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CDs Vs. Records

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This is a topic I've seen DJs/people fight over for hours ... on which was better and more professional ... I'm personally a die hard vinyl fan but I'll play a CD if the track is hot ...Its all about the track you play & how its mixed into the other not what you play it on ... I very seldom buy records now ...I get everything via FTP for free as to when I didn't have any computer knowledge I was spending $200 a week on records. Now I spend maybe $20 at the most a week on wax ... Its great cause I get most shit before its released ... also w/ CDs I can edit the track to my liking, remix or make my own track to play without going through a record label or any bullshit ... the American DJs are real big on mixing CDs , when i went overseas I so maybe one Dj use a CD and it was David Morales (american) ...well actually i think i saw Oaky sneak a CD on as well ... But in the end there is nothing wrong with using CDs ... its cheaper,easier & more compact ...

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Record, records, record all the way bang on a C.D then the vinyl version and vinyl is has a richer sound. If your going to mix CD's then the hardware will almost do it for you now.. in a few years it will plan your set, mix the records and shag the groupies for you!!

[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 08-07-2000).]

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Ehh, a DJ's job is a) to select the tunes, B) mix the records. Why should we be making it easier?

If any DJ mixes solely on CD's I will not go to see them play. I have no respect for CDJ's I have tried it, it's just so simple. Besides you can't get white labels on CD, no record labels mailing list is on CD.

The only time I don't mind it is if it is a dub plate (on CD) just because if they can get you that tune earlier on CD then ok (and it's cheaper).

And it's the smell of vinyl.

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Vinyl is way better then cd.. Only use cds to listen to in the car.. Your supposed to be supporting the record labels by purchasing the vinyl.. I understand using the cds until the final product is released, but then you should be purchasing the vinyl.. But hey, your only spinning in your bed room right?? So I guess it doesnt really matter.. smile.gif


Hit My Damn Music...

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Use both!

With Vinyl you can scratch. Vinyl has a warmer sound (but I don't think you hear the warmness in a club)

Vinyl are easier to handle directly. (You cannot touch directly a cd)

You can make loops with most of the cdj players (you need extra equipment with vinyl)

You have at least +/-16% on cdplayers, (+/- 32% on tascam.) you can pitch the speed without pitching the sound on most cd players (you need extra equipment to do that on vinyl) You can burn your own cds with your productions or friends' productions. (but you can have vynil dub-plates too, it's just a little more expensive)

Personnally, I prefer vinyl but I use both, I think it's too bad to use only cds but to each his own.

I don't give a damned what the dj is using as long as he moves me.

MP3 is lossy compression! The sound is crappier than on real cd or vinyl. MP3 djs are cheap djs, an MP3 dj may move me but I'll go see him with a bad a-priori.


Joël S.

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Frankie can't wait till you produce your owns tracks, make no money, get fucked by the label, then can't afford studio time anymore cause you made no money from the label cause your track didn't sell, unless of course you let them buy the track from you and in this industry you don't get whopping amounts of money from selling the record...unless you get into the remix arena...anyhow...your killing the industry by undercutting it, just like Tranza said support the artists who move you...cause otherwise they won't be able to survive...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:

Frankie can't wait till you produce your owns tracks, make no money, get fucked by the label, then can't afford studio time anymore

The wait is over ... I make my own tracks, I make no money and I have my own studio ... LIKE I SAID, ITS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY ...I got enough $ .. FUCK MONEY... you spend your whole life trying to get it and in the end you can't take it with you ... whats the point?

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Name one of your tracks that his been distribute on a major or independent house label...not all producers are as fortunate as you to be able to produce and not make money for some it is their living...and I dunno what kind of studio your talking about but I'm not talking about your bedroom or basement...You don't understand what I'm saying obviously, by not purchasing the music your are undercutting the producers who do survive off producing...they make no money and can't afford to produce anymore because studio time for those who don't have their own is quite expensive...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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HEY, I totally understand u and where your coming from ... but u mean to tell me if you got a track before it was released and u played it and when it was released on a label ..that you would run out and buy it?

I support anything and everthing that has to do with this culture .. i ain't trying to take nobodies food off their table but what do you and everyone else expect us to do when we can access any and all songs at any given time through the computer for FREE!!!??? oh, I know ,go out and buy it ... yeah right

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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:

Name one of your tracks that his been distribute on a major or independent house label...not all producers are as fortunate as you to be able to produce and not make money for some it is their living...and I dunno what kind of studio your talking about but I'm not talking about your bedroom or basement...You don't understand what I'm saying obviously, by not purchasing the music your are undercutting the producers who do survive off producing...they make no money and can't afford to produce anymore because studio time for those who don't have their own is quite expensive...

Mac it's not even worth getting into this with an air head like Pep.. He's been djing and producing all these years, and he made it no where.. He knows it all, thats all that matters.. rolleyes.gif


Hit My Damn Music...

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Originally posted by frankie_pep:

The wait is over ... I make my own tracks, I make no money and I have my own studio ... LIKE I SAID, ITS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY ...I got enough $ .. FUCK MONEY... you spend your whole life trying to get it and in the end you can't take it with you ... whats the point?

HAHA.. If you have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much money, whats the big deal if buy records every week??


Hit My Damn Music...

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Oh,whatever, TRANZA a.k.a DT's lil BUTT SLUT,

AIRHEAD? Thats all u could think of?

