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So GLAAD sent me an email!!


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Call me crazy, but isn't it GLAAD? Maybe you should figure out where you work.

maybe you should figure out where your dick is cuz i sure couldnt find it the other night.ps yes big deal you got me with another one of my infamous grammar mistakes.sorry i type soo fast and really don't care how it comes out on here.watch it's sat night and you freaks will be on this shit till monday.by than it will be 18 pages .Yes you are LOSERS. IM glad you just keep proving that over and over and over again.have a nice evening..................

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maybe you should figure out where your dick is cuz i sure couldnt find it the other night.ps yes big deal you got me with another one of my infamous grammar mistakes.sorry i type soo fast and really don't care how it comes out on here.watch it's sat night and you freaks will be on this shit till monday.by than it will be 18 pages .Yes you are LOSERS. IM glad you just keep proving that over and over and over again.have a nice evening..................
starscream, but you keep replying..so what does that make you?
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starscream, but you keep replying..so what does that make you?

makes me a STAND UP HOMOSEXUAL THAT DOES'NT TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE!!! ON OR OFF THE BOARD.GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD.make all the fun of me you wan't because in the end,Like my Dear brother Kevin says in his song "THIS IS NYC BITCHES,YOU CAN'T FUCK WITH US!!!You whole ass's keep starting shit and im gonna keep logging it all.SOO be my guest dig your holes deeper cuz you have no clue what's about to unfold.

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makes me a STAND UP HOMOSEXUAL THAT DOES'NT TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE!!! ON OR OFF THE BOARD.GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD.make all the fun of me you wan't because in the end,Like my Dear brother Kevin says in his song "THIS IS NYC BITCHES,YOU CAN'T FUCK WITH US!!!You whole ass's keep starting shit and im gonna keep logging it all.SOO be my guest dig your holes deeper cuz you have no clue what's about to unfold.
Starscream, why dont you think logically for a second.

This is a nightlife messageboard... gay culture has a lot to do with the nightlife scene.. do you really think anyone here is a homophobe? If anyone really hated gay people, a NY nightlife site would be the last place they would want to post. You are obvisouly too caught up in YOUR hate that you fail to realize that. If you stopped provoking people and spreading hate with your replies, then they would stop speaking to you.

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Starscream, why dont you think logically for a second.

This is a nightlife messageboard... gay culture has a lot to do with the nightlife scene.. do you really think anyone here is a homophobe? If anyone really hated gay people, a NY nightlife site would be the last place they would want to post. You are obvisouly too caught up in YOUR hate that you fail to realize that. If you stopped provoking people and spreading hate with your replies, then they would stop speaking to you.

Hey how bout you even THINK for a second?oh that's right you can't. I did'nt start the fire it was birning way before i got here...im just the only one that has enough balls to stand up to you guys.Its not Hate ITS called GIVING IT RIGHT BACK TO YOU.i didn't start this thread i did'nt make the photoshop pic of me with some gay asian guys sooo take your own advice.You still with your free fkorne avatar and hes been back what a week?Please your going nowhere with this at all.anyways i don't have time for your stupid drama that you seem to srtart with just about everyone on here.im going out,soo sit your ass home like you usual do and think of some more wannabe witty comments,think your cool whatever dude.Your like fly shit on my shoe. Shoo fly don't bother me cuz you are a nobody.

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Hey how bout you even THINK for a second?oh that's right you can't. I did'nt start the fire it was birning way before i got here...im just the only one that has enough balls to stand up to you guys.Its not Hate ITS called GIVING IT RIGHT BACK TO YOU.i didn't start this thread i did'nt make the photoshop pic of me with some gay asian guys sooo take your own advice.You still with your free fkorne avatar and hes been back what a week?Please your going nowhere with this at all.anyways i don't have time for your stupid drama that you seem to srtart with just about everyone on here.im going out,soo sit your ass home like you usual do and think of some more wannabe witty comments,think your cool whatever dude.Your like fly shit on my shoe. Shoo fly don't bother me cuz you are a nobody.
I guess you cant hold a serious arguement then.. or maybe you are ignoring it because you know i am right. You are a very troubled soul and I feel for you. Ill make sure to pray for you. And if you reply, please refrain from using your normal hateful, immature remarks.
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im right here you.i told you im not going anywhere just watching....i got it covered.LMAO you guys don't even know what my job is.I WORK FOR GLADD and this case is being takin very seriously.i suggest you all stfu and stop the hate.

we only hate you sweetie...we all have friends who chose the alternative lifestyle and we all have family members who are into it...we just dont like YOU...but you should just stay positHIV...:)

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I still want to know how many anti-gay comments I need to make to pull ahead of jimk. Eye of the Tiger bitches!

its like trying to keep up with dg in posts...just when you think you are in the ballpark he just pulls away way to fast...

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I guess you cant hold a serious arguement then.. or maybe you are ignoring it because you know i am right. You are a very troubled soul and I feel for you. Ill make sure to pray for you. And if you reply, please refrain from using your normal hateful, immature remarks.

i replied your just too freakin dumb and see what you wanna see to actually see the TRUTH>btw i like how after i mention about still having the free fkorne avatar you changed it right away to a peace sign.are you trying to tell me something?or is it because i was right?really gotgas go sit in a corner and fart all night like howie.

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maybe you should figure out where your dick is cuz i sure couldnt find it the other night.ps yes big deal you got me with another one of my infamous grammar mistakes.sorry i type soo fast and really don't care how it comes out on here.watch it's sat night and you freaks will be on this shit till monday.by than it will be 18 pages .Yes you are LOSERS. IM glad you just keep proving that over and over and over again.have a nice evening..................

That's not a grammar mistake, it's a typo. Perhaps you should type less slowly since your fast typing obviously isn't working out.

Why were you looking for my dick? I'm not gay :confused:

I don't recall saying many anti-gay comments either, I remember saying that I don't like you. Just because you think everyone is anti-gay doesn't make it true. I've said it plenty of times, at least 1/2 of my male friends are gay... How can I be anti-gay and have so many gay friends? You don't seem to grasp that, maybe it's too complex.

People can dislike you, and it doesn't have to be because you're gay.

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