get injured due to how little they play
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im not starting shit.. everything i said was true.. both games, people get hit.. you cant say one is tougher than the other.. some football players never get injured due to how little they play

are you actually saying people hit in soccer the way they do in football????

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so the ball is hiked, the play starts, can be a rush, can be a pass, what does the average football play lasts? then you go back to the huddle, you got 30 seconds for the next play, you have constant changes in personell depending on the play your calling, at the same time, half of the team is on the sidelines.

its not like football players hit each other for 48 straight minutes. between haltime, time-outs, commercial breaks, two minute warnings and of course the fact that half of the team rests while the other in on the field - wow, i'm really impressed with the conditioning of football players.

95% of these guys would even be able to finish a college basketball game cos they would get tired by the half after running up and down the court for 20 minutes.

"conditioning" isn't only having big muscles it also means having aerobic capacity. and in todays NFL where you have offensive linemen dropping dead 'cos teams want them to be 300lbs at 25% body fat - fuck that shit.

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or...everyone could just watch hockey where people get crushed open ice there is finnesse..... and ....fighting is a part of the game

hockey players are prolly the toughest of all the north american sports hands down ( rugby and hurling in europe)

i am not knocking either Soccer or football as i like both btw

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so the ball is hiked, the play starts, can be a rush, can be a pass, what does the average football play lasts? then you go back to the huddle, you got 30 seconds for the next play, you have constant changes in personell depending on the play your calling, at the same time, half of the team is on the sidelines.

its not like football players hit each other for 48 straight minutes. between haltime, time-outs, commercial breaks, two minute warnings and of course the fact that half of the team rests while the other in on the field - wow, i'm really impressed with the conditioning of football players.

95% of these guys would even be able to finish a college basketball game cos they would get tired by the half after running up and down the court for 20 minutes.

"conditioning" isn't only having big muscles it also means having aerobic capacity. and in todays NFL where you have offensive linemen dropping dead 'cos teams want them to be 300lbs at 25% body fat - fuck that shit.

You're talking about two different things. Conditioning vs what playing the sport over a period of time will do to you. As far as aerobic conditioning is concerned futbol is definitely the more demanding of the two. Most of the players on the field (except for gk) are in constant motion for most of the game. That was never in question.

What you're forgetting is that American Football doesn't require that kind of aerobic conditioning so the comparison of 300lb pound offensive tackles running up & down a field is useless. American Football is more about initial explosion (burst) off the line, brute strength, and short bursts of blazing speed. Can the average futbol player bench press 500 pounds and get past 350 lb offensive tackles to get to a quaterback play after play?? Can the average futbol player cover WR's that run a 40 in the 4.3's?? No they can't, because futbol doesn't require those kind of skills.

The average hit an NFL RB takes is the equivilent of getting into a car accident at 25mph. That's just one hit. Think about RB's who have had long careers like Emmitt Smith or Curtis Martin and think about how many carries they had over their careers. That's a lot of car accidents. The average career of a RB is three years. People who walk away from the NFL without some permanent complication are very much in the minority. I don't think the same can be said of futbol...

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or...everyone could just watch hockey where people get crushed open ice there is finnesse..... and ....fighting is a part of the game

the new rules have taken fighting away from hockey...back in the day hockey fights were brutal...now they are broken up way to quickly and the "goon" squads are all but done...

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You're talking about two different things. Conditioning vs what playing the sport over a period of time will do to you. As far as aerobic conditioning is concerned futbol is definitely the more demanding of the two. Most of the players on the field (except for gk) are in constant motion for most of the game. That was never in question.

What you're forgetting is that American Football doesn't require that kind of aerobic conditioning so the comparison of 300lb pound offensive tackles running up & down a field is useless. American Football is more about initial explosion (burst) off the line, brute strength, and short bursts of blazing speed. Can the average futbol player bench press 500 pounds and get past 350 lb offensive tackles to get to a quaterback play after play?? Can the average futbol player cover WR's that run a 40 in the 4.3's?? No they can't, because futbol doesn't require those kind of skills.

The average hit an NFL RB takes is the equivilent of getting into a car accident at 25mph. That's just one hit. Think about RB's who have had long careers like Emmitt Smith or Curtis Martin and think about how many carries they had over their careers. That's a lot of car accidents. The average career of a RB is three years. People who walk away from the NFL without some permanent complication are very much in the minority. I don't think the same can be said of futbol...

true, what futbol players lack in strength, they make up in aerobic conditioning. i doubt that any football player would be able to play a full 48 minutes on the football field, and that is what i'm getting at.

each athelete is built for their sepcific sport, so with people saying that futbol players are not real atheletes, well, we could make the exact same point for football players. liek i said, one play 5-6 seconds, then they huddle up for a minute before the next play, if they dont get substituted and all of this while half of the team is on teh sidelines where they rest.

in that case, well then we would have to recognize that the standard WWE wrestler is probably even better conditioned than a football player. they suffer the same punishment, even more, w/o pads, they get their faces smashed with chairs, tables, posts, and they are back in the ring later that week.

so my point is, which a lot of you didnt recognize at the beginning, is that futbol players are as much an athelete and in some cases, more, than those in other sports.

futbol players suffer metasaral injuries, tibia, fibula, ankles, there has been cases where the entire leg has been shattered, in addition to numerous muscular injuries, quads, calves, hamstrings, groins, pulled, separated, etc.

soccer players are fitter, faster, stronger these days than 20 years ago - pitches are harder. grass pitches are often sand-based to improve drainage. these will be watered to increase speed, and not necessarily to make them softer. it can be like running on concrete. boots are probably less supportive and lighter, which will add to the stresses on the bones.

and like i previosly mentioned, 50-60 competitive games a year - MINIMUM - for the standard player is considered normal. so i dont buy that football players are in better condition than futbol players.

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so my point is, which a lot of you didnt recognize at the beginning, is that futbol players are as much an athelete and in some cases, more, than those in other sports.

Speaking for myself, I would never doubt the athletic ability of a futbol player. They are amazing athletes and I respect what they do 100%.

and like i previosly mentioned, 50-60 competitive games a year - MINIMUM - for the standard player is considered normal. so i dont buy that football players are in better condition than futbol players.

Again, I agree to a point. They are better conditioned (aerobically) because their sport requires them to be in that kind of shape. I firmly believe that if the US didn't have baseball, football, basketball, etc and futbol was the biggest sport that we played, guys like Randy Moss, TO, Michael Jordan, would have been able to become very good futbol players simply because they had/have the natural athletic ability to be successful. Of course they would have to alter their training methods but I don't think it would be terribly hard to pull off.

Also, all of this makes me wonder. Since futbol is far down the ladder in terms of popularity in the US, can one assume that at least part of the reason we can't compete with the elite futbol nations is because so many of our top athletes are choosing other sports?? It seems that our futbol athletes are second or third class citizens, while other nations have kids practically dribbling futbols out of the womb...

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thing is in the US for some weird reason soccer is considered a "yuppie" sport. in the rest of the world its what the most poor to the most rich play - all you need is a ball and you can play anywhere - on a field, on a basketball court, indoor, outdoor.

and even though its a "yuppie" sport in the US, you are right, just look at the salary these players make.


americans are used to having the best baseball league, the best basketball league, the best football with the best talent from arpound the world playing here - that will never happen in MLS. the top leagues will always be in europe. unless all of a sudden people like bill gates start buying MLS teams and paying top dollar, the MLS will be a feeder league to other top leagues, american players need to go abroad to play against the best - that is what the american public will have to understand.

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