And how do you know where or if I've made it? u don't know me ... cause if ya did you wouldn't be talking shit


me and mac were just engaging in a lil discussion, thats all ...

I said I have ENOUGH money not SOOOOOOOOO much i can just blow on wax every week ....

[This message has been edited by frankie_pep (edited 08-07-2000).]

[This message has been edited by frankie_pep (edited 08-07-2000).]

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Originally posted by tranza:

HAHA.. If you have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much money, whats the big deal if buy records every week??

UUUMMMM ... i don't know, MORON ... MAYBE cuz I get em for FREE and I don't have to go anywhere ... did u read what i wrote?

[This message has been edited by frankie_pep (edited 08-07-2000).]

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Originally posted by frankie_pep:

Oh,whatever, TRANZA a.k.a DT's lil BUTT SLUT,

AIRHEAD? Thats all u could think of?

And how do you know where or if I've made it? u don't know me ... cause if ya did you wouldn't be talking shit


me and mac were just engaging in a lil discussion, thats all ...

LOL.. If you were anybody worth knowing, I would have heard about you.. Your a NOBODY and you will NEVER be anybody.. Your another loser wanna be dj, thats has no future.. You should take all your money and jump off a bridge.. Dork..

I'll talk as much shit as I want kid.. You certainly arent gonna do anything about it..


Hit My Damn Music...

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this has nothing to do with the above "discussion", but i'll have to throw my vote in for vinyl. i'm a complete beginner turntablist, and mixing vinyl is hella harder than with cd's/mp3's (in my opinion). i prefer dj's that work with wax b/c i'm amazed with the skill level. (howevz, i think spinning hip-hop/reggae/slower beats is harder than w/ most electronica, or maybe i'm just a battle-dj junkie/wannabe smile.gif)

this is probably a stupid question, but i know that you can burn digital files into cd's, but can you actually burn onto wax? i have a feeling the technology probably exists, but is it anywhere near economically feasible? (....and no, i'm not silly enough to start wholesale bootlegging wax; i just have a bunch of trax that either don't exist on wax or are outta print/ridiculously obscure.....)


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Time to crakc the knuckles and get to work.

MAC, a bedroom or basementr studio is jsut as valid as a "professional" one. MAny producers are going strictly protools these days with perhaps a few outboard filters for compression, add some warmth, etc. A friend of mine has every roland analog but the 909, a few old roland synths, 32 channel board-----all in his apt. Are you telling me that he does not have the gear to produce?.

I respect msot of your opinions, btu you are a tad offbase on this. Studio time is expensive because most producers don't know what they are doing. I know you read the dj zines. Pay attention to the articels on interviewing producers and their studios. Some of them lok like fire hazards! Even still, a creative mind does not need a high dollar studio.

Labels are irrelevant. You could come out witha slamming track that has a few samples you can't clear. I plan on using some vocals samples that I'm sure I'd never get to clear. The music would be all mine, but the lyrics and voices would be someone elses. Rather than messing with a lawsuit for such grubbery I could press copies and sell them cheap. Or I could could come up with a totally original track that is ahead of its time and no label thinks it can make a buck.

It's all about the music, not whicjh label signed your trck for distribution.

Pep, man are u missing the point. There is not much money made on proper dance music. How many copies sell for a track to be considered a big success, 10K? I think the boy bands sell more than that at virgin megastore when they show up. Most of the producers out there make their living off of djing not selling records. Burning their tracks from the web IS stealing. it's the same as if someone stole a shipment of vinyl and started giving them out in an alley. Are they good to demo a track for yourself with? Sure. I've found a few tracks on napster that I had to have. Not only did I get a cleaner version of the song (compression does suck and I can hear the diff on the stereo in my room), but I got a diff mix on the flip! You don't get any satisfaction that you are preserving an artform?

DJing should not be about the money, but certainly not about fame either. C'mon, all you're doing is playing someone else records.

I can tell the diff between vinyl and cd o na clean sound system. Vinyl is the one that goes pop!

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Originally posted by prettyboy99:

this is probably a stupid question, but i know that you can burn digital files into cd's, but can you actually burn onto wax? i have a feeling the technology probably exists, but is it anywhere near economically feasible?

I actually just read a article about a system that somebody is coming out with. It uses a 1200 base and there is this contraption that hooks up to it that will "groove" a record from any source. It's way too expensive now, at least a couple of thousand...

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I never said you couldn't produce out of your apartment, but i dont consider it a studio, i have all my eqipment in my apartment also, i can do all the pre production i want in my aparment i want but i dont consider it a studio, you still need to go to the studio for mixdown and mastering...and at a studio you get wide variety of options for changing your track...more so than what you have in your apartment i would assume...and i never said it was about money or fame, im in it for the love of the music and making people happy...but i support the producers/dj's/artists who produce tracks where i can, i often buy two copies of a track even if i get 1 of them promo, or have it on cd, id much rather have vinyl then cd, i will rock cd's when neccessary and that's about it, the sound quality isn't there yet in the low end frequencies...and for the most part the are mp3's which are compressed sound and are not as good quality...I lost my train of thought because my phone rang...later



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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I have to agree with ILL HOUSE YOU, producers, unfortunatly (espesially with starting out,) have a tuff time of it.. and that final bit of studio time needed to polish your track is toooooo expensive.

Makes me laugh how Tranza always comes in with the same line to protect you though,LOL.

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