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tips for men

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since i go clubbing every weekend i thought i might point out somethings you guys are doing right or wrong.

1.if a girl starts moving away when you try to dance with her-this means she doesn't want to dance with you, so don't follow her please.

2.while dancing if your bold enough to touch a girl don't grab her body so roughly(your not wrestling with her but). a girl likes a more gentle touch.warning-you should only touch if your feeling good vibes.

3.i personally don't like it when i'm walking past a guy and he grabs my arm and pulls me aggressively towards him.especially if i haven't even given him eye contact.to make matters worse he insists on not letting me go.

i can probably go on forever talking about this subject but other girls here might have some interesting tips to add.

it would also be cool if some guys get involved and give us some tips.

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Originally posted by glowdancer:

since i go clubbing every weekend i thought i might point out somethings you guys are doing right or wrong.

1.if a girl starts moving away when you try to dance with her-this means she doesn't want to dance with you, so don't follow her please.

2.while dancing if your bold enough to touch a girl don't grab her body so roughly(your not wrestling with her but). a girl likes a more gentle touch.warning-you should only touch if your feeling good vibes.

3.i personally don't like it when i'm walking past a guy and he grabs my arm and pulls me aggressively towards him.especially if i haven't even given him eye contact.to make matters worse he insists on not letting me go.

i can probably go on forever talking about this subject but other girls here might have some interesting tips to add.

it would also be cool if some guys get involved and give us some tips.

hahahahahah ....LMFAO ..that was good



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Tips for Chics

1. Don't wear tiny lil' tight outfits if your body does not fit in it ...(u know what i mean ... and u know who u are)

2. Don't wear tiny lil' tight outfits if your there with your boyfriend ...(its not fair for the single guys)

3. Don't wear tiny lil' tight outfits & expect not to get harassed ...

4. Always smile when smiled at ...

5. Always make sure you have a cute friend with you

6. Always say hi and give PEP a kiss when ever you see him ...

" ... aSk BeAvIs, i gEt nOthInG BuTT-hEaD"

[This message has been edited by frankie_pep (edited 08-02-2000).]

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i came out with the best line this past weekend...

this freak was trying to talk to me, being a dork he askes "hey wanna call me or something!?" .. so i say to him "hey can u smell my perfume...he's says yes it smells good - what is it?? i said it's called LEAVE ME ALONE!" his jaw dropped, feeling stupid as about 5 others guys laughed at him, and walked about mumbling what a bitch i am..... oh well! he'll survive!

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now that was some funny shit....

well i'm not bragging or nothing, but i don't seem to have troubles touching the ladies(gently) and groovin w/them. maybe yer just not a very open person or maybe i'm completely wrong and some juicehead tried hittin on ya and nearly ripped yer arm off. i don't know i wasn't there. for the brutal gents out there though ease up...but on the other hand girls can give off false vibes at times too. and wait a second...everyone in the club is not in their right form of mind so what the hell do you really expect. hell i was grind on the girl who sells cigs walking around in the club. she gave me an look like what the ...and i smiled at her and smacked her lil' bootie and said don't be angry with me...and she said she wasn't chuckled and walked away. later she came by again bumping me w/her hips n shit. hey!!!!!!! ladies!!!! and men the same. we are all (just about) out there for the same reason to hook up. ladies and you know who you are... don't front and lead someone on...

and fellas, fellas, fellas... easy with the touchy crap if ya aint got the touch cause ya spoil it for the handsome lookin dudes like me...hahaha

peace love and lots of parties

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Originally posted by nikilina:

i came out with the best line this past weekend...

this freak was trying to talk to me, being a dork he askes "hey wanna call me or something!?" .. so i say to him "hey can u smell my perfume...he's says yes it smells good - what is it?? i said it's called LEAVE ME ALONE!" his jaw dropped, feeling stupid as about 5 others guys laughed at him, and walked about mumbling what a bitch i am..... oh well! he'll survive!

