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Aren't we all looking for the same thing?

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It's so strange ever go out to a club and you just see the same stuff all the time people on drugs and being hot and sweaty all rubbing up on eachother, all looking for someone to be with I mean in the end aren't we all looking for someone to be loved by?

Except for those perverts only looking to get laid. I'm just wondering if anyone feels the same way I do... doesn't it ever get lonely? Don't get me wrong I love to go out and dance but there are other things to do other than drop E or get drunk every weekend.

What other interests does everyone here have?

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I know what you mean sweetvee26. When going out I would meet soooo many people, but by the end of the night, its just me and my clubbin' friend going home home alone. I like to go out and have a good time. But once in a while I would not mind getting asked out to hang out after the club. I wish more guys stop being so intimidated by me. I think I am one of the most nicest person once you get to know me (and get past at how cool I dance or look).

Anyway, enough of the sobb story but I love to workout (no I am girl...no muscle johnnie over here) and play sports (all kinds). I like to keep myself active and keep my energy level up.


Andiamo alla spiaggia!

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yea i here you....you meet mad people, but in the end your goin home alone....is there anywhere us single guys can go to meet cool ass girls....its hard to meet someone on E...or drunk for that matter as well....you just feel more lonely when your on E...sucks!..sucks being single....but the grass is always greener on the other side frown.gif

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I actually found my love in Twilo and that's coming from someone who use to be a firm believer in never turst anyone you meet at a club too! love.gif

However, I'd like to believe that I go to clubs for the music . . . and not necessarily to look for romance. This was before I met my honey and still believe it now. I wish I could say that you shouldn't look for love in clubs, but since it happened to me . . . don't know what to tell ya. wink.gif

Other than that . . . I LOVE watching movies and even more I love to walk the streets of the village and go shopping!! All with my sweetie of course. But the best is when we stay in and play video games together, especially this car race game where I beat him EVERY TIME! hehehe. electric-lou.gif



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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Oh yeah I forgot...I like playing videogames too.

BTW, sometimes I can't tell if someone is interested in me or just rolling. I met this one guy @ Exit. Seemed cool, gave him a call and totally forgot who I was!

I love going out to clubs (going to Abyss tonight)..Any takers?...I am a clubbin' chic. I would go every night if it wasn't for work. I don't use E (and I am not downing it at all). My motto is do whatever that makes you happy...As long as you can look yourself in the mirror the next morning.

Sorridete! smile.gif


Andiamo alla spiaggia!

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alright i don't know if i'm the only guy here to say this but... the object isn't to get all drugged up and laid for all us fellas. i wouldn't say i found love at twilo 7/28/00 it's too new to tell. but the right will come to ya when its meant to happen. i guess...but shit i took this young lady home with me that night..and we fucked around a bit but i was a gentlemen and always will be. i don't drive anymore but..i paid for this gals taxi....which i took with her to the city, hopped on the train w/her to penn station, and waited til her train came. and i was hung over like a big dog...see "first time at twilo for s&d" blue angel...u know what i'm talking bout...

it wasn't about the pills and booze and that shit...it was about the music,the vibe. i kept seeing people w/these long faces. if you were one of them you might have encountered a bleach blonde dude in a black wife beater telling ya to smile. i was telling alot of women that that night. i wish i could have made ya all smile and be happy. like i was feeling

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I don't go to clubs to meet a girl generally because most of the time people are on drugs when they are out, although the girls i go out with are usually sober but friends, plus when I'm DJing I meet a lot of girls, but again generally tend to be drinking or doing drugs so it's not really a good environment I don't think...Plus I'm at a club to Dance and have a good time, although its that much better when you are enjoying it with someone you like...

I need to find a girl like JamJivin, you sound like a really great girl smile.gif And you like video games, do you get any better? wow...

