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Limelight- Skool session by Mr. C

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That's right. Mr. C schooled the Limelight and showed them what real music sounds like...

First off, I'd like to point out that I've never been there on a Saturday. From what I've heard about the crowd, it's a pretty diverse and mainstream crowd. Sure enough, everyone was right. The crowd, clueless. Now, it's nights like these that you really appreciate clubs like Twilo and Vinyl because most clubbers there have some clue on what's going on. That wasn't the case last night. Everyone looked a bit confused.

Mr C played an amazing set. He did a 3 hour set which started around 130 am. The only track that I recognized was Simon- Free at last. That's it! The crowd sucked. Beer boys on top of stage were pouring drinks on people walking by. They should of gotten kicked out. Oh, and the one thing I thought was funny was I saw this girl dancing and she seemed like she was really havin' it. I go up to her and asked her if she knew who the dj was. She replied back saying it was BORIS. I wasn't expecting to hear that one... I was LMAO!!! Is that who the resident is on Saturdays??

Anyone else go last night????

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Guest cosmicgirl

pretty damn cute...i posted that message, enough said! were you at vinyl friday?


What goes on?!?!

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Guest cosmicgirl

where do you work??....according to good old DT himself, he definitely is going to be spinning the new global underground from a to z (no, not a mendez reference) this coming friday....you should go! maybe then i'll be able to see your cute face in person!


What goes on?!?!

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I work at Cabrini Med Cntr and Mt Sinai. Also, the reason I can't go to Vinyl is because I'll be in the Hamptons. I've never been... Going to catch Oakie there this weekend.

I'm sure we'll bump into each other one of these days.


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OMG! How can you say Limelight sucked???? I had an awesome time on Saturday. The crowd was probably one of the best Ive seen in a longgg time. David Sigmund is definately bringing more people in to the party! The music was good and I met a lot of new people.Maybe you should try and hang out up in the VIP because the people are extremely friendly and its just a good vibe. I guess its just a matter of preference! I love this place and personally find it one of the best in NYC. At least theres no "fake poepl", guidos with their shirts off, or uptight girls walkin around.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Mr C was quite boring.

But, If you stayed late enough for Joe Bond, he played a much better and more interesting set.

The crowd was harmless. They weren't enthusiastic like at Twilo, but they weren't touchy-feely jerks like at Exit or Sound Factory. The vibe wasn't bad, it was just neutral.

Props to Dave Sigmund, whose friends and DJs I had the pleasure of meeting in the area behind the DJ booth. We had a great time waiting for Joe to go on, and met some really friendly and musically knowledgeable people.

And if you are looking for an alternative to Twilo (which has become a scary place to be, because of random drug searches and too many people),go out on Thursday night to Liquids, and Saturday to Limelight...and take friday off!

[This message has been edited by abgrover (edited 08-14-2000).]

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Hey Joe Bond was awesome I thought. I definately enjoyed his set. I was even lucky enough to get a cd of his from David. All of the people from Sigmund's group are great! He is definately bringing the party in. Im sure it will continue each week since he is throwing it!!!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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I thought Saturday was cool...

Mr. C was good but he was a little monotone I thought... kinda flat for too long... not many peaks etc.....

I saw the numbers at the end of the night and David Sigmund only brought in 100 people.... so I wouldnt say he is bringing the crowd in... I just think the word is spreading that it is getting good again.l...

Corbett started the night out with a great vibe... I didn't get to hear Joe Bond though.... but I'm not really into trance and I hear thats what all of Sigmund's people play....


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By the way..... NoLimit...

Corbett has been the resident since June or so.... but he isn't going to be there anymore... he got a Saturday night residency at a club in Washington, DC....and will probably be around to do Limelight once a month or so.....

There probably won't be a resident now for a while... more like a rotation of special guests and Sigmund's people.....

Funny that the girl said Boris... he hasnt been there since like May... just shows how ignorant people are....