...you little heartbreaker, you!



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Ok Ladies, what's the deal when you and the rest of your crew (guys and girls) are dancing close to us guys and then you keep getting closer and closer. I take that as a good sign, but then most of you never make eye contact. Is that just a game, do you enjoy teasing us like that, or am I just imagining things? Anyways, before anything happens you usually bolt with your crew. My point is, its a good thing not to do this if you aren't interested.

Tight little outfits shouldn't invite harrassment but they definitley should invite alot of looks, second looks, third looks, etc... eek2.gif .

If you have a bf, don't let that stop you from wearing your tight little outfits, but make sure your bf doesn't get mad when guys are checking you out!

Finally, don't ask to use our lights, glowsticks, toys, etc., unless you know how to use them.



"...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and

controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible.

Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX

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1. Don't be dancing with a guy when you have a boyfriend and he has biceps the sizeof tree trunks and his roid rage kicks in overdrive.

2. If you came to dance with your boyfriend, don't be dancing with another guy.

3. Don't think that every guy that comes up to you is a jerk and wants "something" from you.

4. Stop wearing so much make up.

5. Don't try to dance if your in a K hole...it's no use...you're taking up valuable dance space.

6. Smile more often...they're free so give them away smile.gif


It's here today but it's gone tomorrow,

It's here today and today will never come again.


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1. if a girl comes with her man, by all means check her out if she looks good, but please don't touch!

2. girls don't think it's a turn-on to have her tits/ass grabbed as she walks by. have a little respect. you don't get ass that way!

3. guys, remember how much bigger you are than girls. so let the girls squeeze/walk by you without getting plummeled to the ground.

4. if it's a guys night-out, don't turn it into a sausage party and start jumping around knockin all the girls over. i HATE it when guys do this, and trust me, you'll have ALL the girls walking away in the other direction.

5. and don't grab glowsticks from a girl, try to show her a thing or two, inevitably suck, and then realize that the girl is MUCH better than you. smile.gif



*turn it around baby*

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okay everyone seems to agree that smiling is good. but this can also be a problem for friendly people like myself. i always smile at everyone and i can't be mean. one time this guy just wouldn't leave me alone. so i told him i was a lesbian. that made him back off a little. later on that night i get with this cute guy, and guess what. his friend was the one i dissed. i wonder if he told him the story. anyways, has this ever happened to anyone else, have you ever made up a lie to get people to back off.

oh by the way a smile isn't an invitation to anything, remember it's just a smile.

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Every girl I know will complain about being grabbed until some cute guy grabs them, and then they fall in love on the spot...

Personally, I don't grab, but it is true that it 'works', which is why it happens so much...

Blame your peers girls smile.gif

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I have used that "I am a lesbian" (or "I'm with her" pointing to one of my girl friends)line so many times when trying to get someone to back off of me..problem is..it usually makes the guys more excited!

There was actually one lesbian who would not back off me every time I would see her at Twilo..and it did get quite uncomfortable..oh well..what can ya do? I usually ended up moving somewhere else till I lost her..



Music is the answer...to your problems...:)...smoknjilly@aol.com

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Well first off, AllDay, not all of us are there to just get hooked up. A lot of us go to hear and dance to brilliant music. Hooking up is cool, and I've done it in the past, but its not the #1 priority by ANY means. With that out of the way...

Ladies, why do y'all sometimes eye a guy, dance close to him, but then move away when he makes a move. That doesn't happen often, but enough to raise my curiosity. Like playing hard to get? Or maybe those are girls not really into the scene and just there cuz its cool?

Yeah, it really sux (esp. when rolling) when you smile at someone and they don't smile back. Smiles are good - there's no need to be bitchy with first contact.

And as someone else mentioned, not all guys who come up to you and start talking are jerks, or perverts or just there to hook up. Y'all know how it is when you first come up on a roll...

On the positive side I have to say that women in our scene are mad cool compared to those in the commercial clubs. If for some reason I end up in one of those places, I don't even make an attempt to talk to anyone...its just not worth it.


