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NEED INPUT: Bartending in Manhattan

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I am looking for suggestions about good places to apply for a bartending position in Manhattan. I just relocated to this area last Friday (Jan 19), and have no idea where to begin.

I don't care for a pretentious environment, and would prefer something laid back. I have mainly tended bar in dance clubs; however, I would also enjoy working in more of a personable atmosphere. Either one would be great. I love live music; rap, not so much, but I can deal; "regulars" at any place is always wonderful; working in a gay friendly atmosphere has proven the most fun for me in the past (where I worked was mainly gay men); vulgarity is a serious turnoff, but if it is a must, I have experience working in places like that.

If you have suggestions, please be specific. Remember I just moved here and the more information you give me the better off I will be. I appreciate you taking time to read this, and any suggestions you may have to offer!

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If your looking for where the popular gay bars/area is, yeah computerjockey is right, the Lower East Village and the Lower West Village are the best places to find.

If you want a good mix, SoHo has a bunch of bars, and there's always rotating bar tenders there.

If you want to make money... look anywhere from Mid-Town to Uptown.

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