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Your veiws on abortion?

I am all for it

the topic of this thread is not necessarily why

but family values are necessary

it is sad to see a child without caring parents

If both parents are around the child will grow up normal just like me...


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro...

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first of all i think your anything but normal, but then again what is "normal".

condoms can prevent pregnancy but since most don't like it, there are still other alternatives. like birth control. my ex used to drop, and this can also be birth control.

as for abortion you have to do what you think is right.

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I'm absolutely sure that I will be the only one hear to say it but I honestly feel abortion is wrong. I know and have seen too much about it. It has been medically proven that it is not "a blob of flesh". If you get yourself knocked up you should have enough balls to own up to it and be responsible instead of running away and being selfish. As far as raising the kid. No on said you have to, adoption. Anyway, I did get myself knocked up at 16 and had my son at 17. He is now 11 and we are best friends. He is the best arguement against abortion.

One last thing,

How can democrats be for abortion (death of an innocent child) but against the death penalty (death of a guilty murderer, rapist, child molester)?? Can anyone please explain that one to me??

oh yeah, by the way, politics sucks. Let's not drag this thread out too long.

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Originally posted by Calyandra:

Im pro choice and freaking Bush better not be elected...I may even register to vote....grrr....republicans suck!!


No offense but "grrr....republicans suck!!" is exactly the typical ignorant remark I expected from a leftist uneducated liberal, especially one who is not registered to vote. Not all Republicans are pro-life & pro-choice, do you research before you generalize people and or political parties. Have a nice day.


In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing.

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Shit tell you the truth abortion is not on top of my list on who I am voting for...(it's just that abortion is such a big issue in America)

after watching the Republican Convention yesterday

Dick and Bush don't look that bad

nothing more funnier than to watch 60-70 year old people cheer for a canidate at this convention it's like they were a 5 year old girl cheering for Brittney Spears


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro...

[This message has been edited by gonzojournilist (edited 08-03-2000).]

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Originally posted by gene2k:

No offense but "grrr....republicans suck!!" is exactly the typical ignorant remark I expected from a leftist uneducated liberal, especially one who is not registered to vote. Not all Republicans are pro-life & pro-choice, do you research before you generalize people and or political parties. Have a nice day.

I meant to type pro-life & pro-church, my mistake.


In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing.

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist:

gene yes not all republicans are against abortions

but most are

especially the one's that are elected

I agree, I'm not defending them in anyway, eventhough I do think they are the lesser of the 2 evils we have to choose from, I'm voting libertarian, the less government influence I have in my life the better.


In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing.

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No matter what, if abortion is allowed or not there will be abortions.

You can chose that it's allowed and abortion is made in clean medical condition and there isn't too much consequences or it's not allowed and girls will get abortions in dirty place with some old women putting a coat hanger inside of them to get the baby the hell out of there and the girls might get sick, never be able to get other babies anymore or even die.

What do you chose? They're sinners, let them die or help them?

If you think abortion is not right don't do it. Also educate people how to not get pregnant in the first place, give them easy accessibility to birth control (Yay! free condoms!)

I'm not a girl so I will never have the final word on this, the final word belongs to our sisters.


Joël S.

[This message has been edited by JoelS (edited 08-03-2000).]

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Being in Philly right now and seeing all this shit first hand I can say that I hate Republicans worse then ever. Second of all I think I hate all these hippie-protesters even more, there nothing more then common vandals. I see all this shit right outside my office window. I am however pro-choice, I just think it saves the lives of everyone around the child and saves the child from a miserable life. Also, the Mumia-Abu Jamal people should be locked up themselves.

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on the abortion tip, why wouldnt you let the woman make the choice? how many more kids that their parents dont want and dont want to take care of do you want roaming this earth?

as far as politics go, both parties stand for the same shit, and that's to get elected more effeciently than the other party and control the most powerful government on the planet.


deez nuts

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I am Libertarian and pro-choice, and the two presidential elections I was able to vote in I voted Libertarian rather than for Bush or Dole, but this time I think I will break down and vote for one of the major parties. Democrats are just off my list because they seem to want to interfere in my life too much and I don't believe that the government is a solution for anything. And partly because Bush doesn't seem that bad, and partly because Gore does seem so bad, I am planning to vote for W this time. Also, I was so pissed off about the bombing of Yugoslavia, which was so wrong and unjustified, but that's another subject. If I was more to the left politically, I would certainly vote for Nader over Gore, because he's just so pathetic.

