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My pics are on Maxim Magazine Online!!


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Congratulations! Great lighting! If you know Photoshop, but I am sure they will do this before it goes to print.

1. Is good, stamp out the fat under her left arm, if you cropped it, show more of the hands. Colorburn her eyes to a more blue, she has beautiful eyes, though I know most of you guys are not looking at that ;)

2. Crop out her knee that is sneaking in on the left side, burn her eyes again to a blue, stamp out that yellow part of the bes that is showing in the back with a clone tool. (not the lighting, but the pillows)... burn her lips so they match her corset a little more. crop out that little peace of skin on the bottom. maybe higher the contast all over by 5-10%.

3. Dodge the shadow by only 10% by her "choot-cha". Select under her right arm facing us, take the channels and select black only, blur it by 10-20%, it looks a little stubby. You can see the slightest vein on her left boob facing us, you can just dodge that out slowly by 5%.

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with my critque, it has nothing to do how she looks... if that would go to print there would most def. be some touchup work and cropping.

No.. your critique was good. Good advice too..thanx. I shoot with a Nikon D80. The lighting is from an SB800 Digital Wireless flash (center) and 2 wireless softboxes (side and above). I shoot in RAW, then edit in Photoshop with lighting, skin, cropping, etc. I don't like to edit too much (ie.. remove extra skin,etc). I'm more about natural.

You can see more of what I did here: http://www.evanwashere.com//New/Thais-Favorites/ and http://www.evanwashere.com//New/Melissa3/ As well as the rest of my shoots: Http://www.evanwashere.com/new/mylife

My comment earlier was for all the judgemental people who want to pick on every single flaw. They see a pic of Carmen Electra and think she is perfect... This is what she looks like in real life: carmen.jpg 99.9999% of people have flaws. But our flaws is what makes us unique...so embrace them.. Or suck my dick.

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do you find a big diffrence with RAW? (this is a real question that I tried to put, but I am sure to expect some perverted comments from other cpers)

No.. your critique was good. Good advice too..thanx. I shoot with a Nikon D80. The lighting is from an SB800 Digital Wireless flash (center) and 2 wireless softboxes (side and above). I shoot in RAW, then edit in Photoshop with lighting, skin, cropping, etc. I don't like to edit too much (ie.. remove extra skin,etc). I'm more about natural.

You can see more of what I did here: http://www.evanwashere.com//New/Thais-Favorites/ and http://www.evanwashere.com//New/Melissa3/ As well as the rest of my shoots: Http://www.evanwashere.com/new/mylife

My comment earlier was for all the judgemental people who want to pick on every single flaw. They see a pic of Carmen Electra and think she is perfect... This is what she looks like in real life: carmen.jpg 99.9999% of people have flaws. But our flaws is what makes us unique...so embrace them.. Or suck my dick.

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do you find a big diffrence with RAW? (this is a real question that I tried to put, but I am sure to expect some perverted comments from other cpers)

HUGE. It's the best way to shoot. Shooting JPG, if your lighting, white balance and color is off, you are screwed. Shooting RAW, it shoots with all the different balances and data in one file... So, if I need to bring down the lighting, the data for that is there. Plus, it's lossless, so there is no compression loss of details.

The only bitch is that the file size of each picture is huge (12 MB for my Nikon) and you need to convert the file to edit it in Photoshop or bring it to the web. I use Adobe Bridge to fix the RAW details (I forgot to mention, that if I over crop or fuck up the lighting/colors, it doesn't permanently change the original file, but makes a text XML file that resides in the same folder). Then I can bring each file one by one into Photoshop, or run a image process and batch them all through.

Each shoot I do is about 1.000 pictures. It takes me days to edit them all (mostly cause I do it afterhours at home when I am free and watching TV and jerking off to cyberporn)...then 2-3 hours to process them through one photoshop filter and convert to JPG. It gets annoying when the model is on top of me asking for the picture to add to her Myspace page over and over right after I have taken the picture.

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