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DJ Offer Nissim at Roxy on the 26th,but

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hes scheduled to play at Pacha the same night from 11pm to 5am Sunday morning.

He cancelled Pacha due to the fact that Jr. cancelled the Tel Aviv event he was supposed to do with him.

An announcement of who is opening for Jr. has not been made yet to replace Offer.

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Stimulus>Response will be doing the BASEMENT of PACHA on the 26th, fyi, dont know who will open for Junior just yet, junior should get on around 5am from what i know. But come check out the basement for some good house beats.

wow...i'm suprised jr's actually allowing to have the party in the basement...he's usually a stickler for having any other talent in the house when he's dj'ing...

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He cancelled Pacha due to the fact that Jr. cancelled the Tel Aviv event he was supposed to do with him.

Not to leave out any information:

Junior cancelled due to the war with Hezbollah in Israel with no cease-fire in effect and the terrorist attack warning alerts on the airlines in Europe. I can't blame Jr for cancelling because of those reasons.

781_juniorv.jpgDJ Junior Vasquez whets our appetites for Aquarium, his birthday bash at Pacha

by Tray Butler

It’s 3:30pm on a Friday afternoon, and Junior Vasquez isn’t supposed to be here.

Had things gone as planned, the world-famous DJ would be gearing up for a gig at WorldPride in Israel. But thanks to the ongoing skirmish between Israel and Hezbollah, Vasquez and his handlers opted to nix their trip to Tel Aviv, a blessing in disguise that gives the local favorite more time to prep for his upcoming birthday gig at Pacha. Dubbed Aquarium, the Aug 26 party finds the HX DJ of the Year back in the booth spinning a 12-hour marathon set starting at 5am.

With his birthday just a few days away, and looking tanned and ready for the big gig, Vasquez stopped by HX headquarters to dish on kicking it old school, his new Christina Aguilera remix and why the DJ is still god.

HX: Are you bummed that Israel didn’t work out?

Junior Vasquez: I am. But there’s just so much uncertainty over there. And I already have a history of not liking to fly. So this was one thing where we just had to pull back. We didn’t want to put anyone into harm’s way. But it’s unfortunate. It was going to be a huge night.

The same can be said for Aquarium. What should we expect?

Well, we’ll have over-the-top décor, no performances…

You mean you won’t be wearing the merman suit from the ad?

[Laughs] Dolphin Boy! It’s a tad weird. It looks like I’m giving birth or something.

You make a big deal about your birthday every year.

Actually, I don’t. I have this history that I would say that my birthday was on the 22nd, so that I could celebrate privately on the 24th, which is my real birthday. So it was part of the business. But for the last five years or so it’s become an event that I really look forward to. I’m kind of a humble person, so it’s not about my birthday really.

Last spring you and I talked about the idea of “the DJ as god,” and how that’s changing. What do you think now?

I think now it’s more a plural. It used to be just one of us was [god-like], but there’s a lot of talent out there. I think that idea is still prevalent. I’m living through a cycle where now there’s a lot of clubs, so you have to fill them. But when this all began it was more of an exclusive kind of thing. And the idea of the DJ as an icon, the god status, really started before my time. Look at the Larry Levan era. Now, it doesn’t rest solely on the music anymore: It’s gone back to [party] production, and that’s a good thing. You have to give more visuals, more umph to things. Hence the one-off parties. You make it into a real event.

Your Black Party appearance at Pacha definitely fits that category.

I think it’s an excellent space, Pacha. I think it’s good for one-off parties. The space is so nice and it’s run really well. I’m excited about doing it and the way they designed the booth is great. It’s very comfortable.

I’m liking your new mix of Christina Aguilera’s “Ain’t No Other Man.”

Yeah, the hype I’m hearing is that it’s Grammy bound. That would be my first Grammy, if it happens. And it’s a different production for me. It sounds very close to the original. You know, when I first started I was mixing for KISS FM, and that was a period when freestyle was crossing into house. And that was my interpretation with this one. I wanted to show that I can go old school, that I’m not just this house anthem guy.

What else are you working on?

I just did Beyonce’s “Déjà Vu,” Sunshine Anderson’s “Something I Want to Give You,” Justin Timberlake’s “SexyBack.” So everything after Christina is a little bit of that flavor - more rock house. But I am going back to old school, something the young kids don’t know was ever out there.

Yeah, I love the Deee-Lite sample in the Christina mix.

You keep going back. When I do production, I always go back in my head. There’s so much out there, so you just wait for it to be interpreted as modern. That’s the way all the arts are. Everything has a time. A lot of this I couldn’t play two years ago, because they would’ve been like, What’s she doing? What drugs she on?

What’s your take on this whole stink over DJs who don’t play vinyl?

If I want to keep doing it I have to keep up with modern technology. I don’t play all vinyl anymore, because especially with imports they’re only on CD. And I’m bad at playing CDs. I’m hands on with the way it feels, the vinyl. The difference is you can’t rock dubs and beats. The problem with CDs is you can’t get a second thought. I play vigorously, so I can take the vinyl and throw something else on quick. With CDs it doesn’t work like that, so you end up being more robotic and it takes the soul out of actually playing music. I’m learning how to give it my own flavor, how not to fight it.

What have you learned since your last birthday?

I’ve learned that you can make mistakes. But you can’t take them that seriously - that’s why it’s called a mistake. You can be a poster child for certain things, then you can slip and people have their eyes on you. My life is public. I’ve learned that at the end of the day, it’s the nights when you can’t fall asleep that are the problem. And if you have too many of those, then you know there are things you haven’t settled. I try to please too many people. That’s what you are when you’re in show business. But this past year I’ve learned that I can’t do the best party all the time. I can’t be the best all the time.

So, since Israel isn’t happening, what are you up to between now and then?

Well, it’s kind of a good thing I guess. Not for Israel, obviously, but for me, because I’ll have a chance to get rested up and ready for my birthday. By the time that weekend comes, I’ll be raring to play again. Junior Vasquez spins Aquarium Aug 26 at Pacha, 618 W 46th St, 212-209-7500, j u n i o r v a s q u e z m u s i c . c o m

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wow...i'm suprised jr's actually allowing to have the party in the basement...he's usually a stickler for having any other talent in the house when he's dj'ing...

Well im guiessing the min he comes on the WHOLE club will have his sound. And being that hes suppose to come on around 5am, means the basement will be rocking with music from 10pm till about 445-5am.

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