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howells tonight!

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heres how i saw last night. i was at a pretty good party in soho til 3 or so. i went to pacha by 330-ish. it was pretty crowded downstairs, actually i found the ventilation to be lacking and it was smokey and stuffy. the entire right side of the club as youre facing howells had been taken over by a few hundred asians. solid by the exit doors to the right and also behind the dj booth. i saw sebveral arguments or other bad vibes in this area throughout the night & once the shaking dancers banged right into me. suffice to say the asian inmvasion lends a very odd vibe to club nights & i did not find it to be a positive one nor were they interested in mixing with or assimilating into a non asian, white club crowd.

Ive heard howells about 20 times in nyc & miami. I went to 3 spirit 2005 sets & crobar & last night in 2006.

coming in at about 4 am heres what i heard. from about 4-5 i thought he was playing some cool deep-ish, progressive tribal with big basslines.

a bit like DTs style about 5 years ago actually. i thought that sound was good & it seemed to keep the room moving even if it was too smokey, at least the energy was there.

at about 5 he seemed to play this progressive house track forever, i thought it was a pretty monotonous techy ish groove buit he just kept going & going. by 530 there was a definite vibe inside the club that things were winding down. i noticed a lot of people starting to file out 7 more of the asian heated arguments. howells then played some melodic trancey stuff, 1 of the cuts on his miami 027 GU cd. its a nice uplifting trance tune but somehow the weird vibe of the asians and the winding diown club didnt give a 'lift' feel it was more like 'time to go.'

by 6 he was back to a more progressive/techy sound it followed nicely on the trance, also howells was doing some weird thing with the record like making it go 'boom boom boom' like it was skipping of playi9ng with the fader or something. he was having fun in the booth with his dfriends but he wasnt playing the top tunes that i have loved from him at arc & also at spirit.

so after 6 id had enough. i thought it was a decent howells set but nowhere near as mindblowing as his best arc & spirit sets & songs.

Id give it ***1/2 of 5 stars and the atmosphere inside made it a bit less pleasant than that but at least it aws still going past 6 am .

based on the 2 sets i heard in 2006 i think howells has gone down significantly from what he was playing at spirit in 2005 but I will almost surely check him out next time, Im a longtime howells fan.

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hmmm interested detailed review.....i dont know what's up w the asian sensation @ pacha, i guess its a reprieve from crobar? who knows. but I don't know if they are still facing problems at the door at crobar.....you know, I don't mind if they aren't bothering anyone and there to have a good time but I agree, def adds to a weirder vibe in there staying in the back and hanging around the exits. why don't they try to mix with the rest of the crowd? It's kind of snobbish lol.

last time i saw danny howells was at crobar a while ago, was playing a lighter set, interesting re the trance and certain tracks u mentioned....

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I thought this was the best Howells set since Arc... I was there from about 10:30 till the last record dropped around 8:30. I think one of the reasons I enjoyed this set so much was for the first time in a while he stuck to the formula that made him successful and didn't mess around with his sound too much. The first four hours or so were sublime. Very melodic & funky. Around 2am he started to get techy (not his strength), so I headed downstairs to the basement where the People crew held it down all night. Al, Eric and company did a great job in there. That room had a great vibe and provided a nice compliment to the music upstairs. They also had a pretty consistant crowd all night long.

Around 5:30 or so, I headed back upstairs for more Howells. This time he was playing some breaks. Once the breaks subsided, he went into closing mode. For the last 2+ hours he closed it out in very similar fashion to the way he used to do it at Vinyl / Arc. A lot of melodic, proggy stuff. A track or two off of 24/7, and a few classics. Great night overall... I think Danny and Pacha are a great fit and look forward to more nights there...

Thanks also go to the people crew for their guestlist and quality beats downstairs...

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why is it that asians act noticabley fucked up. It looks so bad especially when they close there eyes and roll there heads around and grab at nothing over there heads. Dont get me wronge other people act stupid too but not on such a large scale btw Howells was awesome :)

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Several years ago I helped out a friend who was making some sort of documentary which involved interviewing this one doorman on duty at (what was then) Spa and (what was then) Exit. On the Exit night I think it was Junior Vasquez helming--might have been his birthday or something--so big gay night and presumably an air of acceptance of diversity. I group of about 7 or 8 Asians showed up and the guy totally negged them. They looked presentable, appeared to be of at least modest means, and certainly not threatening if not exactly bubbly, so I couldn't understand why the guy was so scornful and hostile toward them. My friend, who is a Korean girl, asked him about why they were rejected and he said something about vibe and meshing which I--as a then club-culture ingenue--didn't get, thinking it meant he thought they were homophobic or something.

I think I understand now.

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It was a good time.............Howells was good not great......Every track he played always needed something more to make it extra special.......He was boring at times......But all around, not a terrible set at all......The Boys in the basement.....Deepspell and company, def out played him to my ears......Basement was packed, and everyone was having a great time.....Had a good time all and all......Pacha is def becoming the best big room in the city......

