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Un-congrats to Floyd Landis - ya cheater. LOL

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Yeah Congrats....way to be a CHEATER you fucker

and anyone who thinks Armstrong didn't cheat is an idiot also


confusing article.. Says he did test post. then said they are not releasing the name... I dunno maybe I read it like a fool but confused..

wouldnt he have tested pos for test during the other race tests? I mean why use a test on the last stage?

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Yeah Congrats....way to be a CHEATER you fucker

and anyone who thinks Armstrong didn't cheat is an idiot also


there is no proof against armstrong, so until there is 100% proof, you gotta say that he didnt cheat. yeah, i;ve read all the articles and i know he did take EPO while he was undergoing chemo, but still, there has been no conclusive tests that show that any drug test that was taken from him during that 7 year period during the race and throughout the year came out positive.

it's all been a war of words so far by Le Monde so far. i had my doubts initially but where is the positive test result?

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Lance is not cheater... 7 yrs, no poz tests!!

As far as Landis - when they can prove to me the 2nd urine test is dirty, i'll come to my conclusion...


so lance used undectable roids...not like that hasnt happened yet...gaystrong used roids and so did landis...both are cheaters...

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btw, I read that his actual testosterone level was low. Isn't this an indication of just coming off a "cycle?" No pun intended.

I mean, from what I know after a cycle you wont have any testosterone in your body, or just slight traces of it. When you go on testosterone your body stops producing it naturally. So when you stop taking it, it takes your body a month or so to start producing it naturally again. So for awhile after a cycle your balance between male and female hormones are fucked up. Therefore if these levels seem off for a male, and that person isnt naturally effeminate, this would be a decent indication of one coming off of a cycle.

Or no?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Lance is not cheater... 7 yrs, no poz tests!!

As far as Landis - when they can prove to me the 2nd urine test is dirty, i'll come to my conclusion...


Landis 'B' sample confirms high testosterone ratio

PARIS -- Floyd Landis was fired by his team and the Tour de France no longer considered him its champion after his second doping sample tested positive Saturday for higher-than-allowed levels of testosterone.

Landis Biography

Born: Oct. 14, 1975, in Farmersville, Lancaster County, Penn.

Pro wins: 10

• Born in a community of Mennonites, a branch of the Christian Anabaptist church, Landis bought his first mountain bike at 15 and won the first mountain bike race he entered.

• In 1995, he moved to California and became a full-time rider. Switched to road racing and joined Lance Armstrong's U.S. Postal team.

• Split with Armstrong in 2005 and joined the Swiss team Phonak.

• Won inaugural Tour of California in 2006 as well as Paris-Nice classic and Tour of Georgia.

• Battled back from nightmare 16th stage in the Alps to win Stage 17 and set up 2006 Tour de France triumph.

• Fired by Phonak team after "B" sample taken after Stage 17 confirms high testosterone ratio. Tour officials say they no longer recognize him as champion.

The second or "B" sample, "confirmed the result of an adverse analytical finding" in the "A" sample, the International Cycling Union said.

The Swiss-based team Phonak immediately severed ties with Landis and the UCI said it would ask USA Cycling to open disciplinary proceedings against him.

"Landis will be dismissed without notice for violating the teams internal Code of Ethics," Phonak said in a statement. "Landis will continue to have legal options to contest the findings. However, this will be his personal affair, and the Phonak team will no longer be involved in that."

Tour de France director Christian Prudhomme said Landis no longer was considered champion, but the decision to strip him of his title rests with the UCI.

"It goes without saying that for us Floyd Landis is no longer the winner of the 2006 Tour de France," Prudhomme told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "Our determination is even stronger now to fight against doping and to defend this magnificent sport."

Prudhomme said runner-up Oscar Pereiro of Spain would be the likely new winner.

"We can't imagine a different outcome," Prudhomme said.

If stripped of the title, Landis would become the first winner in the 103-year history of cycling's premier race to lose his Tour crown over doping allegations.

UCI lawyer Philippe Verbiest said Landis would officially remain Tour champion pending the American disciplinary process.

"Until he is found guilty or admits guilt, he will keep the yellow jersey," he said. "This is normal. You are not sanctioned before you are found guilty."

If found guilty, Landis also faces a two-year ban from the sport.

Despite the second positive test, Landis maintained his innocence.

"I have never taken any banned substance, including testosterone," he said in a statement. "I was the strongest man at the Tour de France, and that is why I am the champion.

"I will fight these charges with the same determination and intensity that I bring to my training and racing. It is now my goal to clear my name and restore what I worked so hard to achieve."

Landis' urine sample was analyzed at the Chatenay-Malabry lab outside Paris.

The results of the second test come nearly two weeks after he stood atop the winner's podium on the Champs-Elysees in the champion's yellow jersey.

Landis' positive tests set off what could now be months of appeals and arguments by the American, who says the positive finding was due to naturally high testosterone levels. He has repeatedly declared his innocence.

"It's incredibly disappointing," three-time Tour winner Greg LeMond said by phone from the starting line at the Pan Mass Challenge in Sturbridge, Mass. "I don't think he has much chance at all to try to prove his innocence."

The tests were conducted on urine samples drawn July 20 after Landis' Stage 17 victory during a grueling Alpine leg, when he won back nearly eight minutes against then-leader Pereiro -- and went on to win the three-week race.

The case is expected to go to the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency; the process could take months, possibly with appeals to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

"It doesn't end here," said Landis' Spanish lawyer, Jose Maria Buxeda. "What matters is the concept. A prohibited substance has been found in the samples, but no immediate sanction comes into effect yet. The rider will defend himself."

Landis, a 30-year-old former mountain biker, says he was tested eight other times during the three-week tour and those results came back negative.

Landis' spokesman Michael Henson confirmed this week that the rider had tested positive for a testosterone-epitestosterone ratio of 11:1 -- well above the 4:1 limit.

Landis has hired high-profile American lawyer Howard Jacobs, who has represented several athletes in doping cases.

Jacobs plans to go after the UCI for allegedly leaking information regarding the sample testing.

Earlier this week, a New York Times report cited a source from the UCI saying that a second analysis of Landis' "A" sample by carbon isotope ratio testing had detected synthetic testosterone -- meaning it was ingested.

Since the Phonak team was informed of the positive test on July 27, Landis and his defense team have offered varying explanations for the high testosterone reading -- including cortisone shots taken for pain in Landis' degenerating hip; drinking beer and whiskey the night before; thyroid medication; and his natural metabolism.

Another theory -- dehydration -- was rebuffed by anti-doping experts.

"When I heard it was synthetic hormone, it is almost impossible to be caused by natural events. It's kind of a downer," said LeMond, the first American to win the Tour. "I feel for Floyd's family. I hope Floyd will come clean on it and help the sport. We need to figure out how to clean the sport up, and we need the help of Floyd."

Oh well, he could always play baseball.

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