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Mr C is a good DJ, i think there are two many peaks or anthems played anyway... trip me out for hours then blow the roof of with a huge tune.

Did you also notice the girl Nolimit was with? Props.

By the way you all must remeber the shamen and that E's are good song.. glad he has moved on!!

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The only reason why I went wasn't because of David Sigmund and co. I'm not into the trance thing anymore...It was because of Mr. C.

If you guys thought Mr C was boring. That's cool. Everyone has different tastes. That's what it all boils down to. He's not for everyone you know. He doesn't play the big tunes and doesn't play tracks with lots of drumrolls. I guess that's what everyone else was expecting.

As for the different crowd, are u kidding me. It was cheddar town in there... I'll stick to Twilo and Vinyl.

BTW- Layo & Bushwacka! this Wednesday at Twilo. They're residents alongside Mr. C at the end in london.


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NoLimit... I hope you didn't think that I wanted drumrolls... I am so over the "Staten Island" buildup as it is often referred to as.... and not into the anthems per se either.... but everyone thinks that all NY DJ's all play drumrolls... etc.... I dont mean thats what you think.... but on the other hand most other people do... so then when Mr. C comes to Limelight for example.. everyone is like wow great music... which I can agree with. On the other hand... Corbett has been at Limelight on Sats since June (not to mention that he was there every SAt from 93-95).. and he plays very good, underground house, tech house, progressive beats etc... not many drum rolls, etc etc... but NY doesnt pay attention to NY anymore sometimes in my opinion, and so most of you have not heard him spin there. I am using Corbett as an example but I see it happening to alot of NYs own DJs. We should respect those in our own backyard who deserve it.


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Wow! It's so funny how different peeps get a different vibe offa the same party!

The crowd at LL sucked so bad (that was so not the Dave Sigmund crowd on the dancefloor!), but the music was def kickass! As soon as I walked onto the dancefloor I got trounced on by some dumbass juicehead who was moshing all over the f-ing place. He stomped my ankle, broke my nail, and sent my cigarette pack flying across the room. GRRRRRRR. After that I made my way to the VIP, where I expected to find Dave Sigmund and his crew, but instead it was a buncha stoned out amateurs laying all over each other on the couches. I finally found my buds and we did our best, but it was a silly-assed crowd of knuckleheads in there --- no vibe whatsoever!

I'm going back this Saturday, tho, cuz yes Dave Sigmund usually brings a MUCH BETTER CROWD. And DJ Divine and Juno Reactor are going to bring a much better crowd right away, just by being trance djs, i think. I'm totally pumped!

Nolimit, yer Boris story is crackin' me up!

(blueskygirl AKA mbdewey --hadta change my username)



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Trust me Nicole, I think I'm a loyal supporter of the local djs. Guys like Bill Patrick, Que, Tini Tun, Luis Diaz, James Bem, David Hollands, touch bros, the list goes on and on. Hats of to them!

I'm always listening in. It's part of my job and a huge passion in my life.

Never heard Corbett until that night... You're right, he didn't play the BIG tunes. But then again, why would you when you're supposed to open up for a guy like Mr C.

What's so special about Sigmund's crowd?? They're still listening to yesteryear trance.

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Nolimit, u think so? Check out Divine this weekend, he's always playing the new hard tracks. He's a f-ing trance Jedi. He is playing the early set tho, but no doubt all will be impressed.



blueskygirl-aka mbdewey

unavoidable username change

Still the same ole me... but 50 posts lighter.

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misskittie..I hate to admit it but I finally agree with you....the diverse crowd at Limelight is a pleasure compared to the clones at SF, Exit, etc....isn't the scene supposed to celebrate unihibited uniqueness of expression

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Awww Im touched...you agree with me. No but for real, it is good seeing the new crowd coming in and I give a lot of credit to David Sigmunds party and the Zenwarp Goth party going on in the Gigger room. Limelight is starting to get its old vibe back.Maybe it will never fully be back in full force but from what I see so far, its going in the right direction!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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