Just my $.03


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You can’t force anyone to be a parent... I’d rather see girls terminating their pregnancy, rather the dropping kids in dumpsters, or flushing them down the toilet..... It’s obvious that many girls get pregnant, even though the all know about birth control and condoms, so this is an inevitable result, weather everyone agrees or not.

I also can't see how anyone can make it "illegal".. It is one's choice to decide how they want to handle the situation, not the whole worlds.... you can be "pro-life" but that is YOUR personal choice. Also, you can't make such a great decision unless you yourself have been put in a situation to make such a decision. I know people that always swore that they would never have an abortion, until they got pregnant…. Having a baby isn’t like buying a pair of sneakers, you cant change your mind and return it.

It’s so hard to survive in this world and be a successful individual, (I know I am going to get bashed for saying this but… wink.gif if I knew my child was going to be severely handicapped for mental disabled, I would terminate the pregnancy. I don’t think it would be fair to the child to make it suffer in today’s world. You can talk about technology etc etc…. you and I both know how people are treated in this world with handicaps. It’s hard to get along in the world being a well-minded, healthy human.

You can bring up adoption, but that’s not for everyone – and you can’t tell other people what’s right and wrong for them. I just think people need to attend to their own issues, and stop worrying about what other people are doing…. It’s not the government’s problem, so why do they get to make all the rules??

--- being in philly, I f**king hate the republicans too! ---

[This message has been edited by nikilina (edited 08-03-2000).]

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I'm a pro-choice conservative. I can never understand when conservatives are anti-abortion and pro-death penalty and liberals are pro-choice and anti-death penalty. What?! It's ok to kill in one instance and not in the other? Odd way of thinking.

I'm anti-big government so I'd never vote Democrat or Liberal.


"I love the things that we should fear"

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I am anti-abortion except for in special circumstances . . . B2B, we seem to share similar views . . .

like rape for instance - if a girl is raped, there is NO reason on earth for her to keep the baby . . . there have been psychological studies done on women and the way they treat their children if they were conceived under unusual circumstances (such as if they had divorced their husband since time of conception, rape, had a difficult pregnancy, etc) - and the results showed child abuse, and neglect. Some of the mothers ended up hating the child, and that is understandable to me.

What if you are raped at the age of, say 15? You have your whole life ahead of you, yet now because so asshole needed to assault you, you have to live with the misery? Carry the child of a man you'll never know? Try to support a child at the age of 15, when you're still a child yourself? that's insane.

How could you be forced to look at that child every day? What about when the child grows up, and is curious about where it's father is? How do you explain, "YOUR FATHER FUCKED ME AND RAN"? that's terrible. What if the child has birth defects because the rapist was a crack addict, or was HIV positive??

i also find abortion okay in circumstances where medical conditions are concerned - like if doctors know the mother will die unless she terminates the pregnancy, then it's fair. If the doctors are almost positive that the baby will not survive the term, then why make it suffer to miscarry? If the child will be born with disease and birth defects, that will later on be fatal, and the mother wants to abort the fetus, let her.

It is ultimately the mother's choice of whether she can make the life of the child something that is worthwhile . ..

I agree with Joel - there will be abortions no matter what. Women should be entitled to clean, safe medical facilities, and licensed doctors.


"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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Brandie... it's because we had good parents icon7.gif

Back to the rape issue in Ireland the catholic church has made sure abortion is not legal. There was a case last year where a girl was raped and th church insisted she had the baby. Now this was a terrible rape (they all are but this was very bad) the girl tryed to kill herself 3 times and eventually had to come to the UK (after months of legal rangling).

I cannot except any argument that say this is morely right.. sorry.

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No matter how you slice it, the ultimate decision is in the hands of the mother-to-be. And as far the future presidents thoughts on the subject, it does not matter. Right now we have a liberal Supreme Court that will not overturn any previous rulings. People can talk all they want about this, morally this country went down the tubes long before Roe-V-Wade, it is a right of a person to decide what best suits their health.

I was faced with this once, and I never want to do it again. As far as I am concerned all life is sacred, from flies to flesh to your two feet. Going against that killed a part of me that is now lost forever. But we made the choice not to have, it and I have to live with a constant wondering of possible outcomes and situations, but at the moment we didn't feel responsible enough to raise a child the way we knew we had to.

Don't try a man unless you have walked in his shoes.


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