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kitty thats awsome

i can see bruce tearing up the dance floor now with strings.


ohhh to bad its in queens

i need something in the manhatten area


do you study any style?

does anyone else heer study?

i have taken a year of wu mui kungfu, a year of boxing, but goshdarnet i want jkd!!! or a kick ass wing chung or gung fu school would do for now




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I think the only reason why I can't seem to really be attracted to Bruce Lee is because he reminds me too much of my father. Same face, body, style of fighting . . . yea, too much like Daddy.

It really sucks.



I would rather have 15 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.

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Yeh i used to study Wing Chun for 4 years, gota brown belt, but it was getting to the stage where i had to study with Samual Quok which would have cost and i discovered this thing... called house.

I would recommend Wing Chun to anybody, it's a great style. Yip Man was incredible.

Check out http://www.wingchun.com/ you may find some info about a trainer in NY.

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hey alamo, too bad you aren't lookin to venture into queens.

there is also a wu tang gung fu school in flushing (not named after the hip hop group for those that don't know, i think it was the other way around). a highly respectable place.

i have friends that have taken gung fu, jujitsu, akido, and kumdo (korean stick-fighting), all in queens though, it's pretty cheap out here too.

i used to take tae kwon do for 3 years, like i mentioned earlier. i was pretty serious, i was training about 5 times a week. but those days have been over since i went away to college, i had to concentrate more on studying.

but i did enter tournaments (and won!), fought guys twice my size (i am a 5'5", 115 lb girl), bled, cried, sprained things, knuckles splitting, everything. i loved everyday of it, i can't wait to finish school and get back into training.

love the arts you studied, how long?



*turn it around baby*

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Being that my dad was extremely into martial arts and he only thad THREE daughters and NO sons . . . well, of course he had to push us into martial arts . . . Tae Kwon Do to be exact.

I didn't study much of it . . . it really wasn't my thing. I started when I was 10 and went into it til about 16. I stopped at brown belt-black tip. However, my older sister who studied it from 12 to like 25 is freakin' awesome! She really took it seriously too. She's a third degree and went into many competition too, so Kitty I know what you mean about bones breaking and bruising and stuff. My older sister who's about your size went through the same thing. My dad also made us study Judo as well.



I would rather have 15 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.

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Well it's purley a defensive martial art. It's based around the center line and balance. It is ideal for small people as it teaches you leverage. Weapons arn't tought until Black belt.

You know the wooden dummies you see in films? Well that is a Wing Chun dummy. Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun %80 of the moves you see him doing are Wing Chun.

It's a traditional art, unlike most techniques tought today. Some techniques are tought blindfold (Lap Sau, and sticky fingers!! lol).

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Eggmok, awwww . . . stop it! Don't you know compliments will get you everything! wink.gif

B2B, sooooo . . . Wing Chun is more of an offensive art, right?



I would rather have 15 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.

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Bruce Lee was the man. No one will ever compare to him. Jackie Chan kicks ass too, but like someone else said, he's a comedian. I think Jackie would be more of a clubber than Bruce. Give Jackie a couple of pills and bumps, he would be jumpin' of walls, literally. He'd be all over the place like Spider-Man. wink.gif

Fave Bruce Lee movie - Game of Death.

Fave Jackie Chan movie - Drunken Master 2. Dragons Forever comes in a close second.

I took Tae Kwon Do for a few years before I went off to art school. I was brown belt. I won a couple of tournaments too. My training was cut short when I accidently knocked out my teacher when we supposed to be just sparring...hehe... wink.gif He was about 6'2", I'm about 5'10". I did a roundhouse kick and broke his nose. He wasn't too happy when he woke up.

What about Michelle Yeoh. She's a hottie can kick some serious ass too. I'd let her kick mine. biggrin.gif


You know we aren't meant to exist in the outside world... - Akira


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BlueAngle, i surpose so, it uses the other persons strength against them. But it's not tought as an offensive art, but as a defensive art.

hold on........


Wing Chun dummy.




The old guy is Yip Man the only grandmaster.

It's a close range style, and it was tought in Shaolin monastery's.

[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 08-10-2000).]

[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 08-10-2000).]

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hey what schools did u guys train at? what tournaments did u fight in? i used to take TKD for a few years when i was in highschool, i loved every minute of it, one of the greatest experiences of my life, had to stop before college though cus partyin became a priority..ive been wanting to get back into it, i was thinkin about joining that school progressive martial arts in queens, anyone know if its good?? i went there once a few years ago to check it out, it was all street fighting then, and some weapons too, i used to go to John Chung's Tae Kwon Do in Long island...anyone ever heard of it?

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Jackie Chan is a v. funny martial artist/actor/comedian/crazy stunt man, whereas Bruce Lee was the first to make the cross over and legend complete with his own mythology.....it's an apples and oranges argument :P


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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