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Who was @ the Tunnel on Saturday?

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What'd ya think? I was there ... it was alright ... the DJs were pretty weak ... except for Vicious ... he ripped it ... I was the kid in yellow nikes and "MASTERPIMP" shirt bugging out in the Mez and under the angel by couches ... I'll be there this Fri. to check out how that party is bumping and also see who i have to kill (jus joking) to rock(spin) that place again ... The Tunnel just needs a lil pep in its step to get that spot jumping ...

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To tell you the truth ..i'm not sure if JV was even there ... I couldn't make out the face in the Mainfloor DJ booth but who ever was on, was ripping up late night ... when i first got there all the djs sucked untill real late on the mainfloor ..who ever it was, was dropping some nice tracks and mixes ...

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I was at Tunnel on Sat, it was ok but why do they gotta close soooo early, they closed at like not even 6;00!!!! But then again there weren't thayt many people there anyway at that time. And another thing.. nobody nobody had e. Everyone was sold out, but I winded up gettin it late at like 4. By the way, did anyone hear about the kid they found in the bathroom??? All of a sudden I saw a sec. guard bring some kid outta the upstairs bathroom, they found him on the floor in 1 of the stalls almost dead!! He couldn;t even move.

hey brandie, sorry I missed u. There was another girl i saw wearin what u described but her hair wasn't like u said,or had silver nails. So u have a good time?

It was ok for me.

The bad part was walkin out in the morn, and it was raining!! That was horrible!!






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Yeah Romina - we were lookin for you . . every guy we saw wearing a black tank top we were like, should we go talk to them? But no girl with blue hair extensions . . . so we weren't sure.

I had my hair back in a headband - you couldn't really see the highlights . . . we were there until almost 3 (not too motivated to walk anywhere at that time) . . . well, next time. biggrin.gif

Uh - i LOVED the rain . . . it was so refreshing . . . we walked back to penn station in it, it was great. biggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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i heard someone was carried out on friday too

and i also have to comment on th e situtation

there is no e b/v no one knows anyone in there anymore, no one goes there to sell




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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to be quite honest - i was approached about five times . . . and i know a kid that deals there (has been for like 3 years), he made SO much money, so obviously there was E to be had . . . he sold out at 2ish.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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there ya go brandie

do you like hunt donw my posts just make me wrong???

there are not alot of regulars @ tunnel, there are some but not alot... there must be regs to deal @ a place so the i know him he's cool deal can go down....




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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yea i was very surprised the quatlity of the music there. Under normal circumstances would not have been there after finding out the vicious wouldn't be, but being as friends changed work schedules and things around for that night, didn't wanna dick out. But anyway, the music around 3 got pretty trancey and then pretty hard. Actually for period of time i was so impressed w/ the music and saw a spanish looking guy behind the decks, so i thought maybe it was him(wishful thinking i guess) but either way it really don't matter cuz i thought the music was great and i had the whole damn dancefloor to myself, or i should really say we b/c me and my baby rocked it and the stage- although she claims to have not gone all out yet... hunny, baby, are you trying to intimidate me??? B/C i've barely shifted into neutral, just wait til we hit overdrive...



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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that was richie santana? I heard that it was a dj santana, but never thought i coulda been him. Damn that didn't sound like him at all. Last time i heard him was at exit thanksgiving as he was awful awful awful. Then again, the crowd was just as bad so maybe he was trying to keep them happy.

They should get rid of zor already and have richie open up for vicious, i mean as long as he don't meander back to other crap i once heard him spinning, and sticks w/ it like he did saturday, nice and hard.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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I'm with you on that one - a couple of the people I was there with thought it was JV, too . . . the music was real nice towards the end . . .

biggrin.gif as long as we're trying to see if we saw each other - I was wearing silver pants, and a silver and white halter top, silver sneakers . . . we were alllll over the place.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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<<< i thought the music was great and i had the whole damn dancefloor to myself, or i should really say we b/c me and my baby rocked it and the stage- although she claims to have not gone all out yet... hunny, baby, are you trying to intimidate me??? B/C i've barely shifted into neutral, just wait til we hit overdrive... >>>

oh my gosh, i'm dying laughing . . . and i'm just not even gonna comment except to say this -

sounds like a challenge whether you realize it or not . . . tee hee . . . this weekend - "you're done" tee hee - no biggie, i'm sure joey will carry you to factory. biggrin.gif and you can put emily on your back so she can take her boots off. la la la la laaaaaa . . . biggrin.gif



and oasis - i was just stating my opinion, i wasn't trying to make you look dumb. and obviously i wasn't seeking out your posts, cause if you'll notice, i replied BEFORE you did . . . was supposed to meet up with romina, so i was telling her the deal . . . whatever rolleyes.gif


"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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