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Daily News Article about GHB

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Did anybody see today's article in the Daily News about GHB? Good read.....and in the article that mentioned about the med student who died at Twilo. It seems they now think that he overdosed on G....probably in combo with other stuff. Never in a trillion years would I screw around with that shit.

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I've heard some serious stories about GHB and no way would I ever try it. A few months back we were on line for EXIT and there was this girl with her boyfriend in front of us. They were talking to us and told us that they were on GHB. The girl was taling to us totally normal and then all of the sudden she started shaking like crazy and acting nothing like she was originally. Her boyfriend started screaming at her and telling her to straighten up because he's been waiting for over an hour to get in. The girl collapsed to the floor and seems to be going thorugh some sort of convulsions. She couldnt stand on her own nor talk. The bouncer had to come over and pick her up and put her in a cab. He told the guy to go come and take care of his girl. Just from seeing that, Ill never touch that crap. It can kill you and no drug is worth taking if it will take your life!

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Oh yea by the way, I dont doubt that the med student who dies at Twilo died of GHB. When I saw the Channel 4 news they said...."At this time we are unsure if he dies of ecstacy of another drug." That there tells me it must have been something else either alone or mixed with E

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From my understanding it comes in original form and people who work out and lit take it to give them energy. It speeds up your heart a lot. I may be wrong but I beleive Im on the right track. As for feelings and so forth...Not a clue. But I can find out

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Word to the wise...stay away from it.

A pin-drop amount more than you should have..and you will go into an epileptic type fit just as MissKittie described above..

Plus..if you start taking it all the time (many people do) it is highly addictive..some info sources deny this..but it really is..

Best advice...just stay away from it smile.gif

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ghb is actually a very safe drug, and actually has medical benefits to the human body. its actually an amino acid which naturally occurs in your body. what it does is forces you into rem sleep, which is the deep sleep where you dream and releive stress and actually rest your mind and body. this explains people passing out when on ghb. in the past doctors tried to use it as an anasthetic, but that didnt work out because it doesnt desensitize your nervous system. basically you're knocked out but you still feel pain if someone's knifing into you. it was used to treat insomniacs, and very effectively i might add. i myself am a prime example of that. its also a mood enhancer, and was tried out as an antidepresent. bodybuilders used it for a while, and ghb got associated with growth hormones. this is a total fallicy. the only reason it got associated with growth hormones cause the name ghb, and use by bodybuilders, this buzz traveled around the bodybuilding community that is increases your growth hormones. the reason bodybuilders used it was becase they can work out, drink g, get 4 hours of solid rem sleep, and its as if they slept for 2 days. this repaired their muscles torn from working out at a much faster pace. thus, they can workout, sleep, wake up and workout again, and its as if they rested 2 days inbetween. thus they basically doubled their workout regimen without suffering any negative consequences.

now, the negatives of ghb. it supresses your breathing and lowers your heartrate while under the influence of it, just asit would while you sleep. thus, when mixing with other drugs that have adverse effects on your heart and lungs, there's a distinct possibility that something might shutdown and kill you. that is the biggest danger of ghb. if you're foolish enough to rip some speed and your heart's going 8million mph, and u swig a shot of g which starts to slow it down, that bastard might be too confused to go slow or fast, he might just shut down.

also people who mix k with g are at a grave danger, as k impedes your breathing by sedating you, and some g on top of that might just shut your lungs down. so it certainly is a drug which shouldnt even really be considered a drug, but its very volatile when mixed. another thing is dosage. the dosage is also very sensitive. once teaspoon might have you feelin great, but then another 1/10 of a teaspoon on top might just make you pass out. and also, whn you do too much g your body will regect it after a certain point, and you'll start throwing up. but if by that point you've already passed out from the g, you man vomit internally and choke yourself to death.

so bottom line is this, dont fuck with it unless you know all aspects and details of it, and certainly dont do it the first time i a club while on other drugs. if you want to try it, do a small dose late in the evening, you will prolly get nice off it for a while, and then pass out into the deepest sleep you've had in a long time. and when you wake up from g sleep you feel amazingly refreshed, cuz on a normal 8 hr sleep one gets maybe 2 hrs of rem sleep, and it decreases as you get older. so 4 hrs of straight rem sleep is like sleeping 2 days straight.