This Thursday @ Cheetah, The Clique&MediaXTC Present DJ's Jason Ojeda & Mac...Email Me For List Info...Save The DJ Foundation


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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allday 420, hey i never knew there were people like me. i'm always happy and when i see people not smiling or having fun i have to try to cheer them up. can someone tell me why there are people in the club not having fun, depressed, or not dancing at all? i just wish everyone in the club could be having as much fun as me. the club scene would be much better if everyone was friendly and having fun, don't you agree.

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Yeah, whats up with people who take up room on the dance floor...Don't dance...Get upset when people who ARE dancing bump into them (by mistake of course)...and then continue to take up space...Oh ILL HOUSE YOU...I could probably kick your but in bball!


Sorridete!!! smile.gif


Tutto e possibile!

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i've never hooked up with anyone i ever met at a club... i just sorta made that my rule, and stuck to it. i have so many guy friends, and i know that their main goal for the night is to "get butt"... so i assume thats a lot of guys goal.

i go to a club to hang out, dance, etc etc... i dont do drugs, and i cant stand to be asked by a sweaty juiceball "are you rollin!".....

I dont see how ppl can "meet" in a club, the music is so loud, how can you hear anything?? but hey, i guess to each their own... this is just my opinion

as far as doing other things... i workout a lot... i shop a whole hell of a lot... i like to play tennis, racketball and an occasional game of basketball. I LOVEEEEEE hockey.... I love wacthing sports (esp HOCKEY! and BASKETBALL)... i love playing with my puppies (alex and sebastian)

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True, ppl shouldn't be on the dancefloor if they're not dancing at all...but just cuz someone's not dancing the moment you look at them does not mean they're not dancing at all. They might be taking a minute break, or waiting for the good part of the song to erupt. Not everyone can be dancing all the time...and its not worth it to go all the way to sit down just for a minute.

On the same note, people who're sitting down (eyes open or closed, heads bobbing or not, etc, etc) are NOT necessarily completley f**ked up...sometimes its nice when you're taking a break from dancing to just "listen" to and "feel" the music.

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I know how most of you feel...meeting a bunch of cool people in the clubs, but always end up going home alone in the end. I guess its that way. Plus its really hard to meet a girl ina club and who is on E. You're talking to them but you know mentally they're in a far off place. Usually it goes no where. I usually go to the clubs for the music anyway...but it would be nice one day to meet my dream angel dancing the night away. That would be something. frown.gif

Hmmm... my other interests, well, my art, traveling, driving aimlessly ( yes I really do that ), finding to do something new that won't kill me, video game junkie, and BOWLING! You gotta love bowling...great stress relief. High score 275 wink.gif


It's here today but it's gone tomorrow,

It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM


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Most people here go to the clubs because they love the music, vibe, and atmosphere. I've met lots of people at the clubs and while I'm not necessarily friends with them outside of the club, its nice to have a group of friends who you can hang with, apart from the crew you came in with. I used to agree with the notion that looking for love in the club is a bad thing, but if you meet somebody there and you get along with them, you already have one thing in common, the scene!!!

I haven't done it, but there are always meet ups planned through this message board, and its not about hooking up with somebody for the night or getting some action, but about spending time with people who love the scene as much as you do. Right? I guess my point is that, it doesn't matter where you find your love, be it a club, the gym, the library, or the grocery store. You still need to go through the growing pains of learning about each other.

ON a personal note, I'm still wondering if I can find the perfect girl for me: Loves the club scene, works out, plays golf and tennis, loves watching football and Sportscenter, has an interesting job, loves to travel, dresses well and oh, is good-looking as well. I want to adhere to my theory of never settling, am I dreaming?

Hey Blueangel, if you play PLAYSTATION, then, if you haven't already, play "Bust-a-Groove." It's a dance video game. The only thing missing is a girl dancing with glowsticks!



"...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and

controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible.

Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX

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g-money! I have already played that game. Unfortunately, my bf always beat my ass on that game! frown.gif

I don't know . . . maybe it's the missing of the glowsticks that get me groovin' the wrong way. biggrin.gif



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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I still am with my hun I met him 3 years ago @ Expo when it was open. It turned out we were both taking the LIRR home ane we had to wait like 3 hours for the next train. We talked that whole time and clicked amazingly.

