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post-christmas review


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so, how was everyone's christmas? was it oodles of fun? did you drink egg nog by the fire and curl up with the family dog? did you have a little heart-to-heart with santa as he complimented your homemade cookies? did your glimmering christmas tree leave people speechless with its unparalleled glory? did you kiss your sweetie under the mistletoe, pretending it was your very first all over again?

or did your grandfather seem just one year - and maybe his last - closer to death? did your stepfather get violent and nearly break the cracking stained glass door every time he slammed it? did your aunt get wasted off brandy and start verbally abusing all the children? did your hearing-impaired great-uncle insist on blasting alvin and the chipmunks' "greatest" christmas hits on a loop till your ears really did bleed?

i'll say i survived mine. i did get a lot of thoughtful things, though, and i enjoyed giving my family and friends things, too. as commercial as it can be these days, i like the idea of giving something to those important in my life.

tomorrow is my b'day and i'm gonna have a dinner party w/ the fam and some other friends. it should be nice; they're people i don't get to see except once/twice a year. and my first pregnant friend will be there; i can't wait to see her :eek: ! i'm having a blue (my favorite color) cake; it should be fun.

do tell about your xmases!!! how was it? what did you get?

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None of my buddies have gotten pregnant yet :(
i saw her tonight and it was trippy... it's so weird to me to think that her life and our relationship will never be the same. and at our dinner party, i didn't know what to get her to drink, as she couldn't have alcohol. she's legally blind, too; i wonder how she's going to be able to care for an infant in the beginning, on her own, as she says she's taking time off work but that she'll be alone w/ the baby during the day for the first weeks.
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Honey, your friend should be just fine. So much about raising children is by intuition and heart. If baby is fussy, she'll hear. If baby is sick she'll feel the fever, hear the boogies, cough, and trouble breathing. If it is and emergency, that also can be felt or heard. And like most blind people I'am sure she can get to a phone. For all other reasons learning CPR is imperrative in the care of children, and that goes for all parents blind or sighted. Your a good friend to be so concerned. :)

As for my Xmas I worked Sat, Sun, and Mon. So I came home ate a tamale with my mommy, watched a movie and went to bed. I am gone from 6am to 815pm when I work. Gosh, I hope that Xmas you were describing about the drunk abusive people wasnt about you. :( But it is unfortunate that there is people/children in this world that suffer through that.

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