disclaimer:i'm not recommending ghb to anyone, but if you're gonna try it, do it in a controled environment first with people who can watch over you. dont go to a club and do shots of if while you're already mangled on bombs and k and god knows whatelse.


deez nuts

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I don't want to diss on you since I don't know you, but I have to say that it's a bit stupid to think that because some news reporter who obviously didn't know the details of the story because they hadn't come out yet mentioned E "or another drug" to look like he had a clue what he was talking about, that you would think that it means he was on E. This is exactly how E gets such a bad name, and people think it's as dangerous now as coke or heroin. This news reporter thinks death in a club=E without knowing what he's talking about, and you who as a clubber should know better even believe in this s&%t. Unless you take something that is not at all E or you take it with antideppressants, E does not kill people. GHB kills people if they combine it with other drugs, especially alcohol, but E doesn't kill people.

This is a perfect but sad example of how the media hysterics get people to believe that E is going to kill every suburban child in the country as they now seem to.



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pooh -> some very good points, repeat after me.."say KNOW to drugs".....

Where I used to live we used to play with GHB before we'd go out, we found it quite silly (like lets pile cushions down the bottom of the stairs and slide face down)....my overindulging friend naturally had one shot too many and had a nap.....

the effect was kinda similar to alcahol, I definitely would not want to use it in a club....have a play @ home(a couple of drops in a shot of water) but wait a couple of hours before indulging in anything else!

Similarly to Ketamine ppl run into problems by completely overdoing, and it's not known as Grievous Bodily Harm for nothing!


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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everyone is saying GHB is bad stuff, but didn't we all hear this about pot, E, coke, alcohol, K, or whatever our choice of substance may be? and we went along and tried it anyway?

so my point is, people are going to try GHB, whether or not they are knowledgable of its good/bad effects. so there is no use in saying don't mess with that shit and think it would help, but rather point people in the right path, give them solid advice, so they can make an informative decision.

i really commend p00h, boa_boy, rzzl, etc. for taking time out to take that stance. i have considered trying GHB and i haven't b/c of my lack of knowledge on it, and furthermore, i don't plan on (so don't jump my bones and call me a crackhead smile.gif ). but i can't say that for the next person.

johnb is also right; you can't believe the hype. researching substances doesn't just have to end in the internet; there are books, medical journals, articles that you can find even more detailed info about substances before you use.

be careful people. i'll get off my soap box now. smile.gif

ps. can anyone else post more websites with information about GHB, just to aid those interested, or to even inform those that don't know anything about it?



*turn it around baby*

[This message has been edited by kitty19 (edited 08-08-2000).]

[This message has been edited by kitty19 (edited 08-08-2000).]

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I was gonna say the same thing. When this first came out you had oh so many members crying and lecturing about how bad E is. Now you're going to have 1001 people yelling and screaming about how bad ghb is. All this because the media said so.

Give me a break. Although, I don't ever see myself doing ghb or even trying it . . . the drug just intimadates me, I don't think people should just start saying "ghb is bad!" "ghb is crazy." "ghb is horrible."

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? Instead of making bold statements, go find out what it does and explain why you THINK it's bad.



I would rather have 15 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.

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Blue angel...

I answered your question above...but I will answer it again...

"why do I think GHB is bad"


1)"The girl was taling to us totally normal and then all of the sudden she started shaking like crazy and acting nothing like she was originally. The girl collapsed to the floor and seems to be going thorugh some sort of convulsions. She couldnt stand on her own nor talk." Yes..if you take a pin drop size too much this will happen..epileptic type episodes where you can not rouse the person no matter what! Some people also get violent when this happens...I have seen it soooo many times and it is quite frightening!!

2) If you start taking it all the time..it can be addicting!

Yes..if you are VERRRRRRY anal about your dose you may be able to avoid these things from happening..but you know what..I have never..ever come across a person who is that careful. Plus..one cap..which may be a "dose" for you..is waaaay too much for other people.

I was just trying to say..from someone who has seen it all...that the good is NOT WORTH all the bad that can happen. This had nothing to do with the media..it has to do with what I have seen with my own eyes..and has scared the shit out of me.

Thats all.

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