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I actually told some very unattractive girl this weekend that wouldnt that my friends fiance was my fiance and showed the engagement ring to her. It worked well. She was butt, and she actually told me she used to be a go-go dancer, yeah right!

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Jilly, i know a lot of guys do get excited when you tell them that. I've also had lesbians that wouldn't back off, i think exit is dl gay night on sat, i had so many girls trying to hit on me, that i'll never go back on a sat.

so guys how can we nicely say to back off, that we're not interested.

i think one of the worst things a guy did to me was pull me by the hair when i was walking away from him. hello i'm not a cavewoman. muscle guys need to relax.

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If you're not interested, the best way to say no, is just to tell him that you're not interested. If he still insists on hitting on you, then you just have to tell him more firmly (leave no doubt in his mind). If a girl told me twice or more that she's not ineterested, then I would definitely back away with a "nice to meet you". If the guy's still persistent after that, then he deserves whatever you give him.

What really sux and pisses of many guys is when the girl just jumps to that last stage...something like that is so unbelievably irritating.

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Guest chinagirl

Hey ravermania sometimes that works, but when the guy is really really wasted a girl can be as firm as they want the guy still ends up yelling at you and calling you a bitch or worse. I had some guys call me some pretty bad things when i got annoyed and they would not leave me alone. do you have any more advice.

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chinagirl, i know all of us girls go through the same shit. sometimes we use the, i have a boyfriend line but that doesn't seem to work either. maybe saying your married might work but who knows. not only that but i'm only 5 ft tall and i feel so tiny next to those huge 6ft tall muscle guys. i'll admit it i'm attracted to good looking built guys but if they're to aggressive it's a turn off. so you guys should think it might not be your looks turning girls away it's probably the way your approaching them.

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eggmok.. haha, tips for asian girls, huh? smile.gif


i think all ravers, GENERALLY, dance this way? besides, i would rather people dance around hardcore than to do bumpin-n-grindin to electronic music. what the heck is that about? confused.gif


ok, i don't get this one! explain! wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

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Here's what I think....

No matter how hard a man tries to impress a woman, be faithful, kind, loving, respectful.....a woman will never be satisfied, plain and simple.

Some women do not know what they want and I'm afraid to say, are immature. I'm not saying all women are, but some....


It's here today but it's gone tomorrow,

It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM


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First, let me let you know, I have a g/f,

she wears the hottest clothes in whatever club we're in. She always looks amazing. Guys hit on her, and thats cool with me. She usually introduces them to me and I'm friends with some of them today.

What everyone needs to realize is that a club is not environment in which the girls have all the control and the guys are all "after the girls". Most of the girls we meet in the clubs seem to have noses up in the air with no reason for it. I've seen guys offer to buy drinks for a girl that she just was rude to him for no other reason than "he's a guy".

Its time to realize that the girls want to hook up just as much as the guys.

When the girls and guys start respecting each other the same and stop putting the sexual part of it as the number one issue, EVERYONE will have a much better time.

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well first off.... raver_mania at what point did my two cents lead you to believe i was in this just to hook up? i mean really bro or sis whatever gender you might be. i too am in it for the music, however i can't help the fact that i am a man, and love,love,love,love women. they are the most beautiful,loving,caring and precious creatures. so with that in mind and some hot lookin sweetie wearing latex,pvc, whatever sexy...walks by and she smiles at me ...i'm sorry but i'm not gonna let her go by w/o saying something or just a slight touch on the arm or something. i hooked up with this honey at twilo for the first time ever, but i didn't take her home and take advantage of her or nuttin... we danced and laughed n shit n she came home w/me. next day i took her home. but whatever you go out just for the music though and enjoy cause no matter what...while ya'll sit here complaining about shit i'm enjoying it. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! SASHA IS KING!!!!

[This message has been edited by allday420_2000 (edited 08-02-2000).]

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