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Let me first start off by saying that Howells if my favorite dj, meaning, I caught all of his sets at Vinyl/Arc(except 1 or 2), I've been to all of his BED parties at WMC and even have made the trek up to Montreal(Aria) to hear him I believe 3 times

But I must honestly say that the Asian crowd just totally killed it for me. I am not a racist, but I guess i am more picky now that i am a little older. the crowd just sucked majorly. As for Howells, I'd say it was an in between set. Not great, just ok(but better than his set at Crobar some months ago)

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its interesting some dh fans thought he was off the charts & others thought he was good not great. Im a longtime dh fan and my opinion is much closer to the latter. better than crobar tho for sure.

i also agree that the asian woodstock vibe basically killed any positivity & vibe in that room. it was as bad as the worst asian battle royales at spirit- and I hope that pacha immediately institutes the same selective door policy that crobar has.

i did think howells 4-5 am progg tribal with killer basslines was excellent and reminded me of some of DT's style from about 2001-02.

but i also think dhj- in the 2= hours i was there from 4-6- didnt pull out the mega awesome recorsd that he wld play at arc & even quite a few hot ones at spirit.

however since i missed 11pm -330 or so i will say i didnt get the fuull flavour of waht dh laid down. so i will try to be there all night next dh set in nyc.

i juts cldnt tolerate the lack of ventilation 7 more than 50% of pachas 1st loor was taken over by very wasted looking beligerant acting asians.

this has got to be addressed asap by pacha door people & management & its got to change immediately

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its interesting some dh fans thought he was off the charts & others thought he was good not great. Im a longtime dh fan and my opinion is much closer to the latter. better than crobar tho for sure.

i also agree that the asian woodstock vibe basically killed any positivity & vibe in that room. it was as bad as the worst asian battle royales at spirit- and I hope that pacha immediately institutes the same selective door policy that crobar has.

i did think howells 4-5 am progg tribal with killer basslines was excellent and reminded me of some of DT's style from about 2001-02.

but i also think dhj- in the 2= hours i was there from 4-6- didnt pull out the mega awesome recorsd that he wld play at arc & even quite a few hot ones at spirit.

however since i missed 11pm -330 or so i will say i didnt get the fuull flavour of waht dh laid down. so i will try to be there all night next dh set in nyc.

i juts cldnt tolerate the lack of ventilation 7 more than 50% of pachas 1st loor was taken over by very wasted looking beligerant acting asians.

this has got to be addressed asap by pacha door people & management & its got to change immediately

For me the highlights of the night were 10-2 & 6 - closing. Since you weren't there during those times might explain why we saw the night a little differently. Got to talk to Danny a bit after the set. He really enjoyed the venue and wants to come back around January or February. Now I rest up for Burridge...

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For me the highlights of the night were 10-2 & 6 - closing. Since you weren't there during those times might explain why we saw the night a little differently. Got to talk to Danny a bit after the set. He really enjoyed the venue and wants to come back around January or February. Now I rest up for Burridge...

i believe it & Ill be there in jan or feb when dh is back.

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why is it that asians act noticabley fucked up. It looks so bad especially when they close there eyes and roll there heads around and grab at nothing over there heads. Dont get me wronge other people act stupid too but not on such a large scale btw Howells was awesome :)

llol or swing each other around like babies. hahah no joke though i think asians are more easily affected by alcohol and drugs, not sure why though, although my friend who is a biology major was telling me that it is something in the biological makeup as far as metabolizing everything....who knows if its true, i'd like to find out.

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llol or swing each other around like babies. hahah no joke though i think asians are more easily affected by alcohol and drugs, not sure why though, although my friend who is a biology major was telling me that it is something in the biological makeup as far as metabolizing everything....who knows if its true, i'd like to find out.

You are

an idiot.

..next thing youre going to tell us is that black people jump higher because they have extra fibers in their calves? or black people jump higher cuz they have practice from running away and crouching down all the time picking cotton.

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You are

an idiot.

..next thing youre going to tell us is that black people jump higher because they have extra fibers in their calves? or black people jump higher cuz they have practice from running away and crouching down all the time picking cotton.

im not an idiot, i will find this info and post it. thanx for ruining my day again.

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That may be true, but my take is the erratic behavior is more a product of people from a socially less permissive culture being immersed in an environment of enormous liberty.

now THATS the kind of answer i would not question or even bat an eyelash @ ...very well spoken

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asian crackheads are just as annoying as crackheads of other races but saturday was way to much for me. i got there at 1am and there was an ambulance outside the club and they held the line so nobody got in for like 40 minutes and wouldnt you know it 2 asian kids were the ones getting brought to the hospital all bloodied and beaten lmao their heads wrapped and everything . once i got in i came to this realization : they are there for the sole purpose of getting mangled, throwing bad attitude and being lowclass . some of these dudes are so old too jesus christ cant a 55 yr old man find something better to do on a sat night than waste valuable space on the dance floor damn...... i said whats up to a couple of them in a friendly manner and allz they do is put there head down and walk away . calm down i am not wit the i.n.s. i mean i used to go to exit alot and yes i live for hot asian women and i wouldnt consider myself a racist nor would anybody that knows me but this has got to stop the door should be more selective imo the problem is there is no fool proof wat to distinguish the bad from the good rice eaters hahahaha

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asian crackheads are just as annoying as crackheads of other races but saturday was way to much for me. i got there at 1am and there was an ambulance outside the club and they held the line so nobody got in for like 40 minutes and wouldnt you know it 2 asian kids were the ones getting brought to the hospital all bloodied and beaten lmao their heads wrapped and everything . once i got in i came to this realization : they are there for the sole purpose of getting mangled, throwing bad attitude and being lowclass . some of these dudes are so old too jesus christ cant a 55 yr old man find something better to do on a sat night than waste valuable space on the dance floor damn...... i said whats up to a couple of them in a friendly manner and allz they do is put there head down and walk away . calm down i am not wit the i.n.s. i mean i used to go to exit alot and yes i live for hot asian women and i wouldnt consider myself a racist nor would anybody that knows me but this has got to stop the door should be more selective imo the problem is there is no fool proof wat to distinguish the bad from the good rice eaters hahahaha

damn! at least u were trying to b friendly. i have had some asian chicks downright b nasty, lol one time this girl thought i was looking at her man hahah. meanwhile i was trying to make sure i was going to get hit in the head with his flailing arms, lmao.

on the real though why do the older men go? so funny i saw this guy doing tai chi or something at the satoshi party about a month ago. he looked like he was enjoying himself though, lol.

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