We had broken up once for like 3 months but on our anniversary of our 3rd year got back together. I love to sing, write songs, read, play video games, work out out the gym, and travel. oh and make love in the rain... smile.gif

with my hun ofcourse.

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I find that at clubs..there there to just dance ....if regards to having conversations with your friends or a girl..please...good look scramming over the music...once in a while I like to do something different on the weekends like shrooms or something and just relax like at the beach or something....I also have a nack for interior designing ...yeah I get paid for doing it to wink.gif

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yes glowdancer i do agree but in this society of ours hey... what do you expect ya know. and raver_mania, i'm really sad to see your comments here after reading the little comment you made torwards me in the other topic but its all good i'll live...nah the scene would be real cool if all ya'll would stop taking those fuckin pills. FOOLS!!!!!! don't you people know what is in those freakin things....wait ya don't so hey why not take more. not for nothing a friend of mine died on his 24th b-day(thanksgiving),cause like the rest of the idiots with him,couldn't use thier freakin heads. but then again what's meant to be is meant to be. smokin herb is all i do. well i do a couple bumps of blow maybe to keep me alive if i've been up at work all day. too many people do drugs and can't control it. the drugs take over the person and....out the door goes all common sense. hey i'll preach why not...i've been there done that probably before alot of you people here. i'm 30 if you were wondering. been hangin at clubs since i was 15. and what! i wont lie i have tried E and once that was it. and i've tripped on lots of acid,mesc and shrooms. alot! when i got tired of the club scene i got into the dead. ha...ya wanna talk about drugs. anyhow maybe people will change and the chances are they won't. whats most important is that we surround ourselves with good people because when you do...good things happen.

glowdancer keep glowing and dancin look out for me you may catch my smile. peace love & lots of parties

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Allday, take it easy on everyone who drops. You've gone through it and learned that its not for YOU. What's good for you doesn't mean its good for everyone else. Yeah, drugs will fuck you up eventually, but let each person decide for themselves what they want to do. You don't want to start sounding like the government who is trying to tell us what we can have and what we can't have. I mean if people who dropped were out there hurting other people, then you gotta put a stop to that, but people drop to enhance the experience, they aren't hurting anybody else. WHy not bash alcohol while you're at it. That's a bigger danger to society than E or K will ever be. Just my 2 cents.


"...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and

controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible.

Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX

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i've said it bf and i'll say it again. go out and have fun. if you like drugs, dancing, whatever if it makes you happy-do it. i don't think anyone on this board should criticize what people do. if you don't like don't do it. another thing people shouldn't do on this board and talk as if they own a club. i've seen people write stuff like they want "juiceheads" out of "their" clubs or people who drop shouldn't go to "their club" bottom line it isn't your club. everyone's out there to have fun and if people who are diff than you bother you and ruin your night, than your the one with the problem-not them. show love to everyone and your life will be better

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It's funny. I think I started out as many others do, w/other things being the main highlight of my night out (as opposed to the music) - no offense to anyone who disagrees. Anyway, about a year ago I started going out for the music and it has been nothing but awesome since. Don't get me wrong, every now and then it's nice to add a little spice to the evening but not necessary for enjoyment.

This past week I had my first ClubNY meetup. I don't know how they're supposed to go and this one went ok, but I must admit I felt a little awkward. I'm very outgoing and love to meet new people but wasn't sure about the vibe w/the group. I'm also a scifi freak (geek some might even say), a softball/tennis/volleyball player (and watcher), love dancing and various other activites but especially love the music. I studied it for a very long time and lost my passion but feel as though I'm finally getting back to it in my love for house.

In my experience, meeting people in clubs usually doesn't go anywhere. I applaud those who've been lucky to meet their loves but stress the word lucky. Most men and friends I've known that go are simply looking for a piece but it would be nice to meet someone in a club who's there for the music and not totally cracked out. Just my $.02.


[This message has been edited by shannah (edited 08-02